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Bigfoot story


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Not shure if its a hoax or if its real. That body in the freezer sure looks real.....In a way it would be good to finally know for sure wether they exist or not. If its real, its a shame one of the speicies had to die to proove it.

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A corpse may be the only way to prove that they do exist. Eye witness reports, photos, and video are all subject to very close scrutiny and skepticism. If there are really as many as some folks claim, it's a wonder a corpse wasn't found before now. Time will tell I guess to see if this is the real McCoy, something else, or just another publicity/money stunt. Would be kinda neat though if these things were real.

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A corpse may be the only way to prove that they do exist. Eye witness reports, photos, and video are all subject to very close scrutiny and skepticism. If there are really as many as some folks claim, it's a wonder a corpse wasn't found before now. Time will tell I guess to see if this is the real McCoy, something else, or just another publicity/money stunt. Would be kinda neat though if these things were real.


I also think it would be cool if they really existed, though. I used to agree that it seems stranges that no carcass has been found, until I thought about it a bit more. I have spent a reasonable amount of time in the bush and walking rivers and I have never come across a large animal carcass that had died of natural causes yet. That alone has reversed my thinking on it especially when I see herds of 10 plus deer ALL OVER the areas where I am off the beaten path. The population of deer is HUGE and seems to grow every year yet I have never encountered even one body of one in all my travels. I see lots of live ones though and even almost step on fawns that are hiding, from time to time LOL. So it seems that nature does have it way of quietly desposing of larger animals that die off. So I can see why that if this creature exists and it only lives in very remote areas that finding evidence of one that died of natural causes lying round would be slim to none. Another factor that would make it tough to find a carcass is that in nature animals who are dying tend to go off by themselves and hide away.

Edited by Canuck2fan
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Results are in ................. HOAX, SCAM, Whatever you want to call it.


96% Opossum and some human dna.





You have my deepest condolences Glen it seems they have shot one of your long lost kids......




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It's interesting that most of these sightings and claims come from the U.S.

People looking for $$$ to tell their stories. If these things did exist. There would be more evidence somewhere.

Why are most of the photos and videos fuzzy ??? The ones that are clear look very much like a large human in an ape suit.


Older pics and video can claim poor tecnology, but what's the excuse vith modern equipment?

Most people would have a camera while camping or hiking. Heck, you can even take pics and video with the cell phone. Most people carry them. When a wild animal spots you, it will normally stand / sit still for a bit and stare at you. At least my experiences have been as such. If they've been watching you for a bit and you get too close, they will run, not calmly walk away. These videos always show a creature walking calmly away from the human with the camera. Almost always a side profile. Don't these creatures ever walk away from people? If they're so reclusive, they'd run away at the site of a human. Seems these creatures aren't too afraid of humans. That would indicate they live close to populated areas and are used to humans, therefore would be sighted more often and leave tracks everywhere. HOAX !!!


I find deer hair on fences all the time and droppings & tracks everywhere. Same with moose and bear tracks & droppings. Lots of wolf tracks, but I've only seen 3 in the wild, all at the same time. I was in my treestand & they were chasing an old doe (deer) just a few minutes from a heavily populated area. (yes, I know the difference between wolves and coyotes) Where's the bigfoot hair, droppings (maybe they're on municipal sewage & flush it away :rolleyes: ) , decomposing body, (real) tracks, bedding areas, etc.?


I do believe there is life on other planets.

Whether or not these life forms have visited earth is another story.

We discovered recently there may have been life on Mars in the form of organisms & maybe more. Our technlogy doesn't allow us to reach distant solar systems / galaxies, etc.

With all the millions of planets and solar systems, there has to be a few similar to ours.

Most people assume other life forms are more advanced than us, but they could also be very primitive. I'm sure there's something out there, but doubt it will ever be proven in my lifetime.

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And the Best part of it is that the Lunatic Steve Kulls gave the Hoaxters money and now they're missing. You know it was a hoax when the Hunters went to Steve Kulls first and not the Scientists. There is a sucker born every second. I think its so funny.

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