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What a fantastic weekend.... fishing wise and weather wise


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Had a great long weekend.... up in "spinnerbaitking country"...


was amazing when i arrived Saturday morning to this >>>



Not a soul to be found.. amazing !


Not too long in to my morning I got into the first of many bass,, ,smallies and largies with a beautiful sunfish in the mix...





















You get the idea... about every 3-4 casts, with a Berkley watermelon coloured sink worm (wacky-rigged with a weedless hook) and wham.. FISH ON...


It was nuts.... and the morning was only 2 hours old...


I decided to troll down to the other end of the lake where I had watched others cris-crossing from side to side on previous visits while I was shore-fishing



The lake was like glass most of the morning and no one else showed up for about two hours.


While trolling with my, " new to me from Kijiji", electric motor I ran right into a weedbed... wasn't looking for one in THE MIDDLE OF THE LAKE :angry:


geesh... I thought my motor conked out.... but then it sputtered and as I looked down at it... a big chunk of weeds was wrapped around it...


Being new to this whole trolling thing... I just put it in reverse and blew those buggers right back to where they came from.. Not sure if that is the right way to do that... but it sure worked fine this time :huh:


I headed closer to shore where I could see some great submerged cover,,,,


tossed my sinking worm back in and quickly got this beautiful sunfish





Truly amazing colours on it..


A couple more casts, with a different brand of worm that was the same colour but had a red tip on it...


I was in to them again.....


holy smokes...


it was truly the best morning of my short bass fishing career. :D









Well.... U don't need to see anymore than those examples...




On a cast that went " a little further than planned" I thought I was snagged on a log or something...


I was gently tightening the line to see if it would pull off and it was only getting tighter..


But then... the line went limp.... :huh:


I gave it a BIG HOOK SET...


and WHAMMO.... :o



The fight was on!



It took two "sky dives" ... pulled line like crazy... till i tightened the drag down a notch or two ;)

and then it came charging at the canoe....

I was reeling like crazy trying to keep up with it on my cheap 5:1 gear ratio ...lol

all the time I am hearing my daughter, Botbot, voice saying : "don't lose it daddy"... lol

( I was wishing she was with me, but alas,,, she is at Disneyland for a week with her god-parents)


The fish bent my medium-stiff rod in half like a pretzel and tore under the canoe like it was heading to a smorgasbord of baby sunfish on a green weedbed platter...


nothing was stopping this fish from going under the canoe...


I was just hoping it wouldn't get caught up in the motor....


I finally got it landed and took a couple of shots immediately... it was huuuge....





Wanting to get a better picture of it...

I quickly filled my bailing bucket with water( thank goodness it was a big pail) and hooked the fish through the bottom lip with my chain, put it in the bucket and then hooked the chain to the bar on the canoe... "just in case"...lol


I put my little motor in high gear and headed back to the launch where a young family was fishing...


Man I coulda swam there with that fish... my adrenalin was so pumped...lol


A few of the photographers on the this site gave me a a couple of pointers about taking some pics to give the fish some perspective of size,,,


so I grabbed the first thing I could think of when I got on shore and took this....






The father had an old weigh scale in his tackle box and we weighed it... it said....




Holy crap... I blew right thru "the nickle"....


I have been catching lots of 3-4 lbers recently and was just hoping for my " first knickle" ... lol


We grabbed the chain and quickly counted the links ( an inch long) it for some length and girth measurements...


Length - 22"


Girth - 15 "... a real football...


I checked the O.F.A.H site for their Estimated weight calculator and put the numbers in...


their calculator says >>>> 6.1875lbs !


woohooo.. :rolleyes:



I will call it 6lbs for myself,, just in case I get any grief from someone on here.... ;)




A couple more shots of my Personal Best ( weight wise) small-mouth bass for the OFC board



and this one with my favorite t-shirt prominently displayed... :P



That fish went back in the water and swam off like nothing ever happened to it... B)


I went back out.... caught a few more and came back in to shore....


Had a nice nap in the van.... and went back out for the evening fish,,.,,



the action was nothing like the morning.... but I did get to see this view on the way back in on this quiet lake ALL BY MYSELF at the end of a perfect day of fishing
















This beauty

Edited by splashhopper
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give yourself a pat on the back .....one heck of a report!!!!!


as far as:

bass go ....good ones

scenery goes....excellent

t shirt goes.......awsome




i really do think there should be monthly awards for some of the reports that get posted on here...( hint hint )



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Great report, lots of fun to read! That was one perfect day of bassin! Contrats on the PB :thumbsup_anim: ... that's gonna be a tough one to beat.


That's interesting you mentioned " tough one to beat"....


After I caught that one... the next ones just seemed so,,,, bland! lol


It was even harder to get pumped up for fishing on Labour day....


oh well... the trout will be coming in soon enough..



btw... that bass in your photo looks huge too...

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