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There is a big bull moose and a cow across from my parents place. Cow looks to have a broken leg, it's gotten up 3-4 times and fell right back down.. The bull is circling it like crazy... My dad would love to go over there and put her out of her misery, but obviously he can't do that. Does anyone know if we can get a hold of a CO in a somewhat quick manor? Their hotline closed at 5:30 and neither myself or my dad wants to see that cow suffer anymore then she has to...


If anyone can help, I'd really appreciate it.

Posted (edited)

Call Wayne Lintack on his cell phone.. he's out of the midhurst office.




If you can't get him


Bruce Ward




Always ask CO's for their business card while they are harrassing you! LOL

Edited by irishfield

I am sure this animal has been taken care of by now but if you call your local police they will put down injured wildlife. They carry shotguns and of course their handguns. You normally get first dibbs on the meat. If not they have a list of hunters that will show up and dress the animal.

Posted (edited)

CO came by this morning and walked out to the cow with my oldman. They got about 10ft away from it before it got up and hobbled away. It's leg is broken right above the hoof. CO called head office to see if there was a rehabilitation center that they could bring the cow to, but he was told over the phone that the cow would end up as coyote meat. He let my dad know that if he took a walk out there again *hint* *hint* to bring along his rifle. My dad will be supplied the proper tag by the CO in order to not run into any legal issues. This cow is also on a 100 acre private farm and the owner has given my dad permission to do whatever he has to do.


I really wish it could have gone to a rehab center, because moose aren't that plentiful around here. Ah well, anything is better then letting the coyotes at it...

Edited by BillM

Bill M thanks for doing the right thing. A lot of people wouldn't have put in the effort or been concerned about an animal in distress. Kudos. Also good to see the MNR being pragmatic and understanding as well.


Sad ending but probbaly the best thing.




I only just realized now that you're in Barrie...that is kinda rare. Good job on everyone's part to deal with it properly though. When's the OFC venison swill???


I read in Ontario Out of Doors a few years back about a moose sighting near Strathroy, in southwestern Ontario. Must have been lost! Couple months later I read in OOD that it got hit by a car.


Bill, kudos to you for sure for going the extra little bit of effort.


I see you've got your PB halloween brown on your avatar, just remember to keep it small!!

Posted (edited)

I would have done the right thing in a minute , to hell with CO's and anyone else. Pain is not fun , I know,( motorcycle). It was in shock anyway, but you should respect gods creatures and not make jokes. Imagine how horrific it could be for an animal suffering on the side of the road if it had to endure even another minute of pain. Oh ya, just so you all know, I HUNT, I FISH , and am not P3TA!



Edited by verminator
I would have done the right thing in a minute , to hell with CO's and anyone else. Pain is not fun , I know


So, you would shoot the animal,butcher it and not report it?

Or would you shoot the animal,call the CO?



We need LESS guys like you TO HELP OUR SPORT.



Imagine how horrific it could be for an animal suffering on the side of the road if it had to endure even another minute of pain


That is a whole different story. You or who ever, hit the animal,both are surprised by it. If this were the case,which it,s not in Bills thread,I would put the animal out quick.


Sorry Bill for going off.


Too bad... I was rooting for the moose.


Good on you for doing the right thing though... In the end, your decision was thoughtful and lawful at the same time..


Now... when is that OFC BBQ?!!




Posted (edited)

Well, dad went in to take a look today, and brought along the 30.06 with him. He was about 50ft away and had a shot when he was chased out of the bush by a big sow. Now, I dunno if my oldman is blind or not, but I have a feeling this is a sow and a calf, not a bull and a sow.. Anyhow, he calls me out of breath saying "Holy, I am really out of shape!" I am going over there tomorrow morning to take care of this with him, either one of us will distract the momma and we'll put the calf out of it's misery. I was ticked at the oldman and told him to go back into the woods, and finish off the job, but in the end it's a moose, my oldmans safety is worth more then that.


BTW, can anyone tally up the fines for shooting a moose with a rifle and without a tag? lol Calling the CO was the only thing to do..

Edited by Spiel

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