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First of all, it's called WFN "World" Fishing Network, to me that implies fishing around the world??? If you don't like it, don't subscribe, or write the network and instead of complaining about the shows they have, maybe suggest something you'd like to see. It's possible there aren't that many fishing shows out there? Strangely there are likely people out there that like some of the programming you don't, go figure. Like any other TV network, watch what you like, don't watch what you don't like, it seems all very simple to me, but then I am a very simple person.




First off Maureen, I was not complaining about the different shows. I for one actually do Saltwater fishing alot each year. I watch them all but was wondering why I'm paying for endless re runs. I actually record each series of shows, Lately I come home to watch them and get endless re runs. I subscribed to it thinking most stuff was current. Guess you are having a bad dad from that answer. I was asking a simple question. Read my post without putting extra words in there that are not. Thanks


Some great ideas on here. JPD, why not tell or suggest to them to do shows like How its made( Pertaining to the fishing industry). More in studio style shows would be great. How about more in studio shows that explain stuff to anglers. Lowrance or Humminbird detailing how to use electronics would be a slam dunk I would think. Tackle Craft ?

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For $2.50/month why is everyone complaining? If you watch one or two shows a month it's worth your money.


I watch all the fly fishing shows. They're great and you can't see them on any other channel.


Why the reruns and infomercials? IT'S A BUSINESS. They have to fill the time and try and generate revenues. The channel is relative new and doesn't have a lot of subscribers. Without subscribers they can't attract advertisers. Instead they're left scrapping the bottom of the bucket for folks who will pay to advertise. WFN hardly fills any commercial slots. That's why you see so much self-promotion. They can't find anyone! Hopefully as subscriber numbers grow, and the economy improves, more advertisers will recognize the value of this advertising venue and pay for commercial slots. It's the typical cable model. Revenues from subscribers and advertisers. More so the later.


If this channel doesn't make a profit eventually it will be shut down. That's what's happening currently with the Super Channel.


If you want original programming with no reruns you're not realistic.


Smalliefisher. Great ideas but they cost money. Money they probably can't afford nor justify. Get the subs up and advertisers on board and then the new programming will come.

Edited by rover1.5dx
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All fishing shows are reruns, they're filmed the year before and you're seeing them about 9 months later.


If you want current fishing show watch the Limeyangler fishing show on this board!!! ;)


You can see some current stuff on youtube as well... not your hosted/commercialized fishing shows, but regular people doing some good fishing!

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Bottom line is that 95% of the shows film 13 episodes per year... that covers 1 half hour slot once per week for the thirteen weeks... There are 48 slots available per day on any network and 365 days in the year... that would mean you would need 17520 original shows per year to not use reruns... to make matters worse is when you factor in the 13 episode delivery... it would take over 1300 different shows to fill the schedule!!! Never going to happen in a million years I'm afraid... especially if you have any standards for what you chose to air on your network.


You must also see what it costs to make shows happen plus the time commitment for properly done shows... we're not talking about shows that film off tripods, have barely any cut aways or graphics, we're talking shows with some serious production value like Mercer's Facts of Fishing, Scott Martin Challenge, FLW, Lindner's Angling Edge, Jarret Edwards Outdoors, FlyMax, Some of the salt shows just to name a few... and if you look for it you can really see the difference... from underwater footage, cut aways, graphics packages that are custom made, not something you would find in Microsoft Movie Maker, studio work on on site explanations plus the fishing from creative angles... all this takes major time and money... in most cases upwards of $6,000 - $10,000 per episode!!! Don't get me wrong, you could create a show for less but in most cases it would look like you did unless you are one of the most talented Jack of all trades out there.


As for WFN creating new shows, there are a couple in the works that are not fishing focused and they will definitely fill a void in the programming but again it takes money to create and deliver!!!


The Lowrance / Humminbird stuff will be incorporated into my show this year so that should make a bunch of guys happy. I have had many requests for it through a bunch of emails asking hows and whys regarding electronics so it was a natural fit for this coming season.



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Bottom line is that 95% of the shows film 13 episodes per year... that covers 1 half hour slot once per week for the thirteen weeks... There are 48 slots available per day on any network and 365 days in the year... that would mean you would need 17520 original shows per year to not use reruns... to make matters worse is when you factor in the 13 episode delivery... it would take over 1300 different shows to fill the schedule!!! Never going to happen in a million years I'm afraid... especially if you have any standards for what you chose to air on your network.


You must also see what it costs to make shows happen plus the time commitment for properly done shows... we're not talking about shows that film off tripods, have barely any cut aways or graphics, we're talking shows with some serious production value like Mercer's Facts of Fishing, Scott Martin Challenge, FLW, Lindner's Angling Edge, Jarret Edwards Outdoors, FlyMax, Some of the salt shows just to name a few... and if you look for it you can really see the difference... from underwater footage, cut aways, graphics packages that are custom made, not something you would find in Microsoft Movie Maker, studio work on on site explanations plus the fishing from creative angles... all this takes major time and money... in most cases upwards of $6,000 - $10,000 per episode!!! Don't get me wrong, you could create a show for less but in most cases it would look like you did unless you are one of the most talented Jack of all trades out there.


As for WFN creating new shows, there are a couple in the works that are not fishing focused and they will definitely fill a void in the programming but again it takes money to create and deliver!!!


The Lowrance / Humminbird stuff will be incorporated into my show this year so that should make a bunch of guys happy. I have had many requests for it through a bunch of emails asking hows and whys regarding electronics so it was a natural fit for this coming season.




I could see programs on boating (fishing specific), travel (fishing again), MNR projects and operations (probably too geographically specific for an international audience but perhaps Ontario is a big enough destination to warrant it, Canoes & Kayaks for fishing, cottage management (in fishing country, of course), cooking (fish), DIY (lure making, boats, smoking fish, rod making), nifty innovations or even nifty DIY ideas, boat & trailer maintenance, reel maintenance and repair, and so on. If the focus was sufficiently fishy it would fly and give more variety. It's gotta be tough for all these fish shows to keep coming up with fresh material. How about a show that relates to a blog or forum and features the most interesting threads or topics raised. Regular folks get a huge kick out of seeing their name and face on tv once in a while.


The universality is an ongoing problem but some of those ideas work across the spectrum of North American fishing and others might just be intersting enuf to get some viewership. It also opens the door to new sponsor involvement.


If anybody decides to follow up on any of those ideas I've got a brother who can do the music for you. He's actually very good at it, a pro. I want him to get rich so he can take care of me in my dotage. I might need a minder to accompany me on my river excursions when I start forgetting where I am. He can pay them. :P



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Good ideas JohnF, all applicable in some way shape or form but can you sell it? You have to get the sponsors to have the money to make the shows!


Your next problem might be the emails complaining about wanting to see fish not emails and travel... :)


Either way, being VP in charge of programming is not a job I would ever consider.. I know how hard he works and what he's up against. He's a better man than me for having the ambition and patience! :angel:

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13 shows a year is pathetic IMO, but I guess someone would actually have to work to provide 26 shows per year! :rolleyes:


26 shows would give a great variety and we wouldn't have to watch the same old crap over and over!



... but maybe the famous TV Star fishermen can't catch enough fish with their Good Friend and guide whom they just met today Cletus Drippendickel in a year to make 26 episodes eh?


I'm thinking the hardest thing about putting together a fishin' show is when to edit in the commercials so the folks at home don't realize you just went from a blue shirt, to a green one, to a kahki one, and to a red one... so they won't realize it took you 4 days to catch enough fish to make a 20 minute show (plus 10 minutes of commercials) <_<

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Well there GCD


Why dont you start yer own show, and show them?


These guys have family lives and other commitments besides just fishing.What they give, they do well, and to me, thats just fine.



If yer not happy with the show and service,DONT WATCH AND PAY FOR IT.



You make it sound like, every angler should be able to catch fish and know everything, 12 months of the year.




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Well there GCD


Why dont you start yer own show, and show them?


These guys have family lives and other commitments besides just fishing.What they give, they do well, and to me, thats just fine.



If yer not happy with the show and service,DONT WATCH AND PAY FOR IT.



You make it sound like, every angler should be able to catch fish and know everything, 12 months of the year.






Well I'll tell ya Mr. Misfish, if I had an expense account that would pay for travel, meals, lodging, and the hire of Cletus Drippindickel... I'd do just that!!!


Family and commitments can wait while you're providing for the said family!!!


I do not watch nor pay for TV fishing shows anymore, I've had a belly full of their bullcrap!!!... I liken it to professional wrestling!


Not every angler can catch fish at will and only knows a small amount... but if you're gonna be a TV Star fisherman, I think you should mind your P's and Q's and put forth your utmost effort!!!



I'd like to see a TV fishin' show where the host, guest, and guide eat a huge supper of Baked beans, boiled cabbage, and boiled eggs the night before filming... then have a farting contest the day of filming while catching fish... NOW THAT'S ENTERTAINMENT!!! :w00t:

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First of all, the only TV stations I have are the local ones I get for free through an antenna.



GCD's attitude is a little surprising. I'm curious what the chip on his shoulder is all about. I really don't like country music, for example, but I don't have a lot of bad feelings toward Willie Nelson. I just don't listen listen to his music...it's almost like GCD thinks TV anglers owe him money.


One guy's particularly venomous rant aside, I also find it a little surprising that a fair amount of posters seem to think that those paying to watch a television network don't have the right to complain about it's content. I can see that some people associated with producing these shows are members of the OFC so it would appear as though an effort is being made to silence critical voices to spare the feelings of those involved. Doing so does them no favors. Those in charge of programming know they will never please everyone, but they also know they need to listen to honest criticism if they want to improve their product.

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GCD's attitude is a little surprising. I'm curious what the chip on his shoulder is all about. I really don't like country music, for example, but I don't have a lot of bad feelings toward Willie Nelson. I just don't listen listen to his music...it's almost like GCD thinks TV anglers owe him money.



I claim all fish in North America and it's coastal waters as "MINE"... I let the common people ( some a lot more common than others) fish for them for free!


If you're going to profit from fishing for fish in North America, I demand royalties!!!


I'm awaiting my royalty checks as we speak!!!

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One guy's particularly venomous rant aside, I also find it a little surprising that a fair amount of posters seem to think that those paying to watch a television network don't have the right to complain about it's content. I can see that some people associated with producing these shows are members of the OFC so it would appear as though an effort is being made to silence critical voices to spare the feelings of those involved. Doing so does them no favors. Those in charge of programming know they will never please everyone, but they also know they need to listen to honest criticism if they want to improve their product.


The right to voice one's opinion is a part of life and that's why all networks have "CONTACT US" links on their websites... will they make everyone happy? Probably not but as they grow you would hope their content would improve but if it doesn't to your liking then you always have the option of not watching. Seems pretty simple to me. :dunno:


The problem is when there are unrealistic demands from a network... like no infomercials, original content from January to December, no commercials... that is impossible for anyone to comply with unless the network has a huge paying audience at a big ticket to offset the income these things bring in. I have often told people to contact the network when they don't enjoy something or have a suggestion since I have always felt that a customers opinion is most times the only one that matters and I still will continue to welcome people to contact WFN at any time... feedback will only help them evolve.


I have seen Billy Mays Hayes on Spike numerous times and several other networks... unfortunately, as annoying as he is, they pay and bills are a major part of any network.


I personally have never been attacked or criticized (aside from the cranky one) here or felt that way and I know Dave feels the same and we definitely don't feel like we need special treatment... we just like to contribute where we can and be a part of this community... I have been a member here for many years, well before I started doing the tv thing. Believe me when I tell you to be involved in this industry you have to have some pretty thick skin or you would never last... trust me on that one!


BTW... since GCD owns the water and needs his commissions from us using it I will comply..I think 10% is fair but the only problem is that since my show has no sponsors so we can objectively showcase anyone's product without bias we run a $50,000 deficit every year so GCD... I'll be expecting my check just like a GST refund!! Now what can I do with that $5000? :lol:

Edited by JPD
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BTW... since GCD owns the water and needs his commissions from us using it I will comply..I think 10% is fair but the only problem is that since my show has no sponsors so we can objectively showcase anyone's product without bias we run a $50,000 deficit every year so GCD... I'll be expecting my check just like a GST refund!! Now what can I do with that $5000? :lol:



I've worked for people like that before!


They never make any money and are always "going in the hole" on every job, but they always stay in business and have nice things to show for it.... I haven't quite figured out how that one works yet :rolleyes:


As soon as I get my Bill Dance royalty check (he told me it's in the mail) I'll be sending you my part of the deficit JP.

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Good ideas JohnF, all applicable in some way shape or form but can you sell it? You have to get the sponsors to have the money to make the shows!


Your next problem might be the emails complaining about wanting to see fish not emails and travel... :)


Either way, being VP in charge of programming is not a job I would ever consider.. I know how hard he works and what he's up against. He's a better man than me for having the ambition and patience! :angel:


Here's a couple of realistic ideas for your fishing show JP:


1. Be honest, tell the folks at home how long it took you to catch the fish in your 20 minute segment!.. something like, "Boy! We were skund bad the fisrt 2 days of filming... but today we're tearing them up!!!"


2. Fish out of a tiller boat, Canadians really eat that kind of stuff up!!! (it'll make the deficit smaller too!)

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Here's a couple of realistic ideas for your fishing show JP:


1. Be honest, tell the folks at home how long it took you to catch the fish in your 20 minute segment!.. something like, "Boy! We were skund bad the fisrt 2 days of filming... but today we're tearing them up!!!"


2. Fish out of a tiller boat, Canadians really eat that kind of stuff up!!! (it'll make the deficit smaller too!)


No way. Colourfully wrapped bass boats are like Nascar to us cold water fishers. We all settle for tillers but secretly covet a 20' 250 horse ripsnortin' bassboat. At least give us the thrill vicariously.


On that note a nice little addition to on-screen programming would be stereo boat sound while on plane, the nastier the better. I wanna feel the boat run across my tv room at 70mph. And include a little corner screen insert showing the gps speed reading when running the boat.



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No way. Colourfully wrapped bass boats are like Nascar to us cold water fishers. We all settle for tillers but secretly covet a 20' 250 horse ripsnortin' bassboat. At least give us the thrill vicariously.


On that note a nice little addition to on-screen programming would be stereo boat sound while on plane, the nastier the better. I wanna feel the boat run across my tv room at 70mph. And include a little corner screen insert showing the gps speed reading when running the boat.





humm maybe a candy apple boat next go around.....


GCD just some simple advise from a fellow red neck to another JP is about as good as they get, in terms of fishing integrity, and way above all this sorta Bull honestly why pick a fight with one of the best bass guys around, and someone trying to make a show that is new and pretty cool to be honest.........i ll bet there are hundreds of guys out there that took up bass fishing because of him arent there some noodlers down your way in hog swallower that might work better....but honestly chill out....have a beer.....spit roast a pig or something..better yet go fishing buddy and remember topless pics are way better then speedo shots... peace Dont get me wrong Im not lookin to pick a fight here just saying to cut a bit of slack...

Edited by aniceguy
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