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Thames Skunk Is Off!


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Got up bright and early (O-Lew-Thirty), performed the morning ablutions, brewed some tea, loaded up the car and headed out. I figgered it had been a while since I let the Thames humiliate me so it was time.


Got to the first used-to-be-dependable spot and kitted up. Waded under the bridge and upriver to the first pool. Kept to the afternoon side of the pool so no shadows and cast across to the shadows of the trees. Tried a #3 Mepps (shiny brass w/ yellow dressing) and got nothing. Covered the pond thoroughly, then switched to a floating minnow in Firetiger (because my buddy cleaned out my old faithful Rapala minnows for a trip he was on) and again nada.


Gave up on that spot, waded back to the Pilot and headed down to the spot behind the Satellite surveillance area (for those of you who know the St.Marys area). The path to the water was overgrown which wasn't exactly an encouraging sign, but I clawed my way down and through the brush to the water. Headed directly downriver to the good pool and went to work with the floating minnow, to no avail. Switched back to the Mepps, again with no luck except for one very acrobatic little Rock Bass who tried to smash it as it landed and put on the best aerials show I've ever seen from a WGSF.


I was pretty well ready to call it a day and decided to try the worms once. I had a 5" pink with an o-ring already in place so I stuck him on (wacky style) and flung him out across the deeper water to the very edge of the weeds growing out of the water along shore. I've pulled some decent ones out of there in the past. I let the worm flutter down as per my mentor's instructions and just about the time it should have grounded out my line tightened up and the drag began to sing. WOW! This is very cool. The line immediately went slack so I started reeling and this monster erupts from the water. This is biggest damned SMB I've ever seen in the Thames. I'm now pumped. I kept thinking I have to set the hook but I couldn't get line in fast enough to get rid of the slack as he swam right past me, a couple of times. I finally caught up to him and as I was about to give a good hookset he took off, line screaming. By this time a hookset seemed irrelevant so I concentrated on getting more drag. Fortunately this reel has a rear drag wheel so I kept winding it on. I couldn't believe how strong this fish was.


I gotta be honest. This was the biggest fish I've ever caught in my 3 summers of fishing. I don't remember anything this big as a kid, but that was so many years ago, too many years ago. So there I am, up to my waist in water, with this behemoth bass rippin' and snortin' towards me, then away, ripping out line whenever he felt like it. I dialed in a little more drag, I'm sure more than I've ever had to use before, and still the reel would slip. It was fun!!!!!!!!


I finally got him calmed down and up close enough to grab. Then I looked in his mouth and saw what looked like a woodrasp for a bottom lip. This is not how the little bitty bass I catch here are equipped normally. Had to give myself a little mental slap "You know what it is, and you've seen other guys in pics holding fish at least this big, so it's not like yer gonna lose a digit or anything." So I grabbed him. He started squirming. He felt really heavy, like 6# so probably 4. He was hooked pretty good in the corner of the mouth and it took a bit to get the hook out. I had to hold him up so high to keep his tail from flapping in the water that it was awkward work, compounded by the 7' rod that I'm not used to, and having cranked in too much line. I usually can strip off a little line by hand but I'd cranked down the drag so hard there was no give, so I had a good bend in the rod, water to my waist, a thumb being ground bare in his mouth, and a pair of hemostats in my hand trying to remove the hook. He had one huge yap on him and a tongue like a cod. I'm just not used to seeing big fish this up-close and personal. I was actually talking to him. he didn't answer but he calmed down. I dunked him a couple of times just in case he was in need of a breath. When I did that it relieved the strain on his jaw I guess, cuz it allowed him to chomp down with his upper jaw, but it didn't hurt.


Well, I got the hook out and measured him with handspans. I reckoned him to be 24" so let's say 22", huge by my standards. I pulled out my camera and of course I couldn't get it to light up. Dead batteries? I was out of hands and the fish was running out of time so I let him go. He took off with no hesitation so I'm sure he was fine. Man. I wish I had pics.


Next cast I nailed a normal anti-climactic one pounder. I'd had enough. The skunk was gone. I waded out and drove home. Feels good. Going back tonite. Sorry about the pics - very very sorry about the pics.



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The big ones are in there. I've caught and seen a few 2+ lb bass from the St.Mary's area but nothing as big as your fish. There are bass everywhere in the Thames but mostly tiny little things since the water isn't deep enough and it fluctuates a lot from all the dams. Some areas like Thorndale and Delaware seem, in my experience, to hold the biggest bass in the river. Biggest I've ever caught from the Thames is 2.5 lbs from down by the Speedway. I like how you tell the size of the fish when caught and then the size of the fish in retrospect. Most fishermen prefer to leave the story with the enhanced details. Congrats on the big fish.

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Congrats to a beauty fish! How were the water conditions? With the rain the other night, I would have thought the Thames would be blown out!


The water's clear, and running just a smidge high. Lotsa bottom silt so you have to plan your route in the water. Weeds aren't bad yet. It's pretty obvious a lot of folks have given up on the Thames above St.Marys. The paths to the water are overgrown and you can see where people have made new paths down to the water, in the wrong places. Glad I went back for one more try. I'll probably go back tonight, but with a working camera, and a shorter rod. It's fun knowing there are fish like that in the water we frequent, and even better having an idea of what they will strike. I just finished fitting o-rings to a bunch more worms of different colours.


I also have to get the flyrod out now that I know the bass are back.



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The big ones are in there. I've caught and seen a few 2+ lb bass from the St.Mary's area but nothing as big as your fish. There are bass everywhere in the Thames but mostly tiny little things since the water isn't deep enough and it fluctuates a lot from all the dams. Some areas like Thorndale and Delaware seem, in my experience, to hold the biggest bass in the river. Biggest I've ever caught from the Thames is 2.5 lbs from down by the Speedway. I like how you tell the size of the fish when caught and then the size of the fish in retrospect. Most fishermen prefer to leave the story with the enhanced details. Congrats on the big fish.


I wish I'd been a little better organized and got a good measurement. I have a 9" handspan and I couldn't quite get 1/2 way around his belly. He appeared to be almost 3 hands long but he wasn't cooperating and I was having trouble keeping my rod tucked up under my arm and hold him up out of the water to measure at the same time with the free hand. If I dropped him low enuf for his tail to hit the water he started flailing. <_<


It was fun.



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If I've heard that fish story once... I've heard it a million times!... No pics... No Believe!!! :angry:

Just kiddin' ya! :w00t:


Congrats on your PB SMB!!! :thumbsup_anim::Gonefishing::thumbsup_anim:


Thanks. I knew I'd get razzed about the lack of pics. I'm going back out shortly so I'll be sure to put fresh batteries in and be ready.



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Pic,s are the proof in the pudd,n John

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Ok it was a great believable story and I <_<-_-:whistling: believe ya.LOL


Thanks for taking the time to report. :thumbsup_anim:

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Pic,s are the proof in the pudd,n John

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Ok it was a great believable story and I <_<-_-:whistling: believe ya.LOL


Thanks for taking the time to report. :thumbsup_anim:


I'm not even sure I believe it now. It never occurred to me there were bass that big in my river. I might even take two cameras next time I go just in case. :thumbsup_anim:


I was gonna go tonight but I decided to wait for morning. If I can catch that same one again I want my buddy Rob to see it and he's away today, losing my floating rapalas that he borrowed probably. He hasn't caught one like that here either, and he has no faith in plastic worms, even though he's seen me catch lotsa smaller smallies with 'em. He figgers the raps are the only way to go.


BTW. I really like the o-ring idea. It allows the worm to scoot up the line away from the thrashing fishy and leaves it intact for later.



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The curse is lifted and life will be good again.

I also had a good weekend.

I will post when my pictures finish up-loading.



I will never doubt yer wisdom again, oh Revered BassMaster. You said "Let it sink." and I did.



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I wish I'd been a little better organized and got a good measurement. I have a 9" handspan and I couldn't quite get 1/2 way around his belly. He appeared to be almost 3 hands long but he wasn't cooperating and I was having trouble keeping my rod tucked up under my arm and hold him up out of the water to measure at the same time with the free hand. If I dropped him low enuf for his tail to hit the water he started flailing. <_<


It was fun.




John I have no problem believing you.... I have caught 2 bass in a connecting river (creek really) that were monsters. The first one when I measured it on the rod came from the tip of the butt to just where the thread began to wrap around an eye. I showed my buddy who was with me when got home we measured the rod and the distance was 21 inches. That one was the baby. The next time I was out and alone I tied into something I thought it was a carp until it did a couple of tail walks.... When I landed it I was shocked it was not a particularly thick fish but when I hand spanned it the only thing I could do it went over 3 and a good bit. My hand span is 8.5 inches..... I know it wasn't that heavy a fish because it was early season but come fall fatty time it would have over 4.5lb for sure which would be pretty good for a river fish from around here. So there are some monsters in those waters. Same spot held some large pike too that year. Now it is all carp :o( through there.

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John I have no problem believing you.... I have caught 2 bass in a connecting river (creek really) that were monsters. The first one when I measured it on the rod came from the tip of the butt to just where the thread began to wrap around an eye. I showed my buddy who was with me when got home we measured the rod and the distance was 21 inches. That one was the baby. The next time I was out and alone I tied into something I thought it was a carp until it did a couple of tail walks.... When I landed it I was shocked it was not a particularly thick fish but when I hand spanned it the only thing I could do it went over 3 and a good bit. My hand span is 8.5 inches..... I know it wasn't that heavy a fish because it was early season but come fall fatty time it would have over 4.5lb for sure which would be pretty good for a river fish from around here. So there are some monsters in those waters. Same spot held some large pike too that year. Now it is all carp :o( through there.


In that very same spot I had a spinner hit hard and broken off on the hit last summer. I'm sure it wasn't a pike up above the dam so I have to assume it was a big bass. Now I know there are bass big enuf to do that. This reel has braid. Last summer's reel probably had 4# mono on it, so if I screwed up and had the drag too tight ..... . Today's fish hit hard and then turned and ran straight at me. If he'd gone away and I had light mono with a tight drag he'd have been gonzo too.


Are you talking about a spot near a golf course by any chance?



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In that very same spot I had a spinner hit hard and broken off on the hit last summer. I'm sure it wasn't a pike up above the dam so I have to assume it was a big bass. Now I know there are bass big enuf to do that. This reel has braid. Last summer's reel probably had 4# mono on it, so if I screwed up and had the drag too tight ..... . Today's fish hit hard and then turned and ran straight at me. If he'd gone away and I had light mono with a tight drag he'd have been gonzo too.


Are you talking about a spot near a golf course by any chance?




Nope not the golf course. If you know your dairies in the area think about how close one bridge is to one that sells/distributes Ault products. I was near there... Bit of a hike through some tough brush but it beats breaking ankles in the stream LOL.

Edited by Canuck2fan
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What happened to fly fishing for them John???



They've been in hiding this year. I didn't want to squander my efforts with the flyrod if there were no takers. Now I know they're there, the flyrod and SingingDog's flies are coming out.



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the thames is an awesome aqua culture. theres near 85 fish species in it. some of the species are rare and endangered. enjoy the river. i was at a presentation from a biologist from the uppper thames. amazing what the thames river holds. congrats on your exploration fishing trip. this river needs friends.

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Congrats JohnF! All the hardwork finally paid off for ya!


Don't worry, we believe you. You even told us that you attended carp orgy parties, so I'm pretty sure you never lie when it comes to fishing stories :D


Who knew about carps' peculiar proclivities? I was young and naive then. Today I always get the facts before wading into a frenzied party group.



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Nope not the golf course. If you know your dairies in the area think about how close one bridge is to one that sells/distributes Ault products. I was near there... Bit of a hike through some tough brush but it beats breaking ankles in the stream LOL.


Gotcha. Never tried up there but now I might.



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