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Doesn't Look Good


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You totally missunderstood me. I'm saying one can undertake the act of fishing, without the need to place fish in a livewell.


NO ITS NOT !!!!!!!!!!!! First you insult people who take Pictures of their fish and try to justify it by saying it HURTS (stresses) the fish . Than you get on the "YOU NEVER SEE THIS WITH PROS" elitist bull crap , i have seen many PROS post such pics , all the time ... Why do I get mad at guys like you not worth my time .... maybe get your wifeie to rub your feet or something 'the big boys were yelling at me again mommy"

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Guest gbfisher

Some more Sink/pit Shots...hey....what ever floats yer boat...I guess it makes matters worse that it isnt my sink....or pit...Some of my fish are in there though.. :Gonefishing:






Oh hell, whats it matter any?....more shots from the whole day...of mine and other peoples fish....lmao....








for those that like this type of thing that is....

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This ones easy, the main reason guys feel the need to keep fish in the livewell to take pics of them in one shot, (whether its two fisted or an array of fish on the cleaning board) is because people who have nothing better to do than Nitpick will probably accuse a member with several single fish pics of taking several pics of the same fish. (tongue inserted firmly into cheek)

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another reason iprefer not to post pics whatever it is someone is gonna bash it,


gbfisher, out of curiosity what is the "carp pit"about? never seen that before, just wonderin, u can PM me if ya like


drifter, now that is a fish, if ya caught 2 like that and wanted to take a pic of both you can lie on the ground and pile them both on top, the size of 2 like that you probably wouldn't be able to tell who was "holdong" them though

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By "double-header" you must mean you and your partner catching a fish at the same time, because there is no realistic, legal situation in which a single angler could land two trophy-sized smallies at the same time.


guess you dont fish anywhere where 2 rods are LEGAL .. try fishing Erie sometime .. oh wait .. that would mean you would want a pic with both fish .. and we all know thats just wrong :blahblah1:

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Guest gbfisher

I gotta say...you talk about stressing fish. You live in Sudbury and actually ice fish yet you hold them out of the water for pictures. Then let them go? Whats the point of talking the picture for in the first place?

Hell...you shouldnt even fish period....... Now where's the fun in that?....

To each their own ....but the way I see it, you really don't have a handle on what yer trying to say.

Join the club of being missunderstood and keep it at that..... :clapping:

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FishnWire, In summary........you should not be surprised by the reaction this has set off...........youve come to a forum full of guys and gals who are passionate about what it is they do, and even more pronounced, is their passion to conserve it. Yet someone comes here and is still digging to throw part of this group under the bus and find negativity in what it is they work so hard at having a positive influence on. Its their life, and their love, my life, my love.......no-one you are addressing here on this forum is here to hurt the fishery, and would lose a part of themselves if it was ever taken from them. However that may be. Somehow, this was dug out and im not even sure how your mind directed you to it, but you shoveled THIS out of ALL the positive and productive content that is here on this board ? and i mean you Dug Deeeeep!. I appreciate your intent, as we all do im sure, conservation is the key to help our sport thrive for years to come. But youve done a couple things here, not the least of which is what is commonly known as.....preaching to the choir, but i think you also kinda called out some members on the forum, that just shouldn't, in a million years, be the target of a non-conservationalist rant.

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OMG. 62 replies on this in just a few hours. :blahblah1: Seems you're touch a nerve......I say everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Just be aware that if you take one side or the other, be prepare for the rebuttal. Just my $0.02



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Why are you complaining about someone holding 2 fish up for pics? Some of the fishing shows on WFN, they tell you in the livewell you go for pictures later. 9.9 times out of 10, they are being released. Just because someone holds up 2 bass in a photo, doesn't mean they have been slaughtered.



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Like I say...


Everyone is entitled to fish within the regs. That's not what I'm talking about, so anyone who brought that up is obviously trying to pick a fight where there isn't one.


I'll continue to believe that pictures of live, healthy fish which were potentially released look better than pictures that show dead or possibly needlessly stressed fish. Take a look at any decent fishing magazine and it will be obvious most of their editors tend to agree with me.


I'm aware fishing is inherently harmful to fish...and I accept that. I know I am guilty of harming and killing them, and other than trying to minimize the effects...I'm OK with that. I've enjoyed a fish fry or two in my time, I can assure you. It's just I feel pics that show fish being harvested are not as appealing as those that do not.


Simple as that.



Tight lines to those that agree and those that do not.

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Here was 4 of the 5 bass that were entered in my first official bass derby with a buddy.


I love this picture as it captures the excitement and fun of the day, and yes all 5 fish were retained in the LIVEwell for weigh-in and then live released.




This is also on a body of water that has gazillions of derby's/tourny's every year and the population just keeps increasing in numbers and size. Proof of the quality of livewell systems and angler education today, we are leaps and bounds ahead on fish conservation in general in 2008 compared to even just 20 years ago!


Anyway, this post may seem antagonizing to you, but it I did have a point to make...oh yeah here it is:


Some anglers only practice catch & release, others harvest everything within their limits, some people flyfish and others only chase Musky...we are all different yet we all share the same passion for the excitement these scaled critters bring us. Let's agree that it would be pretty boring if we all shared the same beliefs...so mix things up and go have some fun...fishing! :clapping:



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" Take a look at any decent fishing magazine and it will be obvious most of their editors tend to agree with me. "



Ther you go again , you use the words "DECENT" I guess people who dont agree with you are NOT DECENT !!!!!!! And witch if any of these DECENT PEOPLE "editors" did you call and ask ???? oH YA OF COURSE if they are DECENT OBVIOUSLY they HAD TO AGREE WITH YOU !!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH

never thought i would say this but I got to go read a HOLDFAST post to get the taste of ELITISM from my mouth

Edited by capt bruce
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Like I say...


Everyone is entitled to fish within the regs. That's not what I'm talking about, so anyone who brought that up is obviously trying to pick a fight where there isn't one.


I'll continue to believe that pictures of live, healthy fish which were potentially released look better than pictures that show dead or possibly needlessly stressed fish. Take a look at any decent fishing magazine and it will be obvious most of their editors tend to agree with me.


I'm aware fishing is inherently harmful to fish...and I accept that. I know I am guilty of harming and killing them, and other than trying to minimize the effects...I'm OK with that. I've enjoyed a fish fry or two in my time, I can assure you. It's just I feel pics that show fish being harvested are not as appealing as those that do not.


Simple as that.



Tight lines to those that agree and those that do not.


I think fish DO get stressed in a livewell. Just because its done by the pros on tv doesn't make it right. You stress a fish and it will still swim away BUT could is more prone to infection later. I don't like bass tournaments....but at the same time, they do more good than harm (lots of $$ generated for the sport, raising awareness, etc).


For the most part i'm sure everyone here is a conservationist first and there is no ill intent. We're also (for the most part) experienced enough to know that old/big bass taste like crap (relative to th smaller ones) so i doubt the fish are being slaughtered.....more likley just pics, at the cost of a little extra stress to the fish.

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I have no problem with it at all and did tourneys for years


I also have a chemical that you can put in your livewell in which your fish are in better condition by leaving them in there for a while

then you grab some out take your pictures and release the fish, to swim again or you release it into a pan of hot oil, whichever you want with your legal limit


I myself am more concerned about all the bass being pulled out of real deep water in the fall, I am starting to think their mortality rate is high

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This thread is just getting stupid now. :rolleyes:

Thank God the fish I catch are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO big I can barely hold one up let alone two for a photo shoot. Wink-Smiley-male-happy-smiley-smile.gif




I am trying to picture the live well with enough volume to keep the first one alive while you land the second one :)



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