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goin stream troutin for the first time


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hey guys i'm going stream troutin on sunday with a friend to place we have never tried. to be honest i've never done this myself either..


i gathered some of my tastiest looking trout treats ( i think) and i'm hoping they will get me into some fish...


what do you think?




gear is shimano symetre 1000 and st croix avid ultra light

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What Ive found for the creek I fish here... And seeing what you have..


Clear Slow Moving Water - Sunny Day - Gold/Silver Blades

Clear Fast Moving Water - Sunny Day - Full Orange Blades


Murky Slow Moving Water - Sunny Day - Full Orange Blades

Murky Fast Moving Water - Sunny Day - Black Blades Orange Dots


As the sun sets, after 6pm thats there no direct sun on the water and the ambient light is getting low.. Gold/Silver Blades no matter the water conditions


12" and under Trout were hitting #0-#1 Spinners

12" and over Trout were hitting #2-#3 Spinners

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I think you need some smaller hooks. if you are going to get into fishing the streams all the time I'd recommend a fluorocarbon leader tied on or maybe a small swivel after your float, this way if you get a snag you just loose your leader and hook and not your float.

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Panther Martin spinners are by far the best spinners for stream fishing. They can be cast upstream and will still spin perfect. If you are looking for little trout then I would just stick to spinners because I have out fished live bait 20-1 on spinners this time of year, the little guys just swarm them. If you want bigger trout then you will need bigger spinners because a trout will straighten those little hooks. As for the hooks, I wouldn't use snelled hooks for trout. Try a salmon egg hook size 10 or smaller. If you have a fly rod I would bring it with you. Those little trout will go nuts on a tiny dry fly "size 16" dragged across the top of the water and will keep you busy all day! And.. its REALLY FUN!

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I love a question about fishing the spinners. What is the best approach or technique when using them? Also, I thought I was fishing a nice small pool at the end of a run this morning with my #1 Vibrax Pink when all of a sudden I saw a fish approach, attack and snap my line off. After further investigation I noticed that the majorit of the fish in this stream were smallies. Do smallies have that much power to snap my 4lb line?

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I love a question about fishing the spinners. What is the best approach or technique when using them? Also, I thought I was fishing a nice small pool at the end of a run this morning with my #1 Vibrax Pink when all of a sudden I saw a fish approach, attack and snap my line off. After further investigation I noticed that the majorit of the fish in this stream were smallies. Do smallies have that much power to snap my 4lb line?


Lol, they cream your spinners and I wouldn't be surprised if one broke your line, but it would most likely be a nick in the line. Just remember, some are sitting on their beds and there are a ton of little fish that will eat their eggs so get them back quickly and safely.

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Guys I need your help. This is my first year fishing the salmon family and I'm putting in some serious hours trying to master the skill. I'm getting very confident but not catching a whole lot of trout. To this day I've landed 6 Bows about the length of my hand and their little fight was awesome. I truly want to experience the larger sized trout but I don't knwo where to go. If you want, we can work out a partnership fishing experience. I can offer some great locations for Coho and Steelhead runs, carp and bass. If any of you would be willing to fish together at a productive trout stream I'm down...just PM me.



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I only just started fishing for resident trout (purposely) last week so I'm still fairly new at it. For the times I've been out, Panther Martins in size 1 have been producing better than any other lure or bait I've thrown at them.


I love a question about fishing the spinners. What is the best approach or technique when using them? Also, I thought I was fishing a nice small pool at the end of a run this morning with my #1 Vibrax Pink when all of a sudden I saw a fish approach, attack and snap my line off. After further investigation I noticed that the majorit of the fish in this stream were smallies. Do smallies have that much power to snap my 4lb line?


The basic answer is there really isn't a best approach to fishing spinners. My background to spinner fishing is primarily fishing for steelhead but the techniques I used to catch steel worked very well with the resident trout.


When I'm fishing weighted spinners (Like Mepps, Vibrax, Double loon, Rooster tail, Olympique, Panther Martin, etc), my favourite approach to fishing a pool, run or rifle is to stand downstream of your intended spot, cast the lure upstream of the target and then retrieve with the current (you may have to countdown a few seconds after the cast if you're fishing deeper water). A lot of the time, I'm casting straight upstream. My go-to rod for trout fishing is a 5'6" UL spinning rod (Actually it's my only rod for smaller trout)...My go-to rod for steelhead is a 7' Medium action spinning rod (rated 6-12lb) - For me, I find longer rods less sensitive and less accurate for pitching spinners in close quarters.


You can also cast across or slightly downstream and swing the spinner across the river by guiding the line with your rod. If you don't feel the blade turning, hold back on the rod, if you need more depth, lead with the rod. Great for fishing shallower runs and pools because when you hold back on the spinner to get the blades turning, the lure will tend to rise up in the water column (perhaps out of the fish's perferred strike zone)


You could just leave the spinner in one spot and let the current spin the blade of the lure. Works great if you're standing on top of a log jam or undercut and you can guide the lure between branches and other snags. I find extra heavy bodied spinners work really well for this - I have one spinner (Made by Strike King I think) with a lead keel body and it has worked quite well just by leaving it dangling in the water.


You can cast also them anywhere and fish them like a regular lure. Works great in slow moving, large, wide pools. A lot of the time, fish will chase them down and nail them in the shallows...Gets the heart racing :D


Spinners tend to bring out the worst in fish. Fish don't nibble spinners (at least big ones don't)...They always smash them.LOL


One of my favourite methods of catching steelhead and trout.


Hope this helps

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hey guys i'm going stream troutin on sunday with a friend to place we have never tried. to be honest i've never done this myself either..


i gathered some of my tastiest looking trout treats ( i think) and i'm hoping they will get me into some fish...


what do you think?




gear is shimano symetre 1000 and st croix avid ultra light



I think Polarized sunglasses are a must as well. Not so much for the fish, but for everything else that can be in a small stream. May save you a lure or 20.

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here is one of the lakers we got on friday night....45 FOW 42 feet down on a chartreuse/glow nasty boy. we were basically just trying out/getting used to the new walkers this night. didn't get a pic of the other one, but it was roughly the same size




and today my buddy and i went ultralite stream troutin in brantford.

we've never done this before. i was definetly more successful than him. gold blade/black bodied #1 panther martin was the hot ticket. i couldn't keep these guys off my line. i only got a couple pics, because i didn't wanna lose the camera in thwater while wading.


this was the first one i got, on the very first cast



some beauty color on these bigger browns. i was super happy.


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