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Barack Obama


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Well it's finally over, 2 years of adds and watching debates on every channel, yes even in Canada it's on every channel, in fact I know more about US politics than I do of Canada's simply because we don't hype it up for 2 years before an election, matter of fact I didn't even see one debate for Canada, lol. :)


Anyway glad it's over and I hope all the Americans on here got who they wanted, now if he actually changes anything for the better that's another story.

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I wish him well. If half of his vision becomes reality, the American people, and the world for that matter, will be better off. He is one great speaker and if I were American I would have voted for him. It's gonna be a rough ride for awhile but I think he'll weather the storm.


God Bless America! :clapping:

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Time to bring the forces home!!


Obama's election certainly does hold promise for Americans and the world however while he'll pull US troops out of Iraq, he's calling for a significant increased deployment to Afghanistan. This will also include a call for even more NATO troops including Canadians and Europeans.



Edited by wallacio
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I am something of noob on this board but I look forward too and read it daily.


I wrote a response for the Congratulations Obama thread and it was Locked so I will post it here.


I think that the Mods should be less concerned about locking contentious topics and maybe just label them as such. Who are you to restrict free speech and discussion in a forum such as this (even if it is privately operated?)


I think that Obama deserves a giant congratulations.


Regardless of race, he IS the next president. Any body who becomes president deserves a pat on the back. The fact that he is the first Black president only gives him another paragraph in a text book. To say that he has to worry about being attacked or assassinated more than bush (for example) is ludicrous. Have you seen Bush's security detail? They all have to worry.


I am excited to see what Obama will bring to the table.


As quoted on the other thread previously "After everything is said and done just remember that he is still a politician. "





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Now why did you go ahead and post anything about the election here? I go to this site to escape. To read of places I may never go, and discover others that I might. And, also, to add some of my own experiences for others.


However, since you brought it up.

1) I voted for McCain.

2) I fear Obama is a socialist, as evidenced by his own words, and as strongly hinted at by his past associations.

3) George Bush, while certainly not a stellar president, had very little impact on the economic problems. In fact, it was the dems who thwarted an attempt at more monitoring of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in 2005. Not to mention the govt. leaning on banks to lend in poor areas since the 90's.

4) Bush's only real impact on economy is the war spending. However, the war was approved by a majority of our elected officials, and as such, we are stuck with it. We cannot abandon that country too soon or it will jeopardize what we have earned, in lives. My son was a combat platoon leader there for 15 months. He lost two men in his platoon, including his best friend, yet he would tell you we have done great things over there since the "surge", including winning over the people.

5) I suspect Obama latched on to Iran to divert from his unwillingness to agree we were winning in Iraq, and to show he was not a complete pacifist. We'll see how he carries his promises out relative to the Afghan situation.


That being said, I wish him well, and hope and pray that all my fears are allayed by his actual performance.


This post will likely get yanked, but I wanted to get this off my chest.

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Now why did you go ahead and post anything about the election here? I go to this site to escape. To read of places I may never go, and discover others that I might. And, also, to add some of my own experiences for others.


However, since you brought it up.

1) I voted for McCain.

2) I fear Obama is a socialist, as evidenced by his own words, and as strongly hinted at by his past associations.

3) George Bush, while certainly not a stellar president, had very little impact on the economic problems. In fact, it was the dems who thwarted an attempt at more monitoring of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in 2005. Not to mention the govt. leaning on banks to lend in poor areas since the 90's.

4) Bush's only real impact on economy is the war spending. However, the war was approved by a majority of our elected officials, and as such, we are stuck with it. We cannot abandon that country too soon or it will jeopardize what we have earned, in lives. My son was a combat platoon leader there for 15 months. He lost two men in his platoon, including his best friend, yet he would tell you we have done great things over there since the "surge", including winning over the people.

5) I suspect Obama latched on to Iran to divert from his unwillingness to agree we were winning in Iraq, and to show he was not a complete pacifist. We'll see how he carries his promises out relative to the Afghan situation.


That being said, I wish him well, and hope and pray that all my fears are allayed by his actual performance.


This post will likely get yanked, but I wanted to get this off my chest.


Its interesting to me how the democrats are considered socialists. Not disagreeing -- i'm a canadian....really have no first hand knowledge -- just genuinely find it interesting. Was Clinton a socialist? I think the "socialist" tag is used by republican politicians to scare voters.


I also find it weird that the republican ideals tend to appeal to rural areas yet the benefits are generally felt in the urban/richer areas....and visa versa.

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Now why did you go ahead and post anything about the election here? I go to this site to escape. To read of places I may never go, and discover others that I might. And, also, to add some of my own experiences for others.


However, since you brought it up.

1) I voted for McCain.

2) I fear Obama is a socialist, as evidenced by his own words, and as strongly hinted at by his past associations.

3) George Bush, while certainly not a stellar president, had very little impact on the economic problems. In fact, it was the dems who thwarted an attempt at more monitoring of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in 2005. Not to mention the govt. leaning on banks to lend in poor areas since the 90's.

4) Bush's only real impact on economy is the war spending. However, the war was approved by a majority of our elected officials, and as such, we are stuck with it. We cannot abandon that country too soon or it will jeopardize what we have earned, in lives. My son was a combat platoon leader there for 15 months. He lost two men in his platoon, including his best friend, yet he would tell you we have done great things over there since the "surge", including winning over the people.

5) I suspect Obama latched on to Iran to divert from his unwillingness to agree we were winning in Iraq, and to show he was not a complete pacifist. We'll see how he carries his promises out relative to the Afghan situation.


That being said, I wish him well, and hope and pray that all my fears are allayed by his actual performance.


This post will likely get yanked, but I wanted to get this off my chest.


Also, what is winning in iraq? Who are you fighting (thought there were no terrorists there?), and what/where is the goal-line? Not arguing...just genuinely asking.

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