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A Very Interesting Read About Cancer (Definitely NF)


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I found this fascinating and thought some of you might as well:





"Cancer, which surpassed heart disease as the number one killer in America in 2005, is still considered “a mystery” in conventional medicine. In fact, the term “cancer” is just a generic term that in no way describes its cause.


In this video, Doug Kaufman – a longtime proponent of the influence of fungi in human disease -- interviews the Italian oncologist Dr. Tullio Simoncini -- author of Cancer is a Fungus -- who shares fascinating new information about what he believes is the root of all cancers: fungi, and discusses a radically different path for curing cancer; sometimes in as little as a few days.


Conventional Cancer Treatments – Ineffective and Dangerous “Cures”


Currently, if you are diagnosed with cancer, especially in the U.S., you are given three options:





However, as mentioned in this video, finding actual statistics on the effectiveness of these treatments is very difficult. You’d think if something is the best medicine has to offer, they’d be more than happy to share their level of success.


Most people are given a 50/50 chance of dying from cancer, in general. And conventional treatments are touted as your best shot at surviving.


But is it true?


According to Dr. Simoncini’s website, polls and questionnaires show that a full 75 percent of doctors say they’d refuse chemotherapy if they were struck with cancer due to its ineffectiveness and its devastating side effects.


Many doctors have spoken out about it, yet their voices are still ignored. For example, Dr. Allen Levin, MD, author of The Healing of Cancer, has said, “The majority of the cancer patients in this country die because of chemotherapy, which does not cure breast, colon or lung cancer. This has been documented for over a decade and nevertheless doctors still utilize chemotherapy to fight these tumors.”


Professor Gorge Mathe similarly stated, “If I were to contract cancer, I would never turn to a certain standard for the therapy of this disease. Cancer patients who stay away from these centers have some chance to make it.”


So, how effective is chemotherapy?


There is at least one study that I know of that addresses this very question. Published in the journal Clinical Oncology in December 2004, the results of this study were astounding, showing that chemotherapy has an average 5-year survival success rate of just over 2 percent for all cancers!




In the U.S., chemo was most successful in treating testicular cancer and Hodgkin’s disease, where its success rate fell just below 38 percent and slightly over 40 percent respectively.


Still well below the 50/50 mark…


A review of chemo on 5-year survival rates in Australia garnered almost identical results, with a 2.3 percent success rate, compared to the U.S. 2.1 percent rate of success.


And yet this is the best that conventional medicine has up its sleeve for treating this widespread killer.


What Causes Cancer?


Conventional medicine likes to focus on the impact of genetics as a causative agent in developing cancer, despite the fact that research indicates that genetics is not the main cause of this widespread phenomenon, even though it may play a small role in some people. Unfortunately, little attention is paid to the impact of plain and simple infections.


Dr. Simoncini’s research has led him to believe that something as simple as a fungus, Candida, is the leading cause of cancer; that cancer itself is in fact a fungus. What we refer to as a tumor, is nothing more than your body’s attempt at protecting itself from that fungus.


He brings up an analogy between psoriasis – an “incurable” disease of the skin that many treat as a fungus – and tumors, which are also an “incurable” disease of your body. Several studies have linked the presence of Candida with cancer, showing that anywhere between 79 to 97 percent of all cancer patients also have Candida.


Dr. Simoncini’s explanation for how this phenomenon works – how Candida leads to deadly cancer – is that it’s a consequence of the weakening and exhaustion of your organs, and eventually your entire body, in the following stages:


Candida roots itself in your deep connective tissue in various organs

As a result, this evokes an organic defensive reaction as the connective tissue of your invaded organ attempts to encyst the fungin colonies through cellular hyper-production, which results in the formation of tumors

Growths continue as the fungi spreads, both in your surrounding tissue, and remotely (aka “metastatis”). It is still always the same Candida attacking different tissues, but due to its highly adaptive qualities it is able to mutate to adapt itself to whatever environment it finds itself in, hence the various types of tumors

Your body becomes progressively more exhausted, which allows the fungi to spread and take over more rapidly

You die from “cancer”

If Cancer is a Fungus, Then What is the Cure?


In the video, Dr. Simoncini shows actual before-and-after footage of both bronchial cancer and colon cancer. Four days after his revolutionary and mind-blowingly simple treatment for bronchial cancer with a sodium bicarbonate and water flush, the tumors are gone…


Sodium bicarbonate, a.k.a baking soda, is the most potent anti-fungal substance there is. The problem with anti-fungal drugs, however, is that fungi are extremely adaptive, and can adapt to a new environment in three to four days. This renders anti-fungal drugs largely ineffective. The fungi do not adapt to the baking soda, but it is far more difficult to use as it needs to be injected directly into the tumor; swallowing the baking soda would not work at all.


Candida yeast is not “one shared element,” so to speak, but rather “social elements,” or colonies, that are highly communicative.


Because of their unique adaptation skills, sodium bicarbonate must be administered directly onto the tumor, and in so doing changing its ph very quickly, from acid to alkaline, which quickly and effectively kills off the yeast before it has time to adapt.


For example, Dr. Simoncini’s experience has shown that 99 percent of breast- and bladder cancer can heal in just six days, entirely without the use of surgery, chemo or radiation, using just a local infiltration device (such as a catheter) to deliver the sodium bicarbonate directly to the infected site in your breast tissue or bladder.


Why the Baking Soda Cancer Cure is Not Available Everywhere


Unfortunately, Dr. Simoncini is yet another brilliant doctor who has been ousted from the medical community due to his revolutionary simple ideas of how to cure profit-making diseases.


So many people refuse to believe that this is true and that it’s happening to good doctors, since “everyone knows” you must be a liability to human life if you’re stripped of your medical license.


But the reason why Dr. Simoncini was kicked out is because as an oncologist – a cancer specialist -- he refused to use conventional cancer treatment methods, choosing instead to administer sodium bicarbonate, which is HARMLESS, as opposed to the often lethal use of chemotherapy.


His lawyers have recently started a rehabilitation court trial at the International Court of Justice in Strassburg to have him reinstated.


Preventive Measures – Combating Candida


If the cause of cancer is the Candida fungus, then what is the root cause of the fungi? And how can you tell you might have too much yeast in your body, which might eventually lead to the formation of cancer?


A good sign that Candida is on the loose is feeling “run down” and developing a craving for sugars and carbohydrates, as this is the main fuel for the growing amounts of yeast in your intestine. The more sugar and grains you eat, the more the yeast grows out of control. Eventually, this will weaken your immune system, which in turn can allow it to infiltrate various other organs.


This imbalance in intestinal flora, sometimes called dysbiosis, can also lead to other more common, and less lethal, health problems, such as:



Irritable bowel syndrome

Weight gain

Food allergies




Chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia

There are 79 different toxins released by the metabolism and die-off of Candida. This is why people with yeast overgrowth often feel so lousy; the Candida toxins are regularly entering their bloodstream. Two of these toxins, alcohol and acetaldehyde (the breakdown product of alcohol that causes hangovers), are in such high amounts in people with chronic yeast problems that you may actually end up feeling “drunk.”


Acetaldehyde also reacts with the neurotransmitter dopamine, which is why people with yeast overgrowth often experience mental and emotional disturbances such as anxiety, depression, poor concentration, and feeling spaced-out.


How to Cure a Yeast Overgrowth


For more on Candida and holistic treatment options, I recommend you review my previous article, Holistic Treatment for Candida Infection. The highlights of the treatments for yeast overgrowth include:




The Right Diet and Exercise -- A diet rich in meats, chicken, eggs, seeds and nuts, vegetables, and healthy oils (free range and organic) -- while avoiding sugars and carbohydrate-rich foods -- will restrict the amount of fuel the yeast in your intestine has available to it. I would add to this to make your diet in tune with your nutritional type. Once you’ve started on the diet, exercising will begin to rebalance the levels of neurotransmitters in your brain and improve your mood. One of the elements of diet that does seem counter intuitive is the absolute restriction of even fruits when one is seeking to eliminate yeast, as even the tiniest amounts of sugar seem to worsen this condition.

Getting Plenty of Good Bacteria -- You will want to increase your probiotic (good bacteria) intake with a high-quality probiotic supplement or by eating cultured and fermented foods, such as natto. These contain the good bacteria that keep your **** and gastrointestinal tract healthy and will ultimately replace the Candida.

Avoiding Exposure to Chemicals -- Paints, household cleaners, perfumes and scents may cause allergic reactions, and chemical sensitivities are very common in people with yeast overgrowth.

Addressing Emotional and Psychological Issues -- Food cravings, especially those for sweets, often are exacerbated by emotional dependencies. Tools like the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) can help you to overcome unhealthy food cravings and other emotional hurdles."

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Interesting read. But is it another...if it's too good to be true... ?


Candida is fairly common. I'm not surprised they said they found it in alot of cancers. But the question is, Does that actually causes cancer, or Does cancer weakens the patients making them more susceptible to Candida infection? Given the complexity and many varieties of cancers, I'd be inclined to think the later.



Having said that.... doesn't hurt to try.

Edited by oncogene
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Very interesting read but it loses a bit of credibility when they imply that Cancer is a "profitable" disease.I would believe that if this treatment worked a country like Canada with its "free" healthcare would be all over this treatment.It is not productive for a health care system to go through expensive procedures and drain the resources that could be used elsewhere.I would love to believe it works though.


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Interesting read Mike. Is it too good to be true? Perhaps. Should it be taken seriously and researched more throughout the world? Absolutely. The question is why hasn't it already since he's been doing this treatment for over 20 years?


His website states that until he has hundreds and hundreds of scientifically documented cases, oncologists and the scientific communities around the world will not take him seriously. Countries NEED scientific proof before they will recommend any kind of new treatments.....and that is where the hiccups are. He claims that he is in the process of doing just that. There are case studies with scans of before and after his treatments....and they are quite compelling, on his website.


With this one, only time will tell...it's such a simple explanation. Does man have the propensity to overlook the obvious or simplest solutions? You bet! I need more information on this, and why more oncologists have not come forward before getting any hopes up. Let's just hope that it really is that simple and that this awful disease can be fought and beaten.

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Edit - Joey here, didn't notice Paul was logged on "Again" :rolleyes:


I don't believe, personally, that it loses credibility saying it is a profitable disease. If cancer were cured, imagine the impact on the economy from all the jobs lost. Doctors, scientists, fundraisers, etc, etc. I have felt this way for a long time. Interesting that the article seems to feel the same way.


I found that quite interesting also Mike, and have just started taking probiotics. I am quite pleased with the results I am starting to feel from them. I had suffered weekly stomach aches that I no longer seem to have. I believe the premise is that everyone has bacteria in their systems, both good and bad, but the probiotics are full of the good bacteria, therefore helping fight off more of the bad bacteria already living in our sysems.



Edited by Tybo
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Edit - Joey here, didn't notice Paul was logged on "Again" :rolleyes:


I don't believe, personally, that it loses credibility saying it is a profitable disease. If cancer were cured, imagine the impact on the economy from all the jobs lost. Doctors, scientists, fundraisers, etc, etc. I have felt this way for a long time. Interesting that the article seems to feel the same way.




Sorry to snip your reply,we agree in gereral on probiotics.I dont think the economy would suffer.Those same people doing Cancer research could use thier resources to combat the many other diseases that are around.Alzheimers,Arthritus and Heart disease come to mind.Most(I would say all but you never know) doctors are humans who have loved ones and families and parents and know the feeling when a loved one dies.I really do believe that doctors want to cure their patients.


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This is an interesting read but in my personal opinion it's just that - interesting and not very truthful. I will take the time to go to the website and look around and maybe my mind will be changed but i doubt it. There are many people out there, most claiming to be doctors, who say they have the secret, magic cure for cancer. I can't fathom how this can be possible when people continue to die from it. If a fungus were responsible it seems hard to believe that with all the research going on that no one else would have discovered this. When people have an illness they generally want answers and cures. When medicine can't provide these it opens the door for people to criticize the treatments (ie. chemo) and provide their own ideas. Since medical science can't answer the question it's hard to prove anyone else wrong either.



In this article i noticed something about a video. I haven't looked into it yet but i imagine it's something you need to buy, just like all the other one i've seen. In other words pay me $50 and i'll give you the cure for cancer. People want cures for cancer and so they listen to anything that might be possible, and pay if necessary. The only economic thing occuring here is people taking advantage of desperate people.


I'm not trying to slam anyone else's opinions or sound arrogant but I've nearly completed my masters degree in biology so i feel i have a decent background to evaluate this kind of thing. And in my opinion this is just someone trying to take advantage of one of the many knowledge gaps in medicine.

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I hear you Joe...it's the pain in the "reallocation" of resources that people don't like. Those cancer researchers would have to "go back to school" of sorts to refocus their specialty and many will fight tooth and nail to avoid it, some would just exit the job market, or they'd take up whatever it was they originally went to school for....before their specialties. It's not just doctors...look at displaced auto workers....those unions fight tooth and nail for them, when what they are fighting for can sink the very companies they work for. It'll take time and resources to put them elsewhere in the job market. In the long run, the economy wouldn't suffer...it's the painful transition that they have to get through.


What gets me...if his study was correct, is that 75% of oncologists wouldn't take chemotherapy if they were stricken themselves, yet that's the standard treatment....hmmm.....

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This is an interesting read but in my personal opinion it's just that - interesting and not very truthful. I will take the time to go to the website and look around and maybe my mind will be changed but i doubt it. There are many people out there, most claiming to be doctors, who say they have the secret, magic cure for cancer. I can't fathom how this can be possible when people continue to die from it. If a fungus were responsible it seems hard to believe that with all the research going on that no one else would have discovered this. When people have an illness they generally want answers and cures. When medicine can't provide these it opens the door for people to criticize the treatments (ie. chemo) and provide their own ideas. Since medical science can't answer the question it's hard to prove anyone else wrong either.

In this article i noticed something about a video. I haven't looked into it yet but i imagine it's something you need to buy, just like all the other one i've seen. In other words pay me $50 and i'll give you the cure for cancer. People want cures for cancer and so they listen to anything that might be possible, and pay if necessary. The only economic thing occuring here is people taking advantage of desperate people.


I'm not trying to slam anyone else's opinions or sound arrogant but I've nearly completed my masters degree in biology so i feel i have a decent background to evaluate this kind of thing. And in my opinion this is just someone trying to take advantage of one of the many knowledge gaps in medicine.


You said it yourself it's an interesting read, probably nothing more. I will definitely keep an open mind though regarding the baking soda/cancer cure thing.

When I shell out 5-6 bucks to buy a fishing mag I'm thrilled with it if I've learned one tiny scrap of new info which frankly doesn't happen very often anymore.

What I find relevant and useful in the article is the discussion about probiotics. Very timely IMO.

Edited by solopaddler
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I loser with the bi-carb daily, so I should be good to go!!! :thumbsup_anim:;)


... but really, you have to live your life right from start to finish to be anywhere near cancer proof... and what about the people that smoke a pack a day and live to be 110? I just dunno.


Out of shape and overweight is the worse thing you can do in my opinion... but we all know what opinions are like eh!

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Most of the doctors working to cure cancer do so because they are trying to save lives, not make $$$. If there were any validity to this, i'm sure there would be LOTS of doctors behind it.


Further, i find it incredibly convenient that the biggest disease to hit the human species (exponentially more has been invested in fighting it than any other) could be cured with the simplest of substances. Just a little too convenient (and thereby interesting).

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Sorry to snip your reply,we agree in gereral on probiotics.I dont think the economy would suffer.Those same people doing Cancer research could use thier resources to combat the many other diseases that are around.Alzheimers,Arthritus and Heart disease come to mind.Most(I would say all but you never know) doctors are humans who have loved ones and families and parents and know the feeling when a loved one dies.I really do believe that doctors want to cure their patients.



Your'e not snipping on my reply, I sort of snipped on yours, but its just my opinion.


For example, my father got lung cancer about 30 years ago. They gave him an experimental treatment that actually got rid of the cancer and he went on to live another 30 years cancer free. He has just been diagnosed with lung cancer once again (yes he smokes - or did), this time in a different part of his lungs, and lo and behold, that experimental treatment is no longer available. He is going through chemo, which is kicking the crap out of him, and his chances of survival are not good with the chemo. Hmmmmmm.



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Well...as being someone who has watched his mother battle breast cancer for the past 4.5 years, then be told it wasnt defeated and that she might have 2 years to live, and has come back and spread into her bones, to which emergency Radiation was performed over this past holiday weekend to prevent her from being paralyzed from the waist down.......doesnt appear that "chemo" and "radiation" seem to be doing their jobs too well.


I say all the power to the Dr. and more people need to listen to him and TRY his methods.

Doesnt hurt to try...especially with such a beast of a disease like cancer.

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Your'e not snipping on my reply, I sort of snipped on yours, but its just my opinion.


For example, my father got lung cancer about 30 years ago. They gave him an experimental treatment that actually got rid of the cancer and he went on to live another 30 years cancer free. He has just been diagnosed with lung cancer once again (yes he smokes - or did), this time in a different part of his lungs, and lo and behold, that experimental treatment is no longer available. He is going through chemo, which is kicking the crap out of him, and his chances of survival are not good with the chemo. Hmmmmmm.



I didn't mean snip as in being "snippy".I meant snip as in I edited or shortened it to make the reply more relavent.I could never get "snippy" with you,Paul is a different story.


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I didn't mean snip as in being "snippy".I meant snip as in I edited or shortened it to make the reply more relavent.I could never get "snippy" with you,Paul is a different story.



Hahahaha, okay, gotcha Joe.


Thanks Mike. It's not been easy the past few months, and he just got out of the hospital after getting pneumonia while taking his first rounds of chemo. He's too weak to take any more right now :(



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Hahahaha, okay, gotcha Joe.


Thanks Mike. It's not been easy the past few months, and he just got out of the hospital after getting pneumonia while taking his first rounds of chemo. He's too weak to take any more right now :(




Very sorry to hear this news Joey. I remember talking to you about the experimental treatment he received years ago. Hoping for the best. Seeing my dad deteriorate was the absolute worst.



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I hear you Joe...it's the pain in the "reallocation" of resources that people don't like. Those cancer researchers would have to "go back to school" of sorts to refocus their specialty and many will fight tooth and nail to avoid it, some would just exit the job market, or they'd take up whatever it was they originally went to school for....before their specialties. It's not just doctors...look at displaced auto workers....those unions fight tooth and nail for them, when what they are fighting for can sink the very companies they work for. It'll take time and resources to put them elsewhere in the job market. In the long run, the economy wouldn't suffer...it's the painful transition that they have to get through.


I dont' quite agree with that. Not saying researchers/scientists are better or anything, but it's very different than an everyday job like auto-workers. Researchers' jobs are pretty much looking for new ideas & stuffs constantly. A researcher that sits his butt on the same thing for ages isn't exactly a good thing. Changing focus to a different area isn't that uncommon in research at all.... trust me, I KNOW!



As for doctors/researchers/scientists losing jobs without having to treat cancers if it's cured.... for sure that won't happen. Let's face it, we'll all die one way or another. If cancer is cured, there'll be something else new, and/or some existing diseases will take over.



And cancers being the "profit" disease.... well cancers do bring alot of money to the pharm companies. But the biggest real "profit" diseases are all those mental/psychological social illnesses that pops up out of nowhere. Like ADD for kids (Ritalin), it's SOooooo over-done. There are so many of these new "illnesses" identified by drug companies it's just sad.

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I found this fascinating and thought some of you might as well:

"Cancer, which surpassed heart disease as the number one killer in America in 2005, is still considered “a mystery” in conventional medicine. In fact, the term “cancer” is just a generic term that in no way describes its cause.


In this video, Doug Kaufman – a longtime proponent of the influence of fungi in human disease -- interviews the Italian oncologist Dr. Tullio Simoncini -- author of Cancer is a Fungus -- who shares fascinating new information about what he believes is the root of all cancers: fungi, and discusses a radically different path for curing cancer; sometimes in as little as a few days.


Conventional Cancer Treatments – Ineffective and Dangerous “Cures”


Currently, if you are diagnosed with cancer, especially in the U.S., you are given three options:





However, as mentioned in this video, finding actual statistics on the effectiveness of these treatments is very difficult. You’d think if something is the best medicine has to offer, they’d be more than happy to share their level of success.


Most people are given a 50/50 chance of dying from cancer, in general. And conventional treatments are touted as your best shot at surviving.


But is it true?


According to Dr. Simoncini’s website, polls and questionnaires show that a full 75 percent of doctors say they’d refuse chemotherapy if they were struck with cancer due to its ineffectiveness and its devastating side effects.


Many doctors have spoken out about it, yet their voices are still ignored. For example, Dr. Allen Levin, MD, author of The Healing of Cancer, has said, “The majority of the cancer patients in this country die because of chemotherapy, which does not cure breast, colon or lung cancer. This has been documented for over a decade and nevertheless doctors still utilize chemotherapy to fight these tumors.”


Professor Gorge Mathe similarly stated, “If I were to contract cancer, I would never turn to a certain standard for the therapy of this disease. Cancer patients who stay away from these centers have some chance to make it.”


So, how effective is chemotherapy?


There is at least one study that I know of that addresses this very question. Published in the journal Clinical Oncology in December 2004, the results of this study were astounding, showing that chemotherapy has an average 5-year survival success rate of just over 2 percent for all cancers!

In the U.S., chemo was most successful in treating testicular cancer and Hodgkin’s disease, where its success rate fell just below 38 percent and slightly over 40 percent respectively.


Still well below the 50/50 mark…


A review of chemo on 5-year survival rates in Australia garnered almost identical results, with a 2.3 percent success rate, compared to the U.S. 2.1 percent rate of success.


And yet this is the best that conventional medicine has up its sleeve for treating this widespread killer.


What Causes Cancer?


Conventional medicine likes to focus on the impact of genetics as a causative agent in developing cancer, despite the fact that research indicates that genetics is not the main cause of this widespread phenomenon, even though it may play a small role in some people. Unfortunately, little attention is paid to the impact of plain and simple infections.


Dr. Simoncini’s research has led him to believe that something as simple as a fungus, Candida, is the leading cause of cancer; that cancer itself is in fact a fungus. What we refer to as a tumor, is nothing more than your body’s attempt at protecting itself from that fungus.


He brings up an analogy between psoriasis – an “incurable” disease of the skin that many treat as a fungus – and tumors, which are also an “incurable” disease of your body. Several studies have linked the presence of Candida with cancer, showing that anywhere between 79 to 97 percent of all cancer patients also have Candida.


Dr. Simoncini’s explanation for how this phenomenon works – how Candida leads to deadly cancer – is that it’s a consequence of the weakening and exhaustion of your organs, and eventually your entire body, in the following stages:


Candida roots itself in your deep connective tissue in various organs

As a result, this evokes an organic defensive reaction as the connective tissue of your invaded organ attempts to encyst the fungin colonies through cellular hyper-production, which results in the formation of tumors

Growths continue as the fungi spreads, both in your surrounding tissue, and remotely (aka “metastatis”). It is still always the same Candida attacking different tissues, but due to its highly adaptive qualities it is able to mutate to adapt itself to whatever environment it finds itself in, hence the various types of tumors

Your body becomes progressively more exhausted, which allows the fungi to spread and take over more rapidly

You die from “cancer”

If Cancer is a Fungus, Then What is the Cure?


In the video, Dr. Simoncini shows actual before-and-after footage of both bronchial cancer and colon cancer. Four days after his revolutionary and mind-blowingly simple treatment for bronchial cancer with a sodium bicarbonate and water flush, the tumors are gone…


Sodium bicarbonate, a.k.a baking soda, is the most potent anti-fungal substance there is. The problem with anti-fungal drugs, however, is that fungi are extremely adaptive, and can adapt to a new environment in three to four days. This renders anti-fungal drugs largely ineffective. The fungi do not adapt to the baking soda, but it is far more difficult to use as it needs to be injected directly into the tumor; swallowing the baking soda would not work at all.


Candida yeast is not “one shared element,” so to speak, but rather “social elements,” or colonies, that are highly communicative.


Because of their unique adaptation skills, sodium bicarbonate must be administered directly onto the tumor, and in so doing changing its ph very quickly, from acid to alkaline, which quickly and effectively kills off the yeast before it has time to adapt.


For example, Dr. Simoncini’s experience has shown that 99 percent of breast- and bladder cancer can heal in just six days, entirely without the use of surgery, chemo or radiation, using just a local infiltration device (such as a catheter) to deliver the sodium bicarbonate directly to the infected site in your breast tissue or bladder.


Why the Baking Soda Cancer Cure is Not Available Everywhere


Unfortunately, Dr. Simoncini is yet another brilliant doctor who has been ousted from the medical community due to his revolutionary simple ideas of how to cure profit-making diseases.


So many people refuse to believe that this is true and that it’s happening to good doctors, since “everyone knows” you must be a liability to human life if you’re stripped of your medical license.


But the reason why Dr. Simoncini was kicked out is because as an oncologist – a cancer specialist -- he refused to use conventional cancer treatment methods, choosing instead to administer sodium bicarbonate, which is HARMLESS, as opposed to the often lethal use of chemotherapy.


His lawyers have recently started a rehabilitation court trial at the International Court of Justice in Strassburg to have him reinstated.


Preventive Measures – Combating Candida


If the cause of cancer is the Candida fungus, then what is the root cause of the fungi? And how can you tell you might have too much yeast in your body, which might eventually lead to the formation of cancer?


A good sign that Candida is on the loose is feeling “run down” and developing a craving for sugars and carbohydrates, as this is the main fuel for the growing amounts of yeast in your intestine. The more sugar and grains you eat, the more the yeast grows out of control. Eventually, this will weaken your immune system, which in turn can allow it to infiltrate various other organs.


This imbalance in intestinal flora, sometimes called dysbiosis, can also lead to other more common, and less lethal, health problems, such as:



Irritable bowel syndrome

Weight gain

Food allergies




Chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia

There are 79 different toxins released by the metabolism and die-off of Candida. This is why people with yeast overgrowth often feel so lousy; the Candida toxins are regularly entering their bloodstream. Two of these toxins, alcohol and acetaldehyde (the breakdown product of alcohol that causes hangovers), are in such high amounts in people with chronic yeast problems that you may actually end up feeling “drunk.”


Acetaldehyde also reacts with the neurotransmitter dopamine, which is why people with yeast overgrowth often experience mental and emotional disturbances such as anxiety, depression, poor concentration, and feeling spaced-out.


How to Cure a Yeast Overgrowth


For more on Candida and holistic treatment options, I recommend you review my previous article, Holistic Treatment for Candida Infection. The highlights of the treatments for yeast overgrowth include:

The Right Diet and Exercise -- A diet rich in meats, chicken, eggs, seeds and nuts, vegetables, and healthy oils (free range and organic) -- while avoiding sugars and carbohydrate-rich foods -- will restrict the amount of fuel the yeast in your intestine has available to it. I would add to this to make your diet in tune with your nutritional type. Once you’ve started on the diet, exercising will begin to rebalance the levels of neurotransmitters in your brain and improve your mood. One of the elements of diet that does seem counter intuitive is the absolute restriction of even fruits when one is seeking to eliminate yeast, as even the tiniest amounts of sugar seem to worsen this condition.

Getting Plenty of Good Bacteria -- You will want to increase your probiotic (good bacteria) intake with a high-quality probiotic supplement or by eating cultured and fermented foods, such as natto. These contain the good bacteria that keep your **** and gastrointestinal tract healthy and will ultimately replace the Candida.

Avoiding Exposure to Chemicals -- Paints, household cleaners, perfumes and scents may cause allergic reactions, and chemical sensitivities are very common in people with yeast overgrowth.

Addressing Emotional and Psychological Issues -- Food cravings, especially those for sweets, often are exacerbated by emotional dependencies. Tools like the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) can help you to overcome unhealthy food cravings and other emotional hurdles."


You can help too. Please donate or give funds.

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I think most health professionals are trying to find a cure for this, they have family, friends and a heart like everyone else.

Like was said previously, if a cure was found those professionals would find some other similar work quickly.


I've had Multiple Sclerosis for 6 yrs. which is considered a similar 'modern, incurable, mysterious' disease. While it isn't as nasty as cancer, it can create disability. Most recommendations to alleviate MS symptoms are similar to what is outlined in those articles about fighting cancer.

The Right Diet and Exercise -- A diet rich in meats, chicken, eggs, seeds and nuts, vegetables, and healthy oils (free range and organic) -- while avoiding sugars and carbohydrate-rich foods --

Candida is being talked about as a root cause for MS as well. At least the research is being done for these 'modern diseases',

you would think most reseachers have their heart in the right place.

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Solo, thanks for that interesting read... I have a slightly more negative view of the medical world, it is simply a profit oriented profession. There is no money in selling baking soda to sick people! There is no money and therefore no motivation to cure the common cold as pharmaceutical companies make BILLIONS selling us symptom relief.

Sorry folks, I'm far too cynical to believe that there is any real desire to cure this disease or many of the others. If the medical profession wasn't profit oriented, then you wouldn't have doctors pushing drugs on patients, after they just got back from a weeks free stay in the Caribbean for a new product release "seminar"!

Back to the OP... thanks again Solo, perhaps it will get some folks to think differently!


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