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Sean Avery.....


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Love him or hate him Sean Avery in my opinion is a key player for any team he plays for. He gets the other teams so worried about killing him that they make too many mistakes and wind up in the penalty box which gives Ave's team the advantage. So with that idea what is your opinion? I personally love his style of hockey and going back to the playoffs last year with the Marty Brodeur incident....I don't care what you say that was GENIUS, there was nothing in the rule book stating otherwise so by all means it was legal....anyways I'd love to hear some opinions on Sean jus to see what the general public thinks of him....I know this might be a controversial topic but I think we can all act our age here.....so please let me know what you think of The Most Hated Man in Hockey.....






Sean at it again here!

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I will be the first to say,he and along with others like him,made me get out of my game. I couldnt wait to put thier heads through the glass and went out of my way to try so. Either I took a penalty or was caught out of postion,while the ones that could put the puck in the net,would do so. Even though I hate those guys,I got to give the full kudos for the job they do.


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Someone needs to remove 4 of his front teeth and blacken both of his eyes---even if they take a 5 game suspension.


This is not roller derby!!


Hard to believe I'm a pacifist.


Thanks now I have to go to confession.





you think that would shut Avery up? hes been beaten way too many times and yet still keeps yappin....it's the way he plays....it's all he knows....

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i think he's the type of guy you love to have on your team and hate to play against for the reasons mentioned.


as a fan, he's entertainment. for the game, he gets people talking & wondering what he'll do next. it's all good press.

Edited by Raf
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Love him or hate him Sean Avery in my opinion is a key player for any team he plays for. He gets the other teams so worried about killing him that they make too many mistakes and wind up in the penalty box which gives Ave's team the advantage. So with that idea what is your opinion? I personally love his style of hockey and going back to the playoffs last year with the Marty Brodeur incident....I don't care what you say that was GENIUS, there was nothing in the rule book stating otherwise so by all means it was legal....anyways I'd love to hear some opinions on Sean jus to see what the general public thinks of him....I know this might be a controversial topic but I think we can all act our age here.....so please let me know what you think of The Most Hated Man in Hockey.....


Sean at it again here!


If yer impressed with Avery, then you don't care much about hockey. Perhaps he shoulda been a pro wrestler. They're into hotdogs.



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Sean Avery is an absolute disgrace to the good game of hockey.


He, on a regular basis, has his foot so far in his mouth you can see it out his a$$. With his crap/smack talk he crosses lines all the time, wether it be 'typical french guys with visors runnning around the ice talking and not backing it up' or calling George Laraque a 'monkey', or yap talking about opposing teams players' wives, to his latest incident where he left his dressing room to confront a New York Rangers' Managment person so that he could crap talk to him.


Avery need to be permanently knocked out of the game, cause it seems no one from the NHL head office wants to do anything about it. If it wasn't for his on/off ice antics he wouldn't even be in the NHL. He is trash and always will be. :wallbash:

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Sean Avery is an absolute disgrace to the good game of hockey.


He, on a regular basis, has his foot so far in his mouth you can see it out his a$$. With his crap/smack talk he crosses lines all the time, wether it be 'typical french guys with visors runnning around the ice talking and not backing it up' or calling George Laraque a 'monkey', or yap talking about opposing teams players' wives, to his latest incident where he left his dressing room to confront a New York Rangers' Managment person so that he could crap talk to him.


Avery need to be permanently knocked out of the game, cause it seems no one from the NHL head office wants to do anything about it. If it wasn't for his on/off ice antics he wouldn't even be in the NHL. He is trash and always will be. :wallbash:


come on man.....i know you know i am right! it's all strategy my friend....the guy gets payed to be an :asshat:....so might as well be one right? he does not ruin the game of hockey.....he is part of the game of hockey.....guys like him have been around for years...ITS PART OF THE GAME...to go around running ur mouth and get the other teams so worried about hurting you that they don't focus so much on the outcome...that is why Sean Avery is a valuable player and that is why if i was a GM i would sign him in a heartbeat....



Stoty whats ur opinion????




Edited by chickenhawk
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Love him or hate him Sean Avery in my opinion is a key player for any team he plays for. He gets the other teams so worried about killing him that they make too many mistakes and wind up in the penalty box which gives Ave's team the advantage. So with that idea what is your opinion? I personally love his style of hockey and going back to the playoffs last year with the Marty Brodeur incident....I don't care what you say that was GENIUS, there was nothing in the rule book stating otherwise so by all means it was legal....anyways I'd love to hear some opinions on Sean jus to see what the general public thinks of him....I know this might be a controversial topic but I think we can all act our age here.....so please let me know what you think of The Most Hated Man in Hockey.....


Sean at it again here!


I don't know anything about fishing except I love to eat them but I just wanted to add my comments on Sean. So far this year Sean has been calmer on the ice. Yes, he agitates and aggravates but he is doing his job. Of course we would love to have some of those goals he scored with the NYR but right now he is assisting and drawing penalties to put us on a power play. We have really had a very slow start this year but we are looking forward to that changing and Sean getting his warm weather Texas legs. I met him a couple of weeks ago and he actually is very pleasant. He is certainly not dumb and knows exactly what he is doing and how to get it done. He seems to be well liked here in Dallas. So, don't be too harsh on him because he seems to be liked by the fans of the team he is playing for at the time and I hope he stays around here for a long time. GO STARS!!!!!!

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He can play and he doesn't back down. Alot of teams were making a run for him in the off season possibly even the Leafs so I heard. He has a job and he does it well. I find him entertaining to watch. He'll never be kicked out of the league because he puts butts in the seats.

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When the Leafs were looking to replace some of the grit they lost last year in Belak and Tucker I was hoping they'd maybe try and sign Avery.

Not an enforcer, but definitely an agitator.


I'd take Avery over Hollweg any day of the week.

Uhg! what a terrible signing that was, now there's someone who's a disgrace to the league.

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Avery's a good enuf player to get ice time without the shenanigans. He's perhaps even good enuf that the dumb stuff may be hurting his value rather than adding to it.


But that being said, no doubt there's a level of fans who are more interested in cheering fools like Avery than appreciating good hockey, and they pay to get their butts in the seats. They probably also watch Nascar for the crashes. Personally, I like my Nascar without crashes, and my hockey without Averyness.



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Avery's a good enuf player to get ice time without the shenanigans. He's perhaps even good enuf that the dumb stuff may be hurting his value rather than adding to it.


But that being said, no doubt there's a level of fans who are more interested in cheering fools like Avery than appreciating good hockey, and they pay to get their butts in the seats. They probably also watch Nascar for the crashes. Personally, I like my Nascar without crashes, and my hockey without Averyness.




Actually Avery can play.

Anyone remember how he played for the Rangers a couple years back in the playoffs?

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Tough call,

No doubt a presence on the ice, and an effective one at that.

But its anoying as hell to watch as well...

I might as well watch the industiral leagues, or pick up hockey with a bunch of local hot head teens.

Unfortunatly for me (because some actually like this style) thats the Way the games going so I might as well get used to it or stop watching.

These shinanigans are one of many reasons I now watch the OHL about 95% more then NHL

Same crap goes on, but its also penalized much more consistantly, and discouraged as opposed to embraced.

IMO it seems the fan base, or target audience for the NHL advertisments and growth markets are no longer in my demographic.

I enjoy a hard hitting, CLEAN, game were players keep each other honest in the corners, and what they can't keep in line the leauge takes care of in order to maintain a level playing feild for the Talent to shine.

Now its more about "growing" the Leaugues popularity as opposed to "keeping" the true fans.

And the business plan is about sensationalism, contraversy, and high energy drama...


Yup I'm bitter, but hey if i'm the minority I suppose their better off with out me anyway.

We'll see how long it takes for the NHL to flounder or boom I suppose....anyone else smell a strike?



there was nothing in the rule book stating otherwise so by all means it was legal....

How about Unsportsmanlike conduct?

If it was on the officials minds one would think that call would pretty much undermind everything stupid he does, and force him to simply

"Play hockey"


But as it was mentioned before its entertainment, and given the leagues apporach to "growing fan support" I highly doubt we will see any push for firm enforcement.


BTW...for all you Avery haters

I've seen the man cry after taking a beating after school LOL!

And yes he's as big as a tool off the ice as he is on.

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