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Ice fishing first time this year


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Well since I'M still on a Diet and all I figures what better way to get Exercise than drag a Toboggan again. I took some OFners advice and decided why not ice fish some of these Back lakes. So off I went to visit that unnamed Back lake for the third time. This time Toboggan in Tow as well as my newest little buddy. What a handful he was, I parked the truck and tied him up while I unloaded and noticed he was gone. I mean Gone. I went by foot chased him for about a minute and knew there was no way Id reach the runt. So off I went and chased him about 6 kms down the road stopping ever once in a while to coax him towards me. No way and finally success when I remembered I had brought him some food. I'm lucky he was too small to take it cross country and the road was a good logging road. Spike id unbelievably fast. So I spent an hour chasing the little fella down. The weather was sunny and a high of -12 which was Beautiful compared to the Arctic Temps we've been Getting.


Here's a Map of the Lake



From the Road I started down the Trail which has only been used by myself. Immediately I found a fresh set of Tracks that had crossed the road and now is heading towards the lake using my trail break. These were definitely the Biggest set of tracks that Ive seen other than a Moose. Can any one ID them?






They were about the size of a small tin of shoe polish. Nice and round, and a good deep in print. It followed on the trail then took off into the woods. Look at the size of the prints.





Finally the trail took me to the Lake. I had no Idea where to fish as I have no Idea on the structure. So I went out about a third across the lake and drilled holes towards the shore. Id say I was between 12 and 8 feet of water.




Drilling was a cinch and I was really happy with this auger I bought on sale for $49 at CT "6 Micro Drill Fin-Bore. Works Great. So I put a couple of Tip ups using 2" and 6' Smelt. No Bites but it was great just to try my Kit out. Oh yea, should of brought a first aid kit. As soon as I took the Guard off I got a nasty cut that bled for a while, but pressure and toilet paper as well as a tight mitt took care of that.





The little fella, ( Between the Pale and Toboggan) I made sure she was tied good this time as I did not want to chase her again



All in all it was a good Shakeout for the first time fishing this Year.

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No idea on the tracks, but the dog....One of the training tricks I use to teach "come" is to run away from the dog. That triggers a chase and catch instinct, being a Jack Russel, it should be quite strong in that dog.

Glad to see ya got a new one.

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No idea on the tracks, but the dog....One of the training tricks I use to teach "come" is to run away from the dog. That triggers a chase and catch instinct, being a Jack Russel, it should be quite strong in that dog.

Glad to see ya got a new one.


Ill try that out, But hopefully it does follow other wise I may have to turn around and chase him further. But you have a good point as I passed him several times on purpose with the truck hoping he would tucker out. ^ Kms later the food trick finally worked

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must be nice to be on a lake all alone, no other ppl tracks insight


i have a jack russell terrier and learnt early on that you cannot chase the dog, it's just a game and they'll keep running, i think they would run to utter exhaustion, i also learnt my dog is the most loyal i've ever had and if i just let her go, she won't go "that" far, if she can't see or hear me she we'll turn around within a minute, a good game to do with her is like hide and seek, we spend alot of time in the bush camping, fishing,hunting, and somewtimes when she gets out of sight i'll run in the opposite direction and jump in the bush somewhere to hide, a dogs nose is an amazing thing,


she's also a great hunting dog but a terrible retriever, if she ever gets a hold of game i've taken she grabs it and shakes until it's destroyed and then runs off and hides it in the bush, also a very patient dog, my neighbor compares her to a cat, sometimes she'll sit under my cedar bushes for hours just waiting, then all of sudden leap up and have a bird in her mouth, she's caught countless birds and squirrels, without a doubt her favorite passtime is fishing, in the boat she stands on the edge and just watches the rod tip non stop, in the winter she just stares down the hole and somtimes falls asleep doing it,


a trick my grandfather taught me, as a last resort IMO (thankfully i've never had to try it) if you ever REALLY lose ur dog in the bush and for some reason u have to leave it (overnight or something) leave ur shirt/jacket/hat..... on the ground where ur dog left you, IF ur dog eventually comes back it will stay close to those items because of ur smell,

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Yeow, Its a Big Heavy one then. I only seen one once, and it was about 200KMs West, in Alberta. I was on a dirt Road looking to get to the lake around the first snowfall and seen one just inside the woods ( Brambles) it was really camouflaged really good and all it was doing was staring at me. Hard to tell the size, but would I be out of it if I said just slightly smaller than a Lab

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