TJQ Posted July 8, 2008 Report Posted July 8, 2008 So, on Thursday, my buddie Tookie and I headed down to a buddies place in Coburg, for my once a summer journey to Southern Ontario for some Largemouth fishing. On the Sat. they put on an informal tourney (appropriately named the "Drunkin' Hawg") and its 50 bucks a boat to get in.. winner takes all. The tourney starts at 5 am... YUKKKK! I've been down for the weekend before a couple of years ago but because BOB (yes you Bob) can't get his dates right I missed a couple of years, but managed to get back down there this year for what is always a very long, tiring, but WONDERFUL weekend. It seemed like every day had interesting twists and turns! Now this is a great lake with great fishing as far as I'm concerned.. although it seemed to me that all the bass have a siesta between 11 am and 7 pm..... but the early morning and evening fishing was phenomenal. Also, when some of you see these pictures your gonna know where I was, and I promised the boys I wouldn't reveal their spot, so we will just call it CodPork Lake for lake of a better name. If you really want to know where I was just PM me and ill tell ya, but lets try to keep it off here if we can, I'm sure some folks have been there.. The road in is about 12 miles long, and is 4 wheel drive accessible... if you don't happen to like your vehicle that is... lol. But these good ole boys just drive their trucks right in there like its no problemo, although there were a few that weren't so fortunate. Here's my "journey" over the very very hot weekend. To get in, Bob puts a smaller boat on top of the other one, a pretty ingenious way to get two boats and motors and extra gear in!!! I gotta hand it to Bob or "Bubbie" as I call him.. lol if ya need something fixed up right hes the man! There are a few bad spots to get by, here we cross a river and then get to a pretty large mud hole, that's sure to have claimed a few trucks!! Finally on Friday Morning tookie and I got out for our first batch of fishing, I love topwater fishing for these, especially when there is lots of 'em. I fished Topwater only all weekend with my HammerHead Lures topwaters .. personally I'd rather catch 1/2 the fish on topwater... most fun ever!! Managed to meet up with "Bubbie" so we could tell him where the good spots were, he obviously didn't know the lake very well!!! This was a pretty cool sight... a "Mudcat" (South of 7 term I guess...) was along the shore protecting her new hatch of ... hatchlings?? any way these "Barbut" (proper northern latin name) were a blast to watch. Some Scenery shots My new/old bud Steve on our way to get some firewood! The boys all sitting around camp, way way too hot to fish in the afternoon... This is "Rubbie" , "Bubbies" buddie and my personal morning coffee Barista... thanks bud.. you SAVED my life... I think hes explaining how to tie a Texas bass bass worm rig (LOL now Rubbie, we both know that ain't right eh!!) Rob also donates a hat for every entrant of the tourney!! every year a different hat... thanks!! Mill Valley Trophies plug plug plug! Boats going out for the evening fish.... Obligatory sunset mood photo. and the camera gets put AWAY!!! OK.. its tourney day... now personally... I like tourneys from noon to three, but these guys start at 5 am... UHHHHGGG!!!! I have appropriately named this photo... "Ungodly Hour" The fishing was great for our boat, I was in with Bubbies boy Brad (Some users will remember him from the shirtless young man shoots first deer photo... LOL.. I always get him into trouble.. its become a hobby of mine now!! LOL) and Gregs boy Jeff. Two stand-up young men as far as I'm concerned.. I taught them that proper term for a "Stringer" was a really a "Kill Chain" and they provided me with some new lingo that... umm ... I just can't mention here... Bradley!! The tourney ended, and we had our fish in, but alas.. too much laughing and not enough fishing took its toll on our final weight. Brad... I told you to take it seriously, we all know how serious I am about my fishing! Jeff with our kill chain. Hey Jeffy... how many of those did I catch?? LOL Fish at the weigh in! Lotsa car toppers on the shore (I actually had car topper envy...) Brad and Jeffy fish cleaning, they have a great tradition there, they take a collection up and give it to the fish cleaners.. a wonderful way to say thanks for a job well done!! (HINT HINT.... LOL) The winners... I didn't catch their names, but its the second year for them and then they also got big fish later that evening Now its FISH FRY Time.. we had three different batters a traditional Rubbie Beer Batter... Tookies batter and Bubbies as well! This is Den... who saved my life with a hamburger..... It was kinda nice to watch them do all the cooking.. lol.. Bobs masterpieces!! Bob and my bud Greg... Greg is always pouring something for someone!!! LOL.. Gregs also my new philosophy professor... and he lent me 5 bucks to get in the big fish tourney.. although I had to borrow it $2.50 at a time.... After we were done the fry and sitting around with a bellyfull at the other end of the lake, there was a huge puff of smoke. At first we thought someone had put some cleared out trees on their fire, but when it got bigger we grabbed some buckets and went down the lake to see what was going on. Turns out some young men had inadvertently set fire to their island and were frantically trying to put it out. We arrived with buckets just in time and got it under control quickly. A littlle breeze and dry moss and pine needles and WOOF!!! Flare ups were everywhere... The boys were very thankful we happened along when we did, and I think a very valuable lesson was learned. --------------------------- The biggest air mattress I have ever seen in the back of the truck! Packing up the two boats to go... boo hoo.... The view from the landing. A brand new truck stuck on the way in.. while we were going out. It doesn't look too bad, but they were hung up on something pretty bad... no trucks had been able to help so far. We continued on around the corner and ... bumped into this behemoth.... We went back to watch him try to pull them out..... and I'm pretty sure they turned their four wheel drive into a two wheel drive while trying from the sound of the rear differential after this attempt.... Another group of young men learned another lesson this weekend as well.... take it easy on the way. That's about it, but it was an exciting weekend.. I can't recall all the names, there were so many friendly south of 7'ers there, so thanks to all for making this a great trip. Especially you Bob, you do a wonderful job!!!
Monique Posted July 8, 2008 Report Posted July 8, 2008 He sure slept well last night - Mr. Snorasaurus
addy79 Posted July 8, 2008 Report Posted July 8, 2008 looks like quite a mission... gotta love topwater largie action!!
fishnsled Posted July 8, 2008 Report Posted July 8, 2008 Great report TJ, that sure looks like a fun adventure getting in and out of that place.
Ron Posted July 8, 2008 Report Posted July 8, 2008 Did you catch any Ling in that Lake TJ? Sure in my home town and not even pop in to say "HI".
tbayboy Posted July 8, 2008 Report Posted July 8, 2008 Wow,quite the trip TJ, sounds like a load of fun was had by all.
ccmtcanada Posted July 8, 2008 Report Posted July 8, 2008 Wow.... You think my CRV can handle that drive?? LOL. Looked like an amazing time TJ! You didn't try to kiss any of the guys did ya?
SlowPoke Posted July 8, 2008 Report Posted July 8, 2008 Great report TJ! There's nothing like a fishing weekend with a little body damage! On a side note, it looks like someone dinged thier vehicle too. -Brian
Joey Posted July 8, 2008 Report Posted July 8, 2008 Excellent report TJ. I like the guy's tent in the back of his pick up Aren't you just the caped crusader helping those fire boys out Joey
Roy Posted July 8, 2008 Report Posted July 8, 2008 So let me get this straight. Your buds are putting life and limb on the line to put out a forest fire and you're doing you best imitation of cub reporter Jimmy Olsen of the Cobourg Planet? Looks like my kinda mission.
Handlebarz Posted July 8, 2008 Report Posted July 8, 2008 Dang boss thats a reprot and looks like some fun and laughs its very nice to see that you all helped them your guns out I hope they did learn as for teh trucks you can keep getting bigger but so do the holes.
bpsbassman Posted July 8, 2008 Report Posted July 8, 2008 Great trip TJ! I wasn't too far from you. 15 miles north east.
Moosebunk Posted July 8, 2008 Report Posted July 8, 2008 Geeeez. Kids out wrecking their adult expensive toys all in the name of fish, competetion and commraderie...................... Some things never grow old. Fun stuff TJ.
Marty Posted July 8, 2008 Report Posted July 8, 2008 Let's see: - Fire? - Wrecked Trucks? - Booze? - Half naked men around a campfire? and - TJ? I wanna know the real story!
TJQ Posted July 8, 2008 Author Report Posted July 8, 2008 Ron said: Did you catch any Ling in that Lake TJ?Sure in my home town and not even pop in to say "HI". Ron: we blew in and outta town so fast.... lol.. and by monday i was pretty "popped" out..... ccmt said: Wow....You think my CRV can handle that drive?? LOL. You didn't try to kiss any of the guys did ya? I dunno abou the CRV... its a little low I think.. and I made it through the whole weekend without smooching anyone who didnt want to be smooched... bedside's they would have kicked my butt. Joey said: Excellent report TJ. I like the guy's tent in the back of his pick up Aren't you just the caped crusader helping those fire boys out Joey To be hoinest.. I just had to go.. I just couldnt sit around and wait to see what if anything wa going on... another 1/2 an ahour and there wouldnt have been anything left of the place. Roy said: So let me get this straight. Your buds are putting life and limb on the line to put out a forest fire and you're doing you best imitation of cub reporter Jimmy Olsen of the Cobourg Planet?Looks like my kinda mission. Roy... we had three buckets and 8 people.. i decided to be the documentarian!!! Plus I had clean pants on.... Marty said: Let's see:- Fire? - Wrecked Trucks? - Booze? - Half naked men around a campfire? and - TJ? I wanna know the real story! Ahhh Marty the rule is... what happens at camp... stays at camp....
motv8tr Posted July 8, 2008 Report Posted July 8, 2008 Great report TJ, well worth waiting for the pics to download Maureen
Zubris21 Posted July 8, 2008 Report Posted July 8, 2008 Looks like a great trip! great report and pics!
Sinker Posted July 8, 2008 Report Posted July 8, 2008 Great spot for a good bender TJ! The ride in/out is as much fun as the rest of the weekend!! A little hard on equipment though huh...LOL. Thanks for the report! Sinker
addict Posted July 8, 2008 Report Posted July 8, 2008 nice report.ive always wanted to try the ham but judgeing by all the boats there and the treacherous drive in i think ill pass.
lunkerbasshunter Posted July 8, 2008 Report Posted July 8, 2008 wow how crazy is that fire! Good report! Looks liek lots of fun! Cheers!
TJQ Posted July 9, 2008 Author Report Posted July 9, 2008 I forgot I took this video.... <object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value=" </param> <embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"> </embed> </object>
solopaddler Posted July 9, 2008 Report Posted July 9, 2008 Definitely a long way for you to go, but it looked like you boys had a blast!
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