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Todays economy and strikes


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The whole Idea rubbed me wrong from the start.

Not happy with the job???

Then Leave, and go somewhere that fits your wants and needs.

Strikes are ridiculous IMO


Teachers got it good...sorry but its 100% true

Not saying its easy by any means, and I'm not saying it was not earned but lets review the facts.


Great pay consistently over the national average

Great job security

Weekends off, and reasonable hours

Great...and I mean GREAT Pension plan and benefits

and more time off then pretty much any industry I can think of.


It ain't easy I'm sure (lots of opinions out there on that)

but its better then many, or most have it right now, and that's why there was so little public support for this "near" strike.

The whole idea was not in touch with today's reality, or Public empathy.


If they were not happy that Highschool teachers get more perks...then go teach in highschool?

Gosh it seems odd that a dullard like me should half to point out such a simplistic & reasonable solution to the elite minds of our educational system LOL!


They have been working without a contract since august. They were offered MORE money in august, but less funding for students. They took more funding for students and less money now.

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Wow. Haven't heard that before.

I have had jobs in the 'real world' (lol) and done just fine. Many teachers can and have worked in your real world.

Over the years I have had many jobs before teaching and whilst being a teacher as well.

Here is a list of my 'real world' job all of which I was very successful at.


factory line work assembling pumps

Coca Cola truck driving delivery

Regional sales rep for 2 different UK reps

Sports Store manager

Wing Environmental Officer for the 17th wing in Winnipeg Manitoba

Fitness instructor

and Pizza delivery boy.


That saying 'Those who can do, and those who cannot teach' is just that, a saying. It is catchy and people love to use it. I have in the past been offered jobs that pay more than teaching does but I have turned 2 of them down in the past 7 years. I, along with many other teachers, would do just fine in your real world. I like teaching. I like the kids. It keeps me young and in the know. I like the fact that I can enpower a generation and help to them to participate in society effectively. I try to teach them life-lessons, morals and values as well as the curriculum. Not all are successful but the vast majority are. I believe that I am a role model and I believe I do a good job. The job, like any other, has its ups and downs but the positives far outweigh the negatives. I am not ashamed of being a teacher. I am proud of it. Believe it or not, not everyone can be a teacher. Some of you naysayers think it is just the easiest job in the world. I will tell you this; there are some people in 'your real world' who wouldn't last a semester in my 'fake world (I guess that is what it must be??)' Just makes me laugh.


Oh yeah. I do teach because I love it. I get paid well but I don't really care about that. My wife and I in the years coming up to 2003 were financial very stable. My wife decided to stay at home with the kids for the past 5 years. I am not a top level earning teacher and I have 3 children. I get paid well but not crazy amounts of money. If I wanted more money I would quit being a teacher and find another job. I am confident I could do that but I live a comfortable life without much luxury (have you seen my boat? I share it with a friend and got it and everything in it for free).


I do admit a good chunk of your taxes go to education. I don't believe teachers should ever strike or complain about their wages. I think if you talk to teachers you will find that there are very very few who think they are underpaid. Would I take a pay cut in times like these; YES I would.

For those of you who don't like the way teacher's teach, here is what you can do.


1. go to university and get a degree

2. go to university for a 5th year after being at the top or near the top of your undergrad class (this is called teacher's college and only high achieversr make it in)

3. Get on a school board list and supply teach for at least 2 years or so and do a few LTOs along the way.

4. get a contract to work (You will probably only start with a 1/6 contract and work your way up from there to 6/6 or full contract which often take 2 plus years)

5. Once you have a contract, do all kinds of university courses in order to become a high level teacher (each course costs $800 and I have taken 6 so far and am not at top level). By this point you still might be making $45K.


so it really isn't that difficult. Any takers? Should only cost you about $70-80K to become a teacher.



:clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

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Don't mechanics make way more than teachers? What's your point?


The above is a great example of how out of touch with reality most government union workers have become. I have four siblings, all of whom have government jobs. My brother is retiring this March at 53 years old with 75% of the average of his highest paying 5 years pay as his retirement salary. My sister (a teacher) will retire earlier than him, but she refuses to discuss her retirement details, saying she is embarrassed to talk about it. I have another sister who started out in the same line of work as myself, only her career was at National Defense. I have worked hard and started a small business and work twice her hours yet she makes roughly 25K more per year with a full benefits package. Her whole department has Wednesday afternoons off....it's time alotted for exercising in the gym they have at work, yet nobody uses it, they just go home and get paid for sitting on their arses. All four of them think that their retirement packages and pay scales are typical of the private sector wages and benefits. I will be working til the day I day to make ends meet and you know what their response is when this is brought up??? If you don't like the job you're in, get a job in the publis sector. Can you imagine if everyone went to work for the government? Who would generate an economy.


As far as teachers paying for supplies out of their own pocket......nonsense. We are given a list of supplies that WE are responsible to send to my child's school at the start of every year. Those supplies are way more than one child will ever use in one year and they go into a general "kitty" and are distributed, supposedly by the teachers. Yeah my parents bought me supplies at the beginning of each year but it was at their discretion. Now they give you a list and tell you it's what you're gonna buy.


To the person who compared teachers unions to automotive workers getting a bailout. Are you for real??? Last time I looked teachers were not losing their jobs.


In fact, at the same time enrollment is declining and schools are being closed, we are hiring more teachers. But that dosn't surprise me. When I went to school we had over 30 kids in each class. What are they down to now? It's hard to keep track when the class sizes are decresing every year.


Yeah it would make sense that the ones supporting striking teachers are teachers themselves (or spouses or relatives of a teacher). But let's look at some of the arguements. There is talk of all the hard work, education and money spent to become a teacher. So what's the point??? Everyone with a decent job had to work, go to school and spend money to get there. I know lots of people who put in extra hours, many times with no compensation. They too have a choice.....stay or find a better job. Every year, actual teaching time is decreasing. Every year my daughter goes on a field trip to Upper Canada Village. She's sick of seeing the same thing there every year. It seems like every week there is a day off for something, teacher prep time, courses, parent/teacher interviews, etc. etc. There was a ski trip last week, we chose to let our daughter stay home and actually learn something. Snow days haha.....when I was a kid there had to be four feet of snow before they would call a snow day. Now it only has to be in the forecast and the kids are home for the day. Have the teacher's unions every considered the hardships that families with two working parents have when they still have to drive thru that snow to get to work, while the schools are "off" and trying to figure out what to do with their children for the day??? Or during a strike???


Just out of curiosity......to the teacher who turned down the two higher paying jobs.....what were those two jobs and how much did they pay???


The propaganda being spread by most government unions these days (has anyone heard "it's not about the money, it's about dignity and respect" lately) may have worked in the dark ages, but people have the internet now and the truth is readily available. Spreading the same old tired propaganda not only makes you look bad, but in this day and age people are onto the games these unions play. You don't demand respect, you earn it. As far as dignity.....I wouldn't have any either if I carried myself the way some teachers do. Enough said!!!


Be happy that you have a job in these uncertain times and teach our kids and for god's sake and stop the whining, you have it darn good. No sympathy here for the teachers union.

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The above is a great example of how out of touch with reality most government union workers have become. I have four siblings, all of whom have government jobs. My brother is retiring this March at 53 years old with 75% of the average of his highest paying 5 years pay as his retirement salary. My sister (a teacher) will retire earlier than him, but she refuses to discuss her retirement details, saying she is embarrassed to talk about it. I have another sister who started out in the same line of work as myself, only her career was at National Defense. I have worked hard and started a small business and work twice her hours yet she makes roughly 25K more per year with a full benefits package. Her whole department has Wednesday afternoons off....it's time alotted for exercising in the gym they have at work, yet nobody uses it, they just go home and get paid for sitting on their arses. All four of them think that their retirement packages and pay scales are typical of the private sector wages and benefits. I will be working til the day I day to make ends meet and you know what their response is when this is brought up??? If you don't like the job you're in, get a job in the publis sector. Can you imagine if everyone went to work for the government? Who would generate an economy.


As far as teachers paying for supplies out of their own pocket......nonsense. We are given a list of supplies that WE are responsible to send to my child's school at the start of every year. Those supplies are way more than one child will ever use in one year and they go into a general "kitty" and are distributed, supposedly by the teachers. Yeah my parents bought me supplies at the beginning of each year but it was at their discretion. Now they give you a list and tell you it's what you're gonna buy.


To the person who compared teachers unions to automotive workers getting a bailout. Are you for real??? Last time I looked teachers were not losing their jobs.


In fact, at the same time enrollment is declining and schools are being closed, we are hiring more teachers. But that dosn't surprise me. When I went to school we had over 30 kids in each class. What are they down to now? It's hard to keep track when the class sizes are decresing every year.


Yeah it would make sense that the ones supporting striking teachers are teachers themselves (or spouses or relatives of a teacher). But let's look at some of the arguements. There is talk of all the hard work, education and money spent to become a teacher. So what's the point??? Everyone with a decent job had to work, go to school and spend money to get there. I know lots of people who put in extra hours, many times with no compensation. They too have a choice.....stay or find a better job. Every year, actual teaching time is decreasing. Every year my daughter goes on a field trip to Upper Canada Village. She's sick of seeing the same thing there every year. It seems like every week there is a day off for something, teacher prep time, courses, parent/teacher interviews, etc. etc. There was a ski trip last week, we chose to let our daughter stay home and actually learn something. Snow days haha.....when I was a kid there had to be four feet of snow before they would call a snow day. Now it only has to be in the forecast and the kids are home for the day. Have the teacher's unions every considered the hardships that families with two working parents have when they still have to drive thru that snow to get to work, while the schools are "off" and trying to figure out what to do with their children for the day??? Or during a strike???


Just out of curiosity......to the teacher who turned down the two higher paying jobs.....what were those two jobs and how much did they pay???


The propaganda being spread by most government unions these days (has anyone heard "it's not about the money, it's about dignity and respect" lately) may have worked in the dark ages, but people have the internet now and the truth is readily available. Spreading the same old tired propaganda not only makes you look bad, but in this day and age people are onto the games these unions play. You don't demand respect, you earn it. As far as dignity.....I wouldn't have any either if I carried myself the way some teachers do. Enough said!!!


Be happy that you have a job in these uncertain times and teach our kids and for god's sake and stop the whining, you have it darn good. No sympathy here for the teachers union.


What do you do for work, judging by your post you have alot of time on your hands! Maybe more then a teacher :whistling:

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I guess you are referring to me.

I lived in Dubai for 8 years Just as it was growing. I was offered one job in eral estate as the markets wre just opening to foreigners. My friend took the same job and is now set for life. He has made welol over $3 million.

Second job was in the same place but had to do with a Canadian company that sets up fire safety/hazmat instruction for the government. I would have been a partner. Both my friends who are the managing partners in the company make well over 6 figures each year.

Edited by Cudz
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They have been working without a contract since august. They were offered MORE money in august, but less funding for students. They took more funding for students and less money now.


Yes but this "more funding" is not for the students supplies per say...its to hire 1,500 more teachers to lighten the work load more then anything....The main issue for teachers is not salaries this is true, its about the work load.


Sure more teachers lowers class sizes, and lightens the load...some would agree thats needed(myself included)

But why not threaten a strike based on THAT?

Why hide the agenda in a mass coverall clause of "funding for students"

There is something a bit shady about the way it all went down if you ask me.

I for one will be watching to see how many new teachers are actually hired in the next 4 years, and see what pay

increases are handed out so the next time a strike talk comes up...I know were the line is.


The unions Stance here(hidden agendas and all) is laid out like this...

It is about a $711 per student funding gap between elementary and high schools in Ontario.

Sorry but I'm not sure a Junior kindergarden through grade 8 student needs as much cash for supplies then say...a grade 9 through 12 highschool shop, music, science, art, or biology Student?

A saxaphone costs a bit more money then say...Paper and paste.

That just seems like an unrealistic margin to bridge?

Unless of course you mention that $700 of that funding is going towards hireing new teachers, and building new schools to lighten the work load.

The teachers union needs to invest in Public relations rep LOL!

People might atually buy into what they are selling if they present it better, but of course the union doesn't want to be on the stick for actually Spending the way they said they would....They just want the funding.


The sad Fact is they "were" offered an $800-million deal that would have given teachers a 12 per cent pay raise over four years which supposedly wasn't enough To bridge that gap AND hire more teachers to lighten the load, so it was not accepted...in retrospect that was a HUGE mistake now that the econmoy tanked, and those funding are no longer available.


All I know is the pulic will be watching closely now...

This whole little ugly mess left a bad taste in our mouths, and I hope there are 1500 teachers hired, schools built, and

no talk of strikes for the next 4 years.





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Yes but this "more funding" is not for the students supplies per say...its to hire 1,500 more teachers to lighten the work load more then anything....The main issue for teachers is not salaries this is true, its about the work load.


Sure more teachers lowers class sizes, and lightens the load...some would agree thats needed(myself included)

But why not threaten a strike based on THAT?

Why hide the agenda in a mass coverall clause of "funding for students"

There is something a bit shady about the way it all went down if you ask me.

I for one will be watching to see how many new teachers are actually hired in the next 4 years, and see what pay

increases are handed out so the next time a strike talk comes up...I know were the line is.


The unions Stance here(hidden agendas and all) is laid out like this...

It is about a $711 per student funding gap between elementary and high schools in Ontario.

Sorry but I'm not sure a Junior kindergarden through grade 8 student needs as much cash for supplies then say...a grade 9 through 12 highschool shop, music, science, art, or biology Student?

A saxaphone costs a bit more money then say...Paper and paste.

That just seems like an unrealistic margin to bridge?

Unless of course you mention that $700 of that funding is going towards hireing new teachers, and building new schools to lighten the work load.

The teachers union needs to invest in Public relations rep LOL!

People might atually buy into what they are selling if they present it better, but of course the union doesn't want to be on the stick for actually Spending the way they said they would....They just want the funding.


The sad Fact is they "were" offered an $800-million deal that would have given teachers a 12 per cent pay raise over four years which supposedly wasn't enough To bridge that gap AND hire more teachers to lighten the load, so it was not accepted...in retrospect that was a HUGE mistake now that the econmoy tanked, and those funding are no longer available.


All I know is the pulic will be watching closely now...

This whole little ugly mess left a bad taste in our mouths, and I hope there are 1500 teachers hired, schools built, and

no talk of strikes for the next 4 years.




Long post, but you're basically arguing my point. Funding for students may indeed mean for hiring teachers to reduce class size (i don't know), but the point is they presumably gave up larger personal gains in income to provide more funding.


The paper and paste you refer to --- wouldn't it be nice if the school could pay for it instead of the teachers out of their own pockets?

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The above is a great example of how out of touch with reality most government union workers have become. I have four siblings, all of whom have government jobs. My brother is retiring this March at 53 years old with 75% of the average of his highest paying 5 years pay as his retirement salary. My sister (a teacher) will retire earlier than him, but she refuses to discuss her retirement details, saying she is embarrassed to talk about it. I have another sister who started out in the same line of work as myself, only her career was at National Defense. I have worked hard and started a small business and work twice her hours yet she makes roughly 25K more per year with a full benefits package. Her whole department has Wednesday afternoons off....it's time alotted for exercising in the gym they have at work, yet nobody uses it, they just go home and get paid for sitting on their arses. All four of them think that their retirement packages and pay scales are typical of the private sector wages and benefits. I will be working til the day I day to make ends meet and you know what their response is when this is brought up??? If you don't like the job you're in, get a job in the publis sector. Can you imagine if everyone went to work for the government? Who would generate an economy.


As far as teachers paying for supplies out of their own pocket......nonsense. We are given a list of supplies that WE are responsible to send to my child's school at the start of every year. Those supplies are way more than one child will ever use in one year and they go into a general "kitty" and are distributed, supposedly by the teachers. Yeah my parents bought me supplies at the beginning of each year but it was at their discretion. Now they give you a list and tell you it's what you're gonna buy.


To the person who compared teachers unions to automotive workers getting a bailout. Are you for real??? Last time I looked teachers were not losing their jobs.


In fact, at the same time enrollment is declining and schools are being closed, we are hiring more teachers. But that dosn't surprise me. When I went to school we had over 30 kids in each class. What are they down to now? It's hard to keep track when the class sizes are decresing every year.


Yeah it would make sense that the ones supporting striking teachers are teachers themselves (or spouses or relatives of a teacher). But let's look at some of the arguements. There is talk of all the hard work, education and money spent to become a teacher. So what's the point??? Everyone with a decent job had to work, go to school and spend money to get there. I know lots of people who put in extra hours, many times with no compensation. They too have a choice.....stay or find a better job. Every year, actual teaching time is decreasing. Every year my daughter goes on a field trip to Upper Canada Village. She's sick of seeing the same thing there every year. It seems like every week there is a day off for something, teacher prep time, courses, parent/teacher interviews, etc. etc. There was a ski trip last week, we chose to let our daughter stay home and actually learn something. Snow days haha.....when I was a kid there had to be four feet of snow before they would call a snow day. Now it only has to be in the forecast and the kids are home for the day. Have the teacher's unions every considered the hardships that families with two working parents have when they still have to drive thru that snow to get to work, while the schools are "off" and trying to figure out what to do with their children for the day??? Or during a strike???


Just out of curiosity......to the teacher who turned down the two higher paying jobs.....what were those two jobs and how much did they pay???


The propaganda being spread by most government unions these days (has anyone heard "it's not about the money, it's about dignity and respect" lately) may have worked in the dark ages, but people have the internet now and the truth is readily available. Spreading the same old tired propaganda not only makes you look bad, but in this day and age people are onto the games these unions play. You don't demand respect, you earn it. As far as dignity.....I wouldn't have any either if I carried myself the way some teachers do. Enough said!!!


Be happy that you have a job in these uncertain times and teach our kids and for god's sake and stop the whining, you have it darn good. No sympathy here for the teachers union.


I have many friends who are teachers (probably not a surprise) and i can tell you --- much of what is used in the classroom comes out of their own pockets. Maybe your school board (or individual school) has a better system. Its not hte case where my friends teach. That part more than anythign disgusts me.


As for the raise...it basically matches historical inflation. Most people's salaries match inflation.


And, everyone says "if you don't like it get another job".....well, they didn't liek it and did something about it. I have no problem with that. Keep in mind that with the union structure there are no options for good teachers to get paid more than the crappy ones either. Just as it lifts some weak people up, it holds some strong ones down.


I for one would LOVE a free market. The good ones would get paid more, and would have more optoins when they're paid unfairly.


I think what you should be arguing against is there being a union....not teachers wanting more (salary matched to inflation...what greedy people).


btw - the auto companies took $4B out of our pocket this year to keep paying lien workers 140k. I personally have no problme paying 700mm to pay the teachers of my kids an average of 71k (+2.5% per year)

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“Ignorance can be fixed, stupid is forever.” … Don Wood


Teachers are overpaid, under worked, cut and paste 101, blah, blah, blah…… I’ve heard it all. I work hard than anyone else so you should all be like me, blah, blah, blah…… Everybody is a slacker except for me, blah, blah, blah…… Get a real job, blah, blah, blah…… Those that can do, those who can’t, teach blah, blah, blah……


Maybe we should put it all into perspective that we all can understand. I own a ton of high end tackle. I have built my own rods for almost 40 years now. I tie my own flies (steelhead fishing), make my own lures, floats and rigs. I read just about everything I can find about fishing. I’m proud of my fishing skills and enjoy I fishing a lot.


My ex-father-in-law(he’s a millionaire) gave me many lectures now how I wasted my money on fishing tackle. All I really needed was some string attached to a stick, a bent straight pin and a worm and I could catch all the fish I wanted. Heck that’s what he did as a kid. And why on earth I would put the fish back rather than keep all you can catch and eat it is beyond him. No wonder I’m not rich. I never complained about my finances, but he always did.


To travel to a river just to get some insect samples and try and duplicate them on a hook, or to scout a river, why that’s just insane. Driving 2-3 hours at 3:00 am to go fishing well that’s nuts. And spending that kind of money for tackle, well he can buy a whole state of the art outfit for $14.99 (on sale this week at CTC). A boat, depth sounder, GPS, blah, blah, blah……. Don’t need all these knots and lines, a couple of shoe knots and a heavy line will pull out anything that swims, blah, blah, blah……Fishermen are all spoiled today, blah, blah, blah…… Fishing is all luck, no skill required, blah, blah, blah……


So I smile and go fishing anyway.


You get the idea. It doesn’t matter what the issue is, a little (sometimes very little) knowledge can be a very dangerous thing.


“Ignorance can be fixed, stupid is forever.” … Don Wood



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wouldn't it be nice if the school could pay for it instead of the teachers out of their own pockets?


Pretty sure most of it is?

Do they not have a budget?

I know my daughter teachers complain about it not being enough so I assume there is a limited budget.

Maybe not enough for some...maybe adequet for others?


I guess its subjective to the lessons.

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Pretty sure most of it is?

Do they not have a budget?

I know my daughter teachers complain about it not being enough so I assume there is a limited budget.

Maybe not enough for some...maybe adequet for others?


I guess its subjective to the lessons.


You mean that you assume most of it is, because that would make sense. I did as well.


If your daughter is in elementary school, next time you visit ask the teacher what in the classroom was paid for by the school/board and what was paid for by him/her. You'll be surprised.


Maybe its just peel region, but i doubt it.

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You guys don't know what you're talking about.


I don't know a single teacher making 92k. I bet the average salary is 60.


Much of the platform they are supposedly striking behind has little to do with salary and much to do with funding for your/our kids. I personally don't get why that is their issue to fight for, but for some reason its part of it. Maybe because most of the stuff in your child's classroom was paid for by the teachers, out of their pockets, and isn't tax deductible. So...maybe funding from the government means they dont have to pay for it themselves.....i have no idea.


I think the contract they're negotiating is for 4 years or 5 years. The optics on timing are bad, but its hard to not ask for $ increase that at least matches inflation when you're locked in to that for quite a while.


The negotiation has been happening for a long time (a year or two?). While i doubt they go on strike soon anyway (has the union said that, or the media just hyping it up to make news), there has been ample time to get something negotiated on both sides.


But again, the part that pisses me off is that teachers pay for most of the stuff in kids' classrooms. That shouldnt' be the case.


Now that is an educated post. Average salary for a teacher is more than $60K, but much less than $92.


People may get into teaching for the love of the work, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't be compensated for it. If you do a job you deserved to be fairly compensated. I'm not commenting on whether they make too much or not enough. I will say that the government workers, at least those below management do not make huge amounts of money. I know some government workers and they don't make that much at all. I know trades people, farmers and retail employees that make more.


Either way, I can understand people being upset by teacher strikes or strikes in general. I for one am no fan of unions. However, without a union government employees would see little in way of compensation. The union agrees on terms that span 3-5 years and after that period have to renegotiate the contract. Money is usually the smallest part of the contract. In fact, the money portion usually only covers inflation. I know some government employees that won a contract in the early 90's and then the government said "forget it", legislated the workers back to work and then cancelled the contract. Those same employees went without a contract or wage increase for 10 YEARS. That means they effectively took a paycut every year for 10 years. To put that into perspective, with the rate of inflation if they made $40,000 in 1998 they still made $40K in 2008 instead of the $53,000 they needed to make just to stay on parr. How many of you would go 10 years without a pay raise?


Like many of you, I too have struggled to make ends meet. I've worked terrible jobs just make less than minimum wage and been glad for the work. However, I'd never bash someone for trying to get ahead or at least just hang onto what they have.


Also, teachers pay taxes, too. They pay for their jobs as much as we do.

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some teachers do pay for some supplies

but in the school board I work for it's very few...


when asked what they like best about being a teacher, the top 2 answers are





July and August






July and August, now that;s funny




true but funny


plus every holiday ever invented

the whole time the students have off over Xmas new years

march break

plus board holidays, haven't figured that one out yet


must be there 15 min before class and 5 min after .._ about 6hrs and 50 min a day

well, then subtract lunch and breaks off that time



so I think it adds up to one heck of a job and well compensated for there time



on the other hand I would never be able to put up with those little buggers...I would kill them



I have seen great teachers

and I have seen teachers that if they were teaching my kids, I would take them to a different school, which I guess makes them just like the rest of us

some people love there job, but are bad at it

some people love there job, and are good at it


some hate their,,,well you get the idea




now about their pension .....they have an unbelievable pension

and a supplementary pension fund on top of their very well funded pension

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Maybe we should put it all into perspective that we all can understand. I own a ton of high end tackle. I have built my own rods for almost 40 years now. I tie my own flies (steelhead fishing), make my own lures, floats and rigs. My ex-father-in-law(he’s a millionaire) gave me many lectures now how I wasted my money on fishing tackle.


Your first priority in adult life should have been to treat the old guy with a lot of respect and admiration and you should have stayed married to her. If you had then you would have enough funding to support your fishing hobby. I say this out of my own learned experience! :oops::wallbash: :wallbash: :blink::(

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when my brother dropped out of engineering science at U of T in 2nd year to go to York to become a teacher I though he was truly insane. Now he laughs at me every time I see him. He truly was smart and I was the idiot. Although he makes a little less money than I do, I bet he doesn't work half as much in the course of the year when you factor in summers, Christmas, March Break, "development" days and an 8 am to 4 p.m. work day that involves 2 recesses and a lunch break! I don't even want to talk about his ridiculous sick days allowed. I'll work a 10 hour day, sometimes 6 days a week and often don't stop longer than 5 minutes for lunch. He spends the entire summer with his kids, lots of weeks at the cottage, and several weeks in the winter in Florida. I got no pension, no dental, gotta work holidays...make a good wage but no time to enjoy it. Man do I wish I could turn back time and do it all over.

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