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A cool but productive Sunday Morning.

Big Cliff

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Up bright and early this morning, got my fishing gear ready and headed over to Bean's place for 7:30 Met up with Beans and Dave and we headed off to a place where they had done well for crappie on Saturday. We got there and set up by about 8:00 am, we were the only ones there so we had our pick of spots. The cooler weather and rain seemed to have slowed things down from Saturday (same old story, "you should have been here yesterday!")


Anyway, we weren't there very long and although the bite was slow the ones that were hitting were a good size. By 9:00 there were 3 boats casting in to where we were fishing and a half a dozen other people had showed up but everyone was quite respectful so it was quite enjoyable. It rained off and on and the wind was cool so by about 11:00 I packed it in but I still managed enough fish for a really nice feed and had a chance to meet up with Beans and Dave again.


Thanks for the company guys!

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Nice Cliff. I made it up there at noonish....sorry I missed you. I did have a good visit with the usual suspects while I was there though and even managed a few to bring home. But it was definitely off compared to yesterday.


Glad you got out. Maybe next time we can manage it at the same time.


Hope you and Sue have a good fish fry.

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Nice Cliff. I made it up there at noonish....sorry I missed you. I did have a good visit with the usual suspects while I was there though and even managed a few to bring home. But it was definitely off compared to yesterday.


Glad you got out. Maybe next time we can manage it at the same time.


Hope you and Sue have a good fish fry.


... another nondescript description!!!



... I keep talkin, but y'all aint a listening!!!


... we like pics!!!

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Sorry GCD....Beansie showed me once a few years ago how to post pics...put I have just never cared enough to do so.


Personally I go fishing to fish....bringing a camera just never occurs to me 99.9% of the time. As far as I can tell...a camera has never helped ANYONE catch a fish.


However I do really enjoy others pics...so I'm glad others pack there camera's.

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Sorry I missed you too CPH, had I known you were going to be up here both days, you could have stayed over night here instead of making the trip down and back.


GCD, I seldom take my camera with me, I still haven't learned how to photo shop the CN Tower into my pics yet ;)

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Well I spoke to Dave today and he told me that he and Beans were at it again today for a while, but the wind was blowing them over...those who know them know it must have been one heck of a wind to do that :P . They apparently had another successful day of catching and were settling down to make dinner for the women....I think ;)



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Sorry I missed you Cliff, :D I was there Sat. for the opener. What a circus !!!!!!

5 boats came in casting to shore and 6/7 guys on shore casting out, Tangled lines, the works. I left to fish off the deck, and ,apparently, one boat perched at the corner of the bay and started casting across fishing lines. The people in the boats were complete JERKS.

Thats IT for me on opener, gonna leave it to JERKS in boats, who find it necessary to crowd people out just for the sake of a few fish.

There! my one and only rant. :angry:

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You're right Jack...Saturday was a zoo...but we managed a bunch for dinner for four and we have some fillets left over for another feed for two...Sunday was lousy weatherwise...no matter the company was good and Cliff was the only one keeping any...Today the weather was great and once the day got warm the bite turned on...this afternoon dave and I had the joint all to ourselves and the wind...nearly a hit every cast...we C & R'd some nice slabs and a big bunch of smaller ones...no boats to contend with today...Dave insulted the guy in the only boat who was trying to tell us it is against the law for Tim Hortons or other such places to refuse to let a non-paying person use the washrooms...gotta believe Dave...32 years on Metro police force...after he told him he was full of Bull the boat left... :lol:


I wonder what makes the yo-yos with the big bass boats think they own the water ? I was thinking of running back home and gettin some three ounce carp sinkers and start bouncing them off their boats...parking right where we were casting was just ignorance as far as I'm concerned :angry:


Besides...using a $60,000 bass boat to catch crappie seems like a bit of over-kill... :(


No pictures allowed Dawg or else suffer the wrath of Uncle Vinny (The Chin) and Guido...

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Hey Beans,


I had the same issue with a boater on Sunday. I was being polite and let the shore anglers have their space. Sure they were doing well and I almost considered putting my boat on the trailer. Along comes a Bass boat, sponsored by every lure known to man, dredges right through where I'm fishing and then insists on casting where the shore anglers are. Well, he got my feathers ruffled! I politley told the guy that he should have some consideration and perhaps give the shore guys some space. His reply "F'em" they should get a boat and fish out here. Well after a few good pointers from me on what he should do with his boat and a few good pics of him, his partner and mention of his 50 dollar head with a 50 thousand dollar boat, he decided it was best to move on. Perhaps the guys on shore who were more than happy to contribute more rock structure to the lake bottom had something to do with it too!

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Good on you and the shore fishermen Ron...two of the boats were asking and telling each other what tournaments they were fishing this year...don't think I would trust their weigh-ins and little did they know that a couple of the shore fishermen could put their boats to shame and one of the boaters did go home, docked their boat and joined the shore brigade... :rolleyes:

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