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Electric Filleting knives

rob v

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I've used an electric knife cleaning larger fish (walleye etc) plenty of times and recently considered getting one of the electric filleting knives for all my fish cleaning - including pan fish etc.


I had my eye on the electric rapala - not the cordless model but the ac/dc model.


Anyone have any experience with this unit good or bad ?



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That was my Christmas present this year. My daughter got mine from Cableas and it is the AC/DC unit. I have yet to use it but saw one of my friends use it on a fishing trip and it worked great. I have always used a electric knife for removing the skin. Mine is the Rapala.



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I have the same one you are talking. I've had it for 4years and don't leave home without it. Once you get used to it, you can do everything with. I do mostly walleye and can clean them in half the time, compared to using a regular knife.

Well worth the money for my satisfaction.


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My son got me one (rapala ac\dc) one for xmas last year and love it for walleye and lakers.I can cut thru a pike in a fraction of the time it used to take me with a regular knife.


Great for carving xmas turkey or chicken.




Once you get on to it you will love it.

Edited by Dont Get Caught
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Got my electric Rapala knife from Santa for xmas 2007. I can not believe how good it is, once I got the hang of it. It works especially well for smaller perch which surprised the hell outta me, as I thought it would just butcher them up and leave alot of waste. I get no more waste then doing it with my regular rapala knife and it is faster. Although I am pretty quick at filleting so it really isn't alot faster....but it is a lot less mess.


If I have only a few fish to clean I just use my hand knife. But if I have a mess of crappies or perch the electric comes out.

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For those that like the Rap knife I've donated one for the Fishing For Tyler prize table..


I'm definitely in the minority here, but there's no way, no how I can fillet faster with an electric compared to regular knife.

To me they're a waste...


To me they're akin to the "Knot Tyer". They used to hawk this little brass knot tying tool at all the sports shows back in the day.

Back then I used to work the shows myself and kidded Jim Westman (the guy at the knot tying booth) that his product was useless and that I could tie the knot faster with my hands.

It bugged him so much he finally set up a demonstration in front of a large group of onlookers.


The tool would tie an ordinary clinch knot. I told him not only would I beat him but I'd tie an improved clinch.

The stakes were high, a pitcher of beer in the exhibitors lounge :) .


Needless to say I tied the improved clinch in 3.2 seconds and won the beer.


When I offered to give his potential customers knot tying lessons he wasn't too impressed. :D


Learn how to use a regular knife properly. (Just my opinion :dunno:;) )

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