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Just another day fishing in the river

Guest Fishing For Life

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Guest Fishing For Life

Since the weather forecast said it was going to rain yesterday, I went to another Lake-O eastern trib to try my luck


There were another two guys and I centerpining and exchanging stories for two hours. Even thought the action was

really really slow but it was fun to wet lines, you know.


After a while, couple guys who seems to be friends together came to join us. Without greeting us or anything first, one guy yelled "this pool is now for bottom bouncing" at us instead.


We, centerpiners, looked at each other and we were like "what the BEEP is wrong with these people?"

One guy immediately packed up and left with a bit of anger.


Two of us were patiently waiting to see what those guys were up to. No one owns the pool so it doesnt matter what techniques people use

as long as we can all get along with each other, right? (as mentioned in previous posts, I used to bottom bounce before getting into centerpining)


They settled at the end of the pool in which we thought it was ok for everyone at least we got to drift the 70% portion of the pool without worrying

of crossing their lines.



Two of them casted all the way to the head of the pool from where they sat (at the end of the pool).

well, this was not good but it would not be a problem If they could hold up their rod up in the air for us to drift pass. Instead, they rested their rods on sticks ...


at this point, I kinda gave up but the other buddy kept drifting until lines got tangled up couple times as the tension was getting there.

eventually, the other centerpiner went up to them and nicely asked those two people who casted into the head of the pool to relocate

accordingly so that at least we, centerpiner, could drift in between bottom bouncing at the head & end of the pool


as expected, they replied with furious tone saying "you dont own the BEEP pool, why should I listen to you?"


He tried to explain to them that since no one owns the pool we should work together so that we can all enjoy fishing, but

I guess they have hearing problems or dont have enough brain cells to understand ...


so, we just left ...


does this story sound familiar to you guys? any advices?

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Sounds like these boys were suffering from the dreaded "moronic plague"


I've seen this illness strike before, it actually is eating at that last brain cell ponging around in that empty cavern on their shoulders.


The "Dog" is right ---best just walk away and find another spot---maybe Karma will kick in.


One of the reasons I left Southern Ontario years ago.


I've actually heard of knives being pulled on each other on these creeks back in the 70's---oh well "You can take the boy outta the trailer park........But.....

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It's crap like this that is pretty much the reason I skip out on what I like to call the whole "salmon angler season" now a days. To me, if you guys where fishing a pool, there is no reason why a few guys cannot share and co-operate together even if using different techniques in the same spot, pretty simple, everyone just needs to cast in order according to where you are located on the poll or the current with little or no fouled lines at all. And if it is a smaller pool and already occupied, no reason why they cannot just walk on to a quieter spot. It happens more and more in this new age of the interweb where it's easy for all the "wrong people" to get all the "right info" sadly enough it's mostly the good guys on a board like this where all the idiots get all thier tips on what spot is producing.


I see it all the time in my area too, and I am not talking fishing a trib, I am talking a huge body of water like the Niagara River where you can catch fish all the way from the base of the Falls practically to the mouth of Lake Ontario. I have fished the Lower Niagara avidly for about 30 years, and over the last 7-8 years I have practically given up on shore fishing for salmon. It used to be you could go to any number of good fishing holes along the river..everyone was freindly, co-operated, fished together, shared tips, even shared baits and tackle, helped land eachother's fish, even if you hooked a 30-40 lber and had to chase it 10 minutes down the bank, when you came back to your starting point there was someone there watching your tackle you had to leave behind,and with a smile would say...."nice fish, here is your spot back", and to boot if you latched on to a huge drag screaming fish, everyone around would actually reel in thier lines and get out of the way so they would not tangle up with your fish.


Nowadays this is truely not the story...all the crap starts in the stupid parking spots often 20-30 minutes away from the fishin hole. You get people trying to squeeze in a parking space and blocking other peop[le's vehicles in, then you here a holler from another vehicle "come on guys let's get down there before the other guys beat us", then there is the race of flashlights down the trail in the big quest to get to the water's edge first. The you get to the water's edge, and start fishing, if you happen to get into some fish, then 10 seconds later there come a big swarm of "I don't speak English guys"(no not a racist comment at all and not aimed at any nationality..it's all of them, I am not like that, it's just something that is 100% true sadly that actually happens, come on down to the river and check it out) They will come right over to 1-2 guys fishing with about 6-7-8 guys and walk right in front of the other people and start casting, and muscling them out of thier spot usally starting by casting thier 50lb test line right into the other people's lines and get them tangled up on purpose 10 times and then looking at the guy who was there first like they did something wrong, and then start in a po'd foreign voice bantering with eachother pointing fingers at the lone angler like they where gonna shoot the guy or something for having the nerve to get in thier way. This practice is getting worse and worse all the time..all this trouble for a half dead fish you probably should not eat anyways. ( I am not trying to get into that debate either, but when it comes a month from now and the salmon are spent, and spawned out on thier last legs, and there are visual signs of decay with thier tails half warn off from the rocks, is it that a big a conquest to snag one???) Lets not even get into the big mess of litter all these idiots leave behind when they come flocking to the river from 2-3 hours away from where they live, in alot of cases there are way less "local" anglers at these spots this time of year than "out of towners" sadly we can most likely thanks the interweb for this as well.


It is for these reasons that I stated, I have lost interest in the whole fall salmon run, I just wait until this is all over, the salmon are dead, the idiots all go home becasue it's too cold outside, then I hop in the boat ,or hit a couple of my fav shore spots along the river bank,and let the steelie and laker action fly all winter long.

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Those 2 were up to no good and I remember reading that interfering with fishing is an offense. By verbally declaring "this pool is now for bottom bouncers" their intention to interfere with your fishing is clear. Maybe a cop could have fixed up the situation.


Of course a childish thing would have been to tie large rocks to the end of your lines and declare them as sinkers as you lobbed them into the pool. Those knobs sound like snagggers though.


I like the cop thing better than that....you had 3 witnesses and the first guy who left right away may have had previous experience with these guys.



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Hey Fishing for life...sad to say this happens everywhere, similar to Bushart it is one of the reasons i left England!!!! fishing mostly from piers over there it was becoming more and more difficult to go out without the potential for a fight starting.....like you said, it would seem a simple solution for everyone to work together so everyone can fish the same spot, but some people are just to ignorant/aggressive/dumb to see it that way.

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Guest Fishing For Life

Maybe I am a little bit sensitive about the comments "I dont speak English people". Based on my short experience,

it really depends on the person's character.


I have helped many people who dont speak english to learn what rules to follow and how to fish other people

so that there will not be any misconception about "english not my first language people". Not only they learn quickly

but also they thank me for helping them out.


On the other hand, I have seen people who speak english and yet stll act like a fool (not to mention they seem to

already know what rules are, like those people mentioned in my post)


My point is that ..the root cause is not the amount of the people ... but how people cope with different situations.


Note: special thanks to the nice gentleman who taught me how to fish with others when I just started ^_^

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I know exactly what you are saying Fishing For Life, and I didn't mean to offend anyone in the process of trying to explain myself with the comment I made, where I fish that is pretty much 99% of the case, honestly....it is pretty much all landed people from all over the globe..I wasn't pointing fingers at anyone particular ethnicity or anything....it's all people who make no effort what so ever to talk in English to anyone no matter how nicely they are approached or treated by the others around them...they are just outright rude and it is getting worse and worse all the time....and for the most part they are people from 2-3-4 hours away so they really don't give a crap about the local fishery and the local anglers. ( you can see all the different "dealership" locations on all the cars ect in the parking areas)


I have personally time and time again tried to communicate with people like this..be nice as I can to them, offer to lend them some pointers on catching fish, even offer them tackle or let thier kids fight a fish (which by the way is a whole other issue as they are teaching a new generation how to grow into idiots as well)...they don't give a crap, they may as well spit right in your face...they look at you like you intruded on thier fishing spot when they are the ones who came right over and blatantly over run you out of the area. This only happens during the salmon run for the most part, it's an annual migration of :asshat: holes and is causing more and more problems all the time.


Go on down to the popular shore spots around Niagara over the next couple weeks, you will see exactly what I mean by my comment, and the wake left behind from these so called "anglers" and in general if you read any fishing reports on a board some where that people are complaining about the same problems, I can pretty much guarantee you they have the same opinion, and story to tell about who the worst of the idiots are in the story. Don't be surprized if on your way down to a fishing hole there are other's coming up from finishing thier day on the banks and they comment to you on the lines of "good luck watch out for the swarm of so and so's down there overrunning the fishing hole"..very sad..and very true as of the last couple years....and the worst part..we on the fishing boards are inadvertantly telling them where to go fishing <_<


Again sorry if I offended anyone in the process, I am not pointing fingers at any one particular group of idiots who "don't speak English". Because of all these fly -by -nighters always using the " don't speak English" card as an excuse to be idiots or commit fishing infractions out there,thanks to the ethical concerned anglers out there looking out for our rescources and every shrinking shore fishing options and the MNR tips line, our area is now being enforced better than it ever has in years, and there has been new officers transferred to our area as well, and they will continue to do so if the problems persist .


Sorry if my comments sound bad,I am generally a pretty easy going guy, I run my own business, and deal with people from all walks of life and ethnicities all the time, and understand how comments like this can offend people on a diverse fishin forum as this one,I have seen alot of great fishing spots ruined over the years, and I am really starting to hate "salmon angler season" :Gonefishing:


My appologies for offending anyone...but really don't take it to heart as a shot at anyone on this board ,it's not the melting pot of this fishing forum community that are the ones being the idiots, one of the best thing I like about this board is the fact that it is a melting pot of all different people from all different walks of life, young and old getting together and sharing some of the same values along the way. :Gonefishing:

Edited by jwl
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You did not offend me. I knew what you were getting at. Different language usually means a different culture...it is also a sure way for a group to intimidate an individual or a good way for someone to claim ignorance.


Those guys who declared "This is now a bottom bouncing hole!" may have resorted to a foreign language first if they knew one.




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I recall a few years back --my nephew (adult) was in the Burlington area and there was a group catching out of season steelhead directly below the sanctuary sign---when he indicated their mistake ---funny they could'nt speak english.


So if the MNR reads this site---next spring maybe something to check on.


Now we are all descendents of people from elsewhere but claiming that you do not speak english is like a blank cheque to do whatever you wish with zero penalties.


Kudos that abide by the rules but really ignorance of the law is no excuse and makes for hard feelings between the various groups.

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Thats suits some but, let bullies rule the river? You have to be kidding.


Some will run, some will hide, others will try to turn the tide.




Fair play if you're 6'6" and 280+lbs...All the best to you for making a difference.


Being less than half that size, I'm still waiting for Simms or Patagucci to bring out their Kevlar stab-proof line of waders and wading jackets.LOL


Grew up fishing the eastern tribs and have seen people do some crazy things over half dead chinnies when they're in the rivers.

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Fair play if you're 6'6" and 280+lbs...All the best to you for making a difference.


Being less than half that size, I'm still waiting for Simms or Patagucci to bring out their Kevlar stab-proof line of waders and wading jackets.

That's where the cell phone and the TIPS line come in handy. No confrontation, just call if the law is being broken. There is no need for any redneck antics. Let the authorities do their job.

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gotta love the river Tough guy!!! Unless you knwo how to defend yourself you did a smart move by leaving, sorry you didn't get to fish. This is why I try and go to places where only centrepinners go but I am fortunate to live by the Niagara. Not sure how I would have reacted to those asses.

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That seemed a nasty comment.

I thought you said it was just better to walk away?


Walking away is your opinion....I have mine too.



Nasty? You must be the sensitive type.


I'll defend my family, myself, and my country.

I'm not about to start something with your typical drooling, gap toothed knuckle dragging bank mutant.

Especially over a freakin' boot! :D

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Guest Fishing For Life

Thanks for all the replies, guys and gals.


JWL, no worries, I was not upset about your post coz' I knew what you were talking about.


I just wish if there were things we could do to make every pool a better place to fish at.


Imagine if you have to take some kinda written exams to get your fishing license, maybe

it would educate new anglers to know what to do and what to follow rather than causing

conflicts with each other.


The world is alreadya small place filled with wars and stuff. We dont need those in fishing,

dont you agree?

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Let the freaks have their circus. Go fish Musky or Bass instead!

Unless you want to risk death or Life in prison for a knife fight..why bother? For a boot?

Keep a nice 6" Fillet Knife handy on your vest or belt!

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