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As for the PC's..... anyone that telemarkets on a national holiday, during dinner, should be blown off the face of the earth.


PC's are not the only ones doing that.


The Liberals called us on Monday afternoon, and they didn't even have the decency to have a real person call, it was a taped message!!!


Burt <_<

PC's are not the only ones doing that.


The Liberals called us on Monday afternoon, and they didn't even have the decency to have a real person call, it was a taped message!!!


Burt <_<


PC was taped as well.. and using computer spam to do so.... all three of our phone lines rang at the same time.

Posted (edited)
Ok lets think about this...


- Harper is a pussy and will do nothing about anything

-Dion wants the stupid carbon tax

-Layton is about the family

-green party will probably limit fishing more then it already is


so I say vote NDP :)

Who's a Pussy?? you say. Since you want to advertise let me say this. Does it make sense that you raise the Age of sexual consent from 14 to 16 to rid some freaks out there. How about three strikes you go to jail. How about a young offender that does a serious crime ( Rape, murder, Home invasion, arson) loses the young offenders act goes to jail and/or gets his name off of protection. Now the Pussys (Liberels either delayed or did not show up for the vote) is that what you elected these monkeys for. I pity another minority government. And that Idiot with the Carbon tax when asked by the truckers and fisherman if it will cost more for Diesel his answer was. Not at the pumps but only the Companies. Ya sucker. And Bring back poor OMAR,. Did I tell ya that I think that Dallaire is a coward. Oh one last thing on Harper Amen for cutting money on Arts and Culture. CBC Sucks and I dont care about Quebec Jugglers or Mimes. Too bad he has more balls than brains though.


Then there is Taliban Jack. Lets pull out of NATO and Afghanistan. Oh heres a good one, negotiate with them. He can , but I doubt that he will risk his neck, opps I mean head. Do you realize how much he has promised in this Campaign


And there is Stupid, Elizabeth May, I don't think you will see her in power as a leader, as she may lose a lot of money by opening her Mouth AGAIN saying vote Liberal. (Those elected get electorial money for their party) What kind of leader does that. Oh yea she stepped down from the Mule Roney cabinet when she was against the building of the Rafferty Dam in Saskatchewan. ( wonderful Fishery, and watershed for the economy ie farmers that grow your food. She is as thick as a Brick, same as her followers. Did you watch CPAC



Edited by holdfast
what have the conservatives done lately other than nothing

What could they do with the disfunctional parliment they were dealing with?


It Wouldn't be any different had the tables been reveresed....non of the partys like to play fair with each other.

Its not as if half the motions brought up were voted down, or as if they were CONSTANTLY under the threat of being brought down by Mr. Dion

There is no innocent party out there...PC's are no worse then the former Liberal regime

I've personaly seen enough Red in the last decade, and its not all been great as some would have us think.

Either way,

Traditionally with a minority governments regardless of the leading party you'll see very little change.

From one party to the next they don't like to support each others Ideas, In their minds each bill, or plan is a chance to defile the other partys name, and win back some public support. And in the off chance its a good plan it still won't be passed because it might make the leading party look good so it won't be supported.

Its always a big Dog and Pony show regardless of the ring master in minority governments.

Not saying a Majority doesn't present some issues as well...I'm just saying :whistling:


For my self Blue is good, but there are way to many personal reasons to list.

Just know this,

If your informed...and by informed I mean very informed and involved

You should be able to identify a "best" party for you.

Get out and vote folks

Posted (edited)


Yeah and you're an intellect...right



Love to talk to ya but I got to vote because there is so many undecided, and then drive 1.5 hrs to Saskatoon and do my other duty as a part time soldier and train young Canadians that know what duty, Honour and Loyalty is.

Good bye.

Edited by holdfast
I just wish that Sarah Palin was from Tuktoyaktuk instead of Alaska. She'd get my vote. So close, but yet so far... :whistling:


I would never vote for Palin, she's is two faced... GO OBAMA GO :) :) :)


living in Northern Ontario we've just given the NDP a clean sweep! Just what we need....the party with the 4th amount of seats sitting in the "cheap seats" trying to help us out. Wow the north will be heard loud and clear these next 4 years! I won't sleep tonight!



Holdfast - I didn't read the rest of your post, only this line, but for once (well, maybe there were a few other times) I agree with you 100%.


There are very few reasons not to vote, it is the only way of letting your voice be heard with respect to government goings on. Unfortuantely, far too many are feel their vote won't make a difference. At least in Ontario (probably based on the time difference, as that's what I've heard most about), we have decided we want a majority - Conservatives are up in seats. They lost it in Quebec, probbably related to sovreinty (sp?) issues not many of us understand.


A collosal waste of time - $300 million spent on what?


The only thing is, none of the other parties are in a position to overtake to conservatives any time soon. We will be back to the polls in less than 2 years, after the Liberals do away with Dion (an embarasment). Bob rae or Ignatief (Justin Trudeau's time is coming in about 6-10 years) will lead the Liberals to power after this minority.


When i saw the eleciton so heavily favoured for the conservatives, I was hoping theyd just get the majority. But it looks like a small minority government. Time for a Liberal-NDP-Quebecois coalition Government. Just to shake things up and to say "we done it!". Directly following this, Hell would freeze over and the whole universe would implode. But hey, a little chaos never hurt no one.


After spending 15 hours at the polls, I can at least be proud of Canajuns in the rural ridings. We may have the least say in big govt, but 70% of the voters at our 5 polls cast their ballots. They still understand the value in casting their vote. They understand their duty as citizens of this great country.


What did Layton say The Government doesn't have an Agenda from the other parties too Govern? What a fiasco. BE ADVISED.. see how many of your opposition elected don't show up on important issues (Crime) in the next few years, however when it comes to their Quality of Life, They will all be there like the last two years.

Let the Liberal sniping begin to oust Mr Dress-up. I figured out what the Conservative supposed hidden Agenda is. He wants to turn all of Central Canada into Red Necks or Despicable no good Americans.


No Offense to my American friends but seems you guys are not liked out there. Every move by Harper is contrived to being American and no good. WATCH and SHOOT


I guess we can't have an at least semi civil discussion about these important things here. Lesson learned.

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