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What are these fish


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After the Upper Niagara G2G I posted a picture of what I thought was a tiger muskie. There seems to be some question now whether it was a tiger or not. I'd like anyone to weigh in please with their thoughts on the following fish, all were caught on the upper niagara over the past few years. The second one (the little guy) was on a day with our own Aaron (CoolB), and the third picture is the same photo posted on the Upper report. I actually thought all three of these were tigers, but I'd like to hear any opinions.







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The 1st one is a Goldeneye, the 2nd one is a Curaco, and the 3rd is a mutated Carp.

No you were wrong about the first one. I used to live in Winnipeg; goldeneyes have a much shorter snout. I may be wrong though. It could be a goldeneye.

I think you got the other 2 right though.

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1. defiantly looks like a tiger.

2. sometimes young pure strain muskies have a heavy barred pattern that goes away as they get older so its very hard to tell on that one.

3. Looks like a pure strain due to the pointed tail fin, hybrids usually have a rounded tail.

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I will also have to go with Bucktail on this one, I have seen alot of muskies from the Niagara of all different sizes and some have some pretty amazing markings on the barred muskies, others are just all light green, while some are spotted, and if you look at the pic of the one walleyemen got in my boat, you will see it is kind of a combination of barred markings and spotted toward the tail. That is one of the reasons a few people I know have gotten together and helped to get the "know the difference" signs put around the launches. The first one is really dark that's why I think it is a tiger..Niagara muskies tend to be pretty light in colour as opposed to some areas, they always have pretty cool markings, if I compare that to some of the big ones I have caught at my trailer...the ones at my trailer look like old beater war horses...dark green, and splotchy.

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thanks guys, in the meantime I have been doing some very slow research on-line (dang dial-up) and i think I've come to the same answer as what several of you are saying. 1 is a tiger, 2 I'm not sure, 3 is a barred musky. Either way, far different than I thought a few days ago. Apparently barred are regularly confused with tigers. Thank you for all your information and anyone who thinks they know, please continue to give answers. Especially on the little one I have doubts as to what the dang thing is!

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every musky I have ever seen has spots on it's fins :dunno:

Most pure muskies i have caught, have no spots on fins.

Must be because they are Kawartha muskies with no pike around.

For example,



1 and 2 are tigers, I dunno if I'd be positive on a barred Musky on the 3rd tho.

I would agree with that statement it's hard to tell. :dunno: Great Lakes musky seem to have some spots on fins.


Nice looking fish again there Rizzo.

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Guest gbfisher
Must be because they are Kawartha muskies with no pike around.

For example,


I would agree with that statement it's hard to tell. :dunno: Great Lakes musky seem to have some spots on fins.


Nice looking fish again there Rizzo.


What would everyone call this little guy...........Spot, stripe, bar, or just young and doesnt know what he wants to be.... :D




Your fish looks like a clear phase to me. I catch them as well.

Sometimes depending on depth, all the patterns dissapear. Even the Great lake Musky. I can see spots on the tail of your fish...when ya blow it right up. On the tail section as well.



Edited by gbfisher
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