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going under the knife


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Best of luck corvette, I had the same surgery twice and I'm fine now.


Just listen to your body and do your exercises!!


You'll be fine....a little sore, but fine!


Keep us up to date with your progress and dont push the first few days.. :thumbsup_anim:

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I had that same surgery way back in the late 90's. You will not be out of commission nearly as long as you think.

One week to 10 days for "the stitch" to heal and you will be good to go. Actually, if your symptoms are anything like mine were, you will find the surgery to be liberating and you will find yourself fishing way sooner than later.

It's day surgery and yes, the first day or two you will be uncomfortable, but the more you stay on your feet, the better you will feel. If memory serves me well, I had the surgery on a Friday and was back at work the following Wednesday.

So, writing off the summer of fishin fun is simply not in the books for you this summer. You will be fishin within a couple of weeks.

As mentioned above, do whatever exercises they give you, but I found that simply wlaking (slowly at first) helped to loosen everything right up.

Ten years later, I still recall waking up post surgery and not feeling the constant pain I had endured for years.


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Good luck.

How long did it take,from the time that you first saw a doctor untill the surgery?

The reason that I ask.............

Sept08-I had my initial back injury

Oct08-First visit to the doctor

Jan09-First MRI

Feb09-Saw specialist

June09-Second MRI

Jan.2010-See second Specialist

I am currently eating tylenol 3's like candy along with anti-inflamitories.

Our health care system here may be free but it sure is crap!

Ouch....Im in lots of pain!!!!

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Good luck.

How long did it take,from the time that you first saw a doctor untill the surgery?

The reason that I ask.............

Sept08-I had my initial back injury

Oct08-First visit to the doctor

Jan09-First MRI

Feb09-Saw specialist

June09-Second MRI

Jan.2010-See second Specialist

I am currently eating tylenol 3's like candy along with anti-inflamitories.

Our health care system here may be free but it sure is crap!

Ouch....Im in lots of pain!!!!

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Evidently playing frisbee is a way to mess your back up. We were bombin the frisbee for the first time this season... maybe 30-40 yards. I felt my back kind of tense up after one throw, but thought nothing of it and just kind walked around a bit. Frisbee came back to me, only this time when I tossed it, I was put to my knees in pain. Had to take a week off of work because I litterally couldnt walk. I spent the days on muscle relaxers watchin TV from the floor.

That was about 2 months ago now, and I would say im only 70% better. I have to walk all the time and I cant sit for more than 30 mins-45 mins .

It feels like someone has my lower back by the spine and is pullin the disks out.

Chiro said I just "pinched a nerve" but I think its worse... and my doctor is an idiot so I dont know wether I should go see him about it. or just try and walk it off... any suggestions on what I should do ?

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This may help;

I suffered for the better part of three years before I had surgery. Siatic (SP) nerve killed from my hip to my foot. Orthapedic surgeon suggested that three months of "healing" should do it. Nadda.

Next step was to see a Neurologist (sp) who then took a look at the nerves in my leg and the amount of current flowing through them. He found after testing, that I was severly low in that leg, which indicated to him, that I had nerve damage. His estimation was that if left un-checked, I could loose use of my leg over time. When he put that in writing and I handed it to the Orthapedic surgeon, he looked at the report, then me and said" Let's go see my secretary and book your surgery. The wait for surgery was less than 3 weeks.


Things you can do to help yourself:

1. Drink water! Tons of it! Here's why... when your body is de-hydrated, it "steals" water for parts and systems within it's self, to maintain critical systems. Guess what "systems" the body doesn't deem to be "critical"? Yes, your correct... DISC MATERIAL!

Normal disc material is the same consistency as fresh crab meat. When the body steals water from them, they become brittle and easily damaged.


2. Read a book called "The Back Doctor". This book is written by the doctor who founded the Canadian Back Institue. It will inform you and guide you through your course of action.


3. Have your G.P. book you into The Canadian Back Institute. They will advise you and also, suggest specific exercises relating to your personal situation.


4. Ice is your friend! Typically, muscles get inflamed when they are stressed. They fill with blood in an effort to heal. What this does though, is it squeezes the nerves that travel through those muscles and that's what causes the pain. Applying ice will force the blood out of the muscles and help to eleviate some of the pain. I suggest a bag of frozen peas as it will easily confrom to the curves of your back. 40 minutes on, 40 minutes off.


5. Try lying on the floor, back flat. Now snuggle up to a chair, but only put your legs on the chair, keeping your back flat on the floor... kinda like sitting in a chair backwards, with the back of your knees at the front of the chair seat. This position will take alot of pressure off your hips and lower back.


6. When ever your are carrying anything of any amount of weight, carry it close to your chest. Holding weight out in front of you will strain your lower back muscles and you will end up flat out once again.


I hope this helps? If you have any other questions, ask away or PM me.




Lunker... the chances are that your back was already in a state when you were playing frisbee and playing simply activated your body's response system to the injury already in place. The body does many funny things to protect it's self.

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Lunker... the chances are that your back was already in a state when you were playing frisbee and playing simply activated your body's response system to the injury already in place. The body does many funny things to protect it's self.


Well, with my job, I am constantly sitting... if Im at the computer, driving a piece of equipment, or driving my pick up to a customer or delivery.

So thats one thing I have against me, the other is I wear work boats all day long. So that doesn't help either.

I had sciatic problems a while back, like, 3-4 years ago. It was so bad it litterally took me 5 minutes to get out of the car !

I got over that eventually.... but now this, and being only 23 years old, it SUCKS ! :(


Like I said, I'm affraid I guess you could say to go to my doctor because like everything else ( Im not the only one of his patients to say this ) He just put you off like your a wimp and will give you some pills and say "see how these work, if it doesnt help, come back and see me"

One example.... I have a peice of bone chip in my elbow AND a small peice of rock ( Best friends birthday in february, got a little deep in the beers and slipped on some ice landing on my elbow.... I think :oops::whistling::whistling::whistling: ) any how, went to see the doctor, tells me its just calased skin and if the dump doesn't go away in a couple weeks, come back and see him... well in that couple weeks the scab came off and I got to playing with the hole that was left and could SEE and FEEL the stone in there, but I didn't want to get it infected so I stopped playing with it and I left it till the next day to see the doctor.


Next day comes, he walks in the room and asks me whats up, and I said well the rock has to come out... after about 5 minutes of him squeezing and rubbing and poking, he says

"well I think the dump was a little bit of puss is all" I looked at him with confusion and say... "what about the piece of rock ????" and he asks... " What rock ??" :wallbash::wallbash:


From that point on I lost ALL faith in him... he just doesnt give a crap about his patients. Again, Im not the first to say this.


So here I am, coming up on 4 months later, still with 2 nice size chunks of SOMETHING stuck in my elbow. I cant go to the hospital because its not an IMEDIATE injury. And I can't go see him because it might interfere with his cross word puzzle or lack of being a doctor !

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Go to a walk in for your elbow. They will take care of you.

Find another G.P.. Yours sucks!

I can help you get your doctor's attention, specialist even. As I mentioned above, doctors don't want to do anything on a back, unless and until they deem it to be chronic. I can help you help your doctor come to this realization. PM me if you want to know.

At your age, this surgery will be a walk in the park. It's only actually a 20-30 minute procedure, one stitch and limited physio.


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Best of luck, I hope everything goes well. Back's are nothing to mess with and if a doctor suggests it I think he means it's absolutely necessary, so please do what he says and don't skip on the meds.


My dad fell off the roof clearing off snow back in November, he broke his back. He's been in a custom body brace since then and still in it today. He hasn't been able to bend over, twist or anything for 6-7 months and they said judging by the x-rays they couldn't believe he wasn't paraplegic. They wanted to avoid back surgery at all costs and this method has been working but at a snail pace. I think he's going to be in the casting for another couple months yet and it's been absolutely devastating on my family. He's now on long term disability and his work is taking away his business car, laptop, etc. tomorrow (friday). He's been with the company for 36 years so it's been pretty tough on my old man.


On top of that, 2 months before this happened he just got back to work after being off for 6 months with shoulder surgery from playing baseball all his life. "Back to back jacks" and it has turned his life upside down.

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hi msp i had my mri on a friday results 10 minutes later saw the doc he said i do that surgery mon/ wed / and fridays you pick the day it was that quick will keep you all up to date thanks


Good luck ! hope everything goes well ! :Gonefishing:

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