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$430 fine while fishing on Scugog this weekend


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Guest Johnny Bass
I have a photo-copy of my registration in a zip lock bag and it's taped inside a compartment in my boat and readily available when ever I'm asked for it. I've been stopped & checked by the OPP many times over the years and a photo copy is perfectly legal and it keeps the original in a safe place at home.


I do the same thing, only that I have the original copy in a zip lock bag on my boat.


That sucks. Hopefully you will go to court and show your ownership and they will reduce the fine drastically....

Edited by Johnny Bass
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One of the pwc riders on the local lake here made a point of showing off his new flashlight as they launched making the point that he was finally legal. after riding a while they were checked by the cops and the light had bounced around in the pwc turned itself on and run the battery down resulting in ..a fine.

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The flashlight you should have knowm better, but we have all done it, as for the ownership they may have been a little bit overkill, but try snowmobiling if you think the opp are tough on boaters, there is zero tolerance for Bull on a sled but there doing the Job that we asked them to do make it safe for us out there, I have some run in's with the opp on the lake and trails and there usually good people to deal with (even when I am getting a fine, usually for speeding) Just remember that they have been dealing with people all day that have been treating them like dirt with there attitude and behaviour a smile and being friendly go along way to getting through problems.

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Some of the responses are brutal. The OP is out $430 and even if he was to fight the charge, he'd be out time and money away from work. Have a little compassion for him. I'll be honest, I don't carry a flashlight or my boat ownership papers on my boat. Partially because I only use my boat on the cottage lake and because I don't want to lose the ownership papers. Having said that, I made an effort to buy a marine safety kit (CTC has a sale on the kit right now that is regularly $29.99) this weekend and I was planning to photocopy my boat ownership papers after I noticed that there is a lot more MNR and OPP on the lakes now.


Sorry to hear about the fine OP, but I hope that we all will learn from your experience. I know that I have. Thank you for posting this.

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I can see a fine if you don't have the required safety equipment but $430 sounds a bit steep doesn't it. Our star Buffalo Bill running back just got a $150 fine for hit and run (hit a person not property).


As far as not having your boating registration for proof of ownership, shouldn't the vessel be impounded ? ? ? It would have been if it was a car (at least here it would be).

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I do the same thing, only that I have the original copy in a zip lock bag on my boat.


That sucks. Hopefully you will go to court and show your ownership and they will reduce the fine drastically....


I do like Lew said. with the photo copy. Keeping the original on the boat might not be a good idea, gets wet, stolen etc.


I was told too keep a photo-copy by the dealer. I have never had an issue yet with the photo copy so far.


The amount of times I get checked on all lakes I double make sure I have everything ready :)

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For my flashlight, I went and bought one of those sets of never die lights, the ones you shake to charge, that way the batteries never die....just an idea. they come in packs of 2. I put one in each bag, that way I ALWAYS have a light that works, on top of the one in the safety kit.

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I don't mean to hijack this thread - but can anyone verify if it's necessary to carry an ownership on a 14' aluminum boat?


I didn't even think they gave you one with a small boat..



I have an ownership for my 14 footer tinny and I carry it in the safety kit so it stays protected and present with me.

I believe that it is required especially with a 15 hp motor

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You don't need ownership, but a copy of the registration papers you got when assigned a number. Copies can be obtained through a service canada office. If your boat has no numbers, no papers needed.



Ownership papers are required. Its the bill of sale.


I just got my numbers and they told me to have both, it is stupid. The bill of sale can be any ragged piece of paper.....your best bet is to go to Service Canada and pay the $15/swear oath.




PS: maybe there should be a faq or checklist made by some one in the know.

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The flashlight you should have knowm better, but we have all done it, as for the ownership they may have been a little bit overkill, but try snowmobiling if you think the opp are tough on boaters, there is zero tolerance for Bull on a sled but there doing the Job that we asked them to do make it safe for us out there, I have some run in's with the opp on the lake and trails and there usually good people to deal with (even when I am getting a fine, usually for speeding) Just remember that they have been dealing with people all day that have been treating them like dirt with there attitude and behaviour a smile and being friendly go along way to getting through problems.

Ha ha, I was just thinkin' about snowmobiling and the fines.It doesn't matter how fast you're going it's only a 115 dollar fine I think.Now comparing that to not having a flashlight(on a lake that's not much more than a mile wide) and no ownership and/or registration papers handy I think you got hit pretty hard.

BTW make sure it's a 'waterproof' flashlight cause even if it works you could get DINGED. Just depends on their mood of the day.



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this poses other questions as well...what if you borrowed the boat and the owner of the boat did not give you a copy of the registration???, and the question on the 14 footer is also pretty good, like I stated before, I have no "ownership" for my 14 footer, and don't even know if I can find the bill of sale for it, never been asked to produce it....the bigger boat..yes I have a photocopy in my tackle bag

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I do the same thing, only that I have the original copy in a zip lock bag on my boat.


That sucks. Hopefully you will go to court and show your ownership and they will reduce the fine drastically....



So are there any Ramifications if Mr Weasel the thief has your Boat and Motor and REGISTRATION

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So are there any Ramifications if Mr Weasel the thief has your Boat and Motor and REGISTRATION


I keep mine in a ziplock bag and keep it in a bag where I keep all my electronics. That bag comes out of the boat after each trip.

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Just to clarify for cars: 1) the original or a photocopy of both sides of the document is okay. If you can't show me it it's a $85 fine(i do believe, or $65) for failing to produce the permit. No, your car won't be impounded if you don't have your ownership in it. The copper runs your plate and it would most likely come back to your name...besides, most people are terrible liars when you start talking to them.....anyway, as for the tickets, if you haven't noticed 3 people died on Ontario waters in the last week...perhaps the fact that they are being tough on people isn't anything to do with a power trip. I myself have double, triple, quadrupal and qintuple tapped drivers before......each situation is different. On a traffic or safety check you're getting a full wack for everything.


As for a quota....the OPP have a quota....2 tickets for 4 shifts (so i have been informed)....if I tried hard enough i could get 2 tickets off of one driver for the amount of stuff that most drivers don't know.



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My front green/red work fine but I am having problems finding a rear mast light to replace the lost one.


What do the regs say about a rear light for the boat.?




answered my own question: http://www.tc.gc.ca/marinesafety/TP/TP511/...m#Min_equipment


Hey Forrest, not to hijack a thread, but just about any marina should carry mast lights.

I lost mine in my travels and had to buy a new one... it was 35 bucks for a 42" mast, not too bad. I got my from deerbrook marina around Belle River.

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hate to break it to you....that means nothing....absolutely nothing because your papers have to be produced on demand...not 24 hours or 6 months later, same with the flash light.



so why did the cop suggest bringing the items to court? For a reduced fine?


Hey Forrest, not to hijack a thread, but just about any marina should carry mast lights.

I lost mine in my travels and had to buy a new one... it was 35 bucks for a 42" mast, not too bad. I got my from deerbrook marina around Belle River.


I bought one, but, mine has a funny fitting. Have to dig around a bit more I guess or replace the whole setup.



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yeah pretty much.....you're gonna get it dropped anyway....either they'll reduce the fine or they may drop one tag and have you plead guilty to the other. Your best option is set up a meeting with the crown prosecutor....it's one of your option on the back of the provincial offence notice.



The word from the traffic ticket paralegal guys is that the meeting with the crown prosecutor is a waste of time that is just used to waste the ticketed persons time:



Maybe the cops will not show up, this used to work for traffic tickets.


Hope it works out for the original poster. $430 is steep.



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The word from the traffic ticket paralegal guys is that the meeting with the crown prosecutor is a waste of time that is just used to waste the ticketed persons time:



Maybe the cops will not show up, this used to work for traffic tickets.





HAHAHAHAHAHAHA of course they're gonna say that. They want you to go straight to trial so they take your money....you'll get the same result with the crown that you would with a paralegal....and what's worse, he takes your money because they guarantee that you'll win....well they don't tell you that they'll get your fine reduce lol....and most likely the copper shows up unless something happens and they can't get there. We HAVE to go to traffic court and i wouldn't take the chance............lol....good luck :thumbsup_anim::clapping::clapping::clapping:


Oh and BTW, if you fight the ticket yourself, i can GUARANTEE you're paying the full whack.....

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Those were the days of old forrest... they Need to show up now.. Lost revenue may be the answer.. I used X-Coppers when I was ticketed.. I was on my way to get my son to a doctor as the daycare called me... and they never call me!.. I was speeding granted.. I was polite to the officer, asked him if he could please hurry and give me the ticket as my son is sick and needs me.. I even thanked him.. he is just doing his job after all..


the fine was 3 hundred and something.. and 3 demerits.. to fight it through xcopper was 400... a no brainer for me.. and they guaranteed to have it dropped or I did not owe them a cent.. I was lucky and won.


my first and only ticket...


Hopefully if the OP is willing to fight it to a lesser charge he will.. even if he knows he was wrong as I did.


Chalk this up to a lesson learned and move on..



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