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As some of you might be aware, I made the biggest lifestyle change of my life in August. I retired from the forces and decided to move to Saskatchewan. Reason, Economy and a future, of course there had to be good fishing. I bought a house for 104,000 after selling mine in Wasaga Beach for 194,000. I still owe the bank but went from a 15yr Morgage to 3yr only to invest instead of paying outright. I took a course as a truckdriver in Ontario and secured a job in the Oil patch $18 hr and after 40hrs $27hr. After 6 months decided to work closer to home but work a normal 4ohr week vice 75hr week. There is a huge problem here for employment. Both Alberta and Saskatchewan cannot find skilled and unskilled laborers. Sask govn are pleading to young people to stay in Sask instead of Alberta, Higher income. Albertans are buying property in Sask because of the low cost of living and cheap housing. Could be the cheapest in Canada with high employment. Companys both small and big are going outside of canada to sponser and higher foreigners. The job I work, waste management, 2 brothers own a small buisness just sponsered a Ukranian family to Sask because he apparently was a farmer and worked on farm equipment. They need a mechanic. the owners arent even sure if they speak English but are willing to pay for their english Classes. Talk of the City here, North Battleford, is that a lot of companys are doing the same thing. Do you believe, that there is nearly a whole town from the former Yugoslavia that immigrated here. All have jobs. There is a piece of heaven 3 hrs North where I might buy a 2 Bdr house for 20,000 and use it as a summer getaway. In a town where the pulp mill just closed down, however, real estate are desperate, advertising, the town to be a good recreation getaway. There is a boat launch (free) in town that is on a lake with excellent fishing. Many lakes are around. What I am saying is, THERE an opportunity out here if you are willing to move. Why am I saying this. I would rather see other Canadians move here, than go outside of the country. Any questions pm me

Edited by holdfast
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Excuse me but, both Canada and the U.S. were built on immigration! If you're not of native American descent, that's how you got here. I'm glad to hear about the employment opportunities, but most young people nowadays don't want the tough jobs like construction and laboring. They don't want to be hot, or cold, or wet, or dirty, or muddy, or greasy... they want to be in nice clean climate control. The immigrants will work harder and be more appreciative.


Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go mix concrete by hand in a light freezing drizzle.

Edited by Greencoachdog
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My brother in law lives in Grand Prairie Alb. Yes there is lots of good paying jobs but from what he tells me the cost of living, especially buying a house is very high. Him and his wife are both Realestate agents and cant get enough homes to sell to keep up the demand.

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Why am I saying this. I would rather see other Canadians move here, than go outside of the country. Any questions pm me


Im a first generation Canadian, my parents are immigrants, my wife is an immigrant, and three of my four kids are technically immigrants. Does that mean that me and only one of my children are welcome??? NO THANKS :angry:

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You guys need to relax! I can appreciate his point. How many people are homeless, etc. that are already living in Canada?!?!?! Granted, they probably don't have a computer or internet, so they will never see this. It really is a shame.

THanks for the heads up holdfast. The rest of you naysayers should go icefishing and get rid of some of your irritability.

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I didn't read anything in Holdfast's post about condemning legal immigration. His key word was "opportunity". Yes, an opportunity for those living off the production of others, to become gainfully employed. He exposed an opportunity for people to work themselves off welfare and for lazy, young and not so young, men and women to cut the cord and move from their parent's home.


I also see the post as a message to any board member who is stuck in a stagnant job and would like to get away from traffic for a well paying work opportunity in an attractive location.


We need to take care not to be so PC in our thinking that we can't accept word from a fellow board member about what's out West for us. He made a huge move and loves it. He's just sharing with us, nothing else.


Holdfast, I'm happy for you and hope a couple of people from this board are influenced by your post.


I know exactly what you meant by your post.

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I see nothing wrong with what he wrote

he didn't say he hated or didn't want immigrants..he just would like people that are like himself and what is wrong with that

most immigrants move to the same areas of the city or country whole streets are filled with immigrants from the same nation..they want to be near people like themselves and speaks the same language so why can a Canadain want the same thing without people flying off the handle...a vote for someone who looks like, talks like and does like ones self is not a vote against anyone else.....damn political correctness is out of hand

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Excuse me but, both Canada and the U.S. were built on immigration! If you're not of native American descent, that's how you got here.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go mix concrete by hand in a light freezing drizzle.

Not wanting to make it sound like a politically correct post or have any racial inferences of any type, but unless the ones who claim to be here first were hatched in this hemisphere, they are no more "native" than you me or anyone else who walked in or took the second, third or forty-forth boat boat to get here.

As for work, I've always been of the belief that those who want to work will have no trouble finding it, those who are picky or lazy won't amount to anything.

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Thanks for the update Holdfast.


Been throwing this around for a while. I can get a promotion going there and not have to wait for the senority here. I am looking at either Calgary or Edmonton. Ya only get one time around might as well venture out abit.


Also, I get what you are saying about Canadians etc... Basically letting us know here to take advantage of the opportunites there before they are gone....appreciate that.

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Forget all this unimportant crap about who should immigrate and who shouldn't (PC in any flavor just makes me want to puke anyhow and yes that includes politics LOL).....


The really IMPORTANT question his post raises is WHAT TYPE OF FISHING DOES THAT LAKE OFFER!!!!. I would think about a move for giant trout, walleye and muskie. If that lake out there just has "good fishing" for catfish, carp, perch or pike I would rather stay in good ol Ontario LOL. Although from what I understand NO WHERE in North America is there the variety and quality of fishing that I can enjoy within a 90 minute drive of where I live now. Convince me I am wrong and I will think about migrating west until then I can live quite well on my 8.00/hr miminum wage here in the land of milk and honey.

Edited by Canuck2fan
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That's just great that those who have come to that area are working and turning a buck, paying taxes and prospering. Sure puts those "others' to shame that show up with their hands out.....with a freakin gun in it trying to sell dope to my kids and screwing up the 'hood.

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Thanks for defending my point as to what I was trying to say just before I left for work this morning. There is a time difference here. Often I have been misread, sometimes having to justify my intentions. Touchy, feely, mouthy generation, I guess? Anyways, I want to stress IF YOU WANT TO MOVE, I may be able to help you. ( why I stated, if there are any questions PM me) Dont get me wrong, I love Ontario and that is why I asked to move back to Ontario from Alberta to where I was last posted for 3 years during my last 4 yrs in the Military. My dream was to Semi-retire and settle down around the Ottawa Valley particularily Petawawa, Algonquin Park Area. It is my Lifetime time best fishing and camping area, and, with all my numerous moves which I still consider home although I grew up in Montreal. Financially I took a chance and moved. Yea I miss Bass and brookie fishing, But I missed the big Pike and Walleye fishing while in Wasaga Beach. I was paying for everything. Boat launches, camping, because, I couldnt find a piece of shoreline that nobody owned. I had to move, My wife could only get part time work, but worked overtime. What is that! They dont want to pay benefits. (Just a point for Greencoachdog and Pinch. You guys, are way too sensitive, RELAX! My Wife and her immediate family were born in Bagdad. I never knew where that was when I met them at 17yrs old. Immigrated to Canada when she was 12. Her Dad was sponsered by the church and a buisness in New Brunswick who immediately employed him. No Govern Handouts and had to wait 5 yrs for the oath.(HE DID THAT ALONE, without family or friends AND I HIGHLY RESPECT THAT) My two teenage daughters could not get nothing in Wasaga without experience. Both found employment within their first 3 resumes here, and they never worked before. 17 and 18yrs old. Like some of the guys that replyed, there are opportunities in Alberta and especially the little secret I found out when I was posted in Wainwright AB. Its called Saskatchewan. Oil does not STOP at the AB border. The economy is crazy here. Again, any questions if you may be getting layed off ie, the auto industry, or are thinking about moving out West. I will give you the HONEST ANSWERS and I may help. All Military and former Military know that 99% of us are truthful. Right or Wrong, Kick in a fisherman.

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The rest of you naysayers should go icefishing and get rid of some of your irritability.





Fishinfiend when u have not been insulted by racial slurs by holdfast then by all means i shall....I CAN SEE WHY some people are a little upset.


A previous post directed at me from holdfast and had to be edited by a mod





Just to let you guys know. Im not too partial with people.



Edit: I took the liberty of correcting the spelling of the last words in your sentence.


Please re-read the rules of adhesion to our forum.






I am only irritabile around racist people. :D

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(Just a point for Greencoachdog and Pinch. You guys, are way too sensitive, RELAX!


Sorry HoldFast, why is it that I need to relax?


You made your comment about prefering to have Canadians live near you. I simply replied that your comment appeared to exclude almost all of my family and invited you to comment. Which i guess you have done by telling me to relax.


What if we changed 'canadians' to 'white people'. Would what you said still be ok? Would you still tell someone to relax and that they are being too sensitive?

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Well I'm not sensitive and I'm one of the most relaxed people you'll ever meet.


Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't the employment opportunities for western Canada pretty much common knowledge for all Canadians?... and have been for years? Hasn't the Canadian government been pushing to populate the west for years?

So your message isn't any kind of new news.


To tell you the truth, the employment opportunities and pay you described didn't sound all that great to me. Time and a half pay for hours over 40 is the law in most places. It also doesn't sound much different than what folks living in other parts of Canada are making.


If the Alberta and Sask governments want people to come work there, they need to sweeten the pot more than that... or look elsewhere for people to man the jobs. Which it sounds like is what they're doing.


what really chaps my ass is the general belief among some white Anglos that immigrants are coming to our countries and stealing our jobs. They're not! they're taking the low paying, no glory, and dirty jobs we don't want and can't hire anybody else to do. They're the backbone of the crap job work force!

Edited by Greencoachdog
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I just came back from Edmonton today.....Economy is definetly booming...not only oil business...but construction sites on the go all over Edmonton.........In talking to the locals there, they had stated that Saskatchewan has the same potential in the oil fields as northern alberta, just the infastructure is not in place yet.... Who knows? the best gig going maybe real estate in Northern Saskatchewan? Just look at the prices for a single family dwelling in Fort Mcmurray....upwards of 300k for a tiny house....All that said, when I was there paper stated temp in Fort mcmurray was a high of -31 for the day.....too cold for me to work outside......

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In Sask the oil Industry starts about a 20 min drive west of North Battleford. There was talk that they would also produce closer to the city making North Battleford an oil town. It is Rumour but has not happened yet. I heard everything from, there is not enough labourers to fill in the job, People are lazy in this city, ie Welding shops etc will not open 24hrs to support the industry and so on. Even that they are cutting production. All I know, because of a rumour, real estate fees are jumping, Albertans are buying land that is still cheap and companys are going outside the country to get employees. Thats a fact yea and its cold here, but you get used to it

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what really chaps my ass is the general belief among white Anglos that immigrants are coming to our countries and stealing our jobs.


Isn't stereotyping all white anglos as having this "general belief" illustrating the same racism you are denouncing???

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I think I get the point,

Its always better to see Canadian Jobs go to Canadians as opposed to out sourceing....It helps the economy and keeps people off soccial assistance programs.

So its a double positive.


If the job is filled from applicants outside of Canada so be it...

I'd take it that means Us Canucks are either not interested in that job, or to lazy to appreciate the job LOL...


Now lets go fishing!

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but what i dont get is why not take all canadians that are on welfare that are able to work or even homeless people and give them a bright future and just hire them out west??? im sure if i was homeless and saw they were paying 20 + $ an hour for beeing unexpirienced id jump on the chance.. just an idea

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but what i dont get is why not take all canadians that are on welfare that are able to work or even homeless people and give them a bright future and just hire them out west??? im sure if i was homeless and saw they were paying 20 + $ an hour for beeing unexpirienced id jump on the chance.. just an idea

You can't give someone a bright future that won't even attempt to reach out for it, that's why(in general, not all), the homeless are homeless and the lazy are on welfare and living off the properous. They're too lazy to pack their bags and go to the bus stop.

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Well I'm not sensitive and I'm one of the most relaxed people you'll ever meet.


Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't the employment opportunities for western Canada pretty much common knowledge for all Canadians?... and have been for years? Hasn't the Canadian government been pushing to populate the west for years?

So your message isn't any kind of new news.


To tell you the truth, the employment opportunities and pay you described didn't sound all that great to me. Time and a half pay for hours over 40 is the law in most places. It also doesn't sound much different than what folks living in other parts of Canada are making.


If the Alberta and Sask governments want people to come work there, they need to sweeten the pot more than that... or look elsewhere for people to man the jobs. Which it sounds like is what they're doing.


what really chaps my ass is the general belief among some white Anglos that immigrants are coming to our countries and stealing our jobs. They're not! they're taking the low paying, no glory, and dirty jobs we don't want and can't hire anybody else to do. They're the backbone of the crap job work force!


The amount of opportunity in the west is known by quite a few, but it is a far cry from being "common knowledge". I was happy to see holdfast's post, as it's coming from someone who made the move and is speaking from first hand experience. From the sounds of things the demand is such that the employers are grabbing any able body they can. So what if he'd rather see someone who's already in the country get the opportunity.


The difference between the job situation where I am and out west is like night and day. I have two buddies working as millwright's out there now. They went to school here and were both stuck working jobs (in their field - doing apprenticeship) that only paid a couple bucks above minimum wage. You can't live off that, especially when you come out of school without a place of your own and have student loans to pay. Two summers ago one went up to the territories for about a month to work on a rig that was on shutdown, and made some pretty good cash - way more than he would working an entire summer here. The guys he worked with up there told him about the demand in oil country, and a couple calls later both him and my other buddy were basically hired. No interview, nothing. Their employers keep telling them "we need guys" - bring your friends.


Immigrants may be the "backbone of the crap job workforce" south of the border or in heavily populated places like the GTA, but they are certainly outnumbered by immigrant doctors, engineers, and professors anywhere I've been. That's not necessarily bad, but ask any recent university or college grad if they had a prof. they despised because they were F.O.B. and no one knew what the flip they were saying. I've had 4. Five if you include the biology prof. who's english accent was so heavy it might as well have been another language.

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