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Internet Assassins


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Hey, it happens. I got some rude words when I first joined on the site and that was because I did something wrong unintentionally. I learned from this mistake I made last year and here I am, made some friends, met some members and I can't stay off this community forum. This really is a great place but sometimes put yourself in the shoes of the guy defending his self.


In this last scenario, he was sharing info, might of told a few fibs but who are we to judge and say what is right or wrong. As the saying goes, "don't judge a book by it's cover".


Hell come around and most if not everybody will forget about this last thing on here.


Cheers to Fun Times,


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Well I have to say that I was watching the other post and I gotta tell you smells a bit fishy to me(poo too) I think The young one needs to suck it up speak it trufuly and to be honest if its all true prove it and its all settled if not he got what he deserved . And please all the soothers on hear back in the day when there was no internet it was all face to face and i have to tell you he would have got filled in

Flame me all you want have at it I got big shoulders and no bullpoo

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Way to give that 16 year old heck guys - real classy! Guy comes on here to talk his area and share his knowledge and some of you tools jump all over the kid... wow...


There's something to be said for reserving judgement.


He was admonished early on to post something useful, and he tried. That's a point in his favour.


I think the responses that have to do with picking apart spelling and grammar are a bit out of line. I'm a stickler for them (that's why you'll often see my posts edited) but I know we're not all like that.


My advice to him would be not to try to defend himself by posting claims that he can't prove, just try to keep posting useful contributions and it might all work itself out.


You have to admit he's got some pluck. I think what he has to realize that there are some pretty knowledgeable guys here who will pick apart something suspect pretty fast. :D


I wouldn't be surprised if he disappears pretty quickly (and to be frank the situation is to a significant extent of his own making) but I hope he sticks around.




EDIT - I went to put a link to this topic on the other thread so he wouldn't miss it, but it was closed. This topic may suffer the same fate. Might be a good thing, I'm not sure.

Edited by Jocko
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I think The young one needs to suck it up speak it trufuly and to be honest if its all true prove it and its all settled if not he got what he deserved . And please all the soothers on hear back in the day when there was no internet it was all face to face and i have to tell you he would have got filled in

Flame me all you want have at it I got big shoulders and no bullpoo



Thats the problem with this board.. ya gotta prove everything .. and god forbid your grammar and spelling isnt perfect ..gotta love all the tough internet bullies .. if you dont have anything positive to say shut up.

Edited by ChrisK
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Isn't this site spose to be about fishing ??? I see alot of pissing matches going on here latley.... If the kid is speaking truthfully, then Hes a better fisherman that I am, and for that I would go to him for advice. If he isn't than leave it be and let him have his fun and move on !

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I thought he was a smart kid regardless, sort of humorous and entertaining, it was like a little game, even if it wasn't all truth it was impressive that he came up with little stories for each body of water with at least a little research done prior. :thumbsup_anim:

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Age is not necessarily any proof of fishing experience.


You're so right there Rich. I know a guy (who shall remain nameless) who is 3 times that age and if he wants to feed his family any fish at all he has to bring his wife Monique, his son Avery and his daughter Jaden out in the boat with him to catch the fish.

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You're so right there Rich. I know a guy (who shall remain nameless) who is 3 times that age and if he wants to feed his family any fish at all he has to bring his wife Monique, his son Avery and his daughter Jaden out in the boat with him to catch the fish.

:w00t: :w00t:

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What I really enjoy about this site is reading about other people's reports and seeing pictures of a good day (or bad day) out on the water. What I've noticed a lot lately that more often than not is someone cannot post a report without someone finding something to point out to flame the reporter for:


-You're holding the fish wrong!

-I can't believe you killed it!

-You should blur your background!

-You shouldn't blur your background!

-You're using the wrong kind of net!

-Your fish is out of the water!


Sometimes it is warranted, but often someone goes out of their way to take good pictures, spends the time to detail his/her report and gets jumped on by someone that wants to hear themselves type. For example someone will assume and flame a reporter for holding a fish by the gills or laying it on the ground without first establishing if they released the fish or kept it for consumption. It's things like this that prevent people from sharing their experiences here, which is the whole point of this community. I hope this discussion can help create better awareness of how we all communicate with each other.

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When I was 16 I spent 278 days of the year out in my boat bass fishing. Age is not necessarily any proof of fishing experience.



You are correct it is not the age that makes the difference it is the creditability that makes it so.


Here is an example:


Fishing the Niagra Falls area by the Peace Bridge.


First of all I have found that the left side of the bridge on the USA side holds a lot better cover especially the area that leads to the deep holes were the current breaks are by the red buoy. I use a black spinner that has a gold feather body that is trolled fast and just below the surface. I have picked up some good size bass down river were the green buoy is along the edge were the rocks change more to a white color. I also have had great luck with the walleye bottom bouncing a yellow jig tipped with minnows along behind the bridge supports.


While all of this sounds good here is the rub.


The closest I have come to fishing that area is I drive across it on the way to Lake Nipissing. The information that I have given to anyone here is very broad with just enough detail for someone to waste a days fishing looking for the points I have given to back up my fantasy trip. If I presented this information as my own and professed that it was factual when it isn't then I have not done a service to anyone.


You will find that their are some people that over the years have given information on things that they have proven they know something about. If Bernie says something about a mechanical issue you can Bet I will take it to the bank. If you have a question on metals the you would do well to ask Wayne for an answer. When someone comes on the board and uses it for his personal play toy and continues to laugh at the people to see if they will swallow the next line of Bull then I will step in again and again and call them on their line. If you come on the board and speak the"truth" and embellish the size of the fish then you are a true fisherman... if you come on the board and make up a pack of lies and present them as factual with no creditability or are proved wrong with people who do have creditability then you deserve to be reminded that your Bulling and it isn't needed nor is it appreciated.




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if you come on the board and make up a pack of lies and present them as factual with no creditability or are proved wrong with people who do have creditability then you deserve to be reminded that your Bulling and it isn't needed nor is it appreciated.




and why would anyone have to "prove" anything to you or anyone else?????



if you believe everything you read on the net you need to give your head a shake and find a hobby .. try fishing .. I hear its fun

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When I was 16 I spent 278 days of the year out in my boat fishing.


That's 5.7966666 months of the year in the boat every day!


Prove it! :D:D:D J/K


Seriously though you do have to have a thick skin when posting on any internet board - this one is no exception. I've seen some posts that looked fine but somebody finds something controversial. I might have even been guilty myself, but nah, it's OK when I do it. :P

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u hoh ...here we go again ... :lol:


must be a full moon or all the beer fridges in ontario are broken simultaneously B)


Naw I think it's my underwear chaffing me. I just don't have the tolerance for people Bulling today. I will be a good boy again tommorrow as my tolerance will have built up again.


Jocko how much is .79666 of a month? and don't answer me in that metric gobbldy gook I am from wayyyy South and we don't understand that stuff yet.



Have a good day all



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I love a good lively discussion

but to pick on someones grammar sucks.

it has to be because you want to harass the person but can't think of anything witty to say...if you want good grammar join the teachers forum and you can correct each other all day long ........


we need to cut a little slack for kids

but sometimes they need to be brought down to earth and put in their place

same can be said for me, come to think of it



god I hope I didn't end my sentence with a preposition

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Jocko how much is .79666 of a month? and don't answer me in that metric gobbldy gook I am from wayyyy South and we don't understand that stuff yet.


That is metric. :D


About 80/100ths to you. :D


All the important stuff in Canada is still measured in pounds and feet - fish, lumber, etc. - no kidding.


But we've kinda lost the battle against kilometers and litres and degrees Celsius. <_<

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