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Fluorocarbon vs Super line


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So I found myself in the isle of the fishing section, debating to get PowerPro or Vanish.

Do I go fluorocarbon, or braid? red or clear? 14.99 or 16.99....


I have vanish on my trout rods, which seems to be super tough and a decent line.


I have never used PowerPro, but have heard great things about it.


I decided to go with the PowerPro to give it a try.


what are teh advantages/disadvantages of each, and which would you buy?

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The big thing with the super lines is that they are very thin for the pound test. They are not all that abrasion resistant however, in part do to there thin nature and much more visible than mono or fluro. The fluro lines are less visible (not invisible) then the same pound test of mono. So you can then use a higher pound test and still be fairly stealthy. Don't treat 10 pound fluro the same way as 10 pound mono however. The other thing to watch for is: using a super line that is rated much higher than the rod it is used on. You'll increase your chances of breaking the rod, or even better, the reel seat.


My 2 cents.

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I've recently started using power pro and have had no problems with it. I also put a flurocarbon leader on as well, and sometimes I'll simply use the Berkley vanish for my leader.


I used vanish all last year and found it to be fairly decent, the only issue I had with it was tying knots. I use palomar knots and sometimes they would hold well and sometimes they'd just break very easily.

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I've used PowerPro for a few years now, and love it. Palomar knot is perfect for it, castability is superb, especially when it's brand new. Just got some red stuff for this year...so far, it looks pretty good in the water...the test will be how it fades. The green stuff goes almost white, and it's a little more visible as it gets older.

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Been using Power Pro for the last 4 years. Just took it off the first reel I had it spooled on.

No stretch and super sensitivity. Don't try and cut it with your teeth (you will lose) or clippers (use scissors or a knife). I use a fluoro leader in super clear water.

Great stuff!!

I'm going to try to spool up some of the Berkley Flouro this year to see how limp it is.

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PowerPro all the way man. I've been a user for a couple years now and will never go back. Virtually no stretch for good hook sets and keeping pressure on the fish. Palomer knots hold. IMPORTANT: use a monobacking to cover the base of the spool. Any advantage I can give to a team member bud. Go slay 'em.



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Thanks for the link Urban, I will have to give that a try this weekend.

I have some left over 6lb Vanish.


Cheers everyone, and thanks again for the input.


Reefrunner - Go Team 9 Go! :lol:

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For real dude. I can't wait to wet a line. Goin to the Dominican this coming week...too bad cuda's aren't on the tourney. AFter that I gotta go on lockdown for an exam:( Post 4 June, its open season on everything. MNR should send out an advisory.


Go team 9

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Hmm I'm new to this and have a question. Would I use these power pro or fluoro as my Spinning Reels new line or just for the first 6-10 feet? Right now i just have the line that came with the rod..




Edited by Mattones
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We're talking 2 completely different lines, for different Applications IMO.

I like PP for trolling in Colored water, heavy weed, or casting Structure later in the season for Pike, Bass, Muskie etc..


But early season, clear open Water for trout, pickeral etc...

I'll spend a few extra bucks and get P-line

Vanish is good, but P-line is like Vanish on roids if you asked me.


I've had much better results with it...

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Great info, thanks for the replies.


With the flouro leaders though, so most of you tie it line-line or use a small swivel?


Yes Stoty I use a small swivel followed by a 3 to 4 foot leader of the new Berkley gold Vanish.Mostly for spring trout on the surface.


I really like the new product compared to the old vanish in the blue box which twisted wildly in very little time.


When I use a worm harness (for walleye)I like to use my Rod with 30lb(9lb diameter) Stren Super Braid attached to the worm harness.Like someone said if the water is not clear don't bother.


I found the new vanish gold far better than seaguar which in my opinion is week.Breaks easily and is overpriced.


I recently tried power pro although I love the way it comes in a user friendly box that makes it very easy to spool your rod.

I find Stren Super Braid a better product it is less stiff easier to tie knots and it keeps its colour unlike power pro which loses its colour quite rapidly.Tying knots much easier with stren.


Hooked a six pound pike last year deep with the 30lb Stren super braid NO Leader on a Rapala Huskyjerk.


The line had frayed against its teeth but not enough to break off .Had that been mono well you know by by fish.


Now go catch some fish.



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Power Pro with a good flouro leader. Best of both!


On my everyday meatstick, I'm running 20lb Power Pro with 2'-3' of Seaguar 20lb flouro. Haven't changed the tippet since September, around 30 kings, dozen drum and half dozen pike and there's zero damage to the leader! Go Seaguar! Their leader mat'l is the shiznit, MUCH better than the mainline flouro's.


Word of caution on the superbraids. There's zero stretch, so if you use small hooks for big fish it's real easy to rip them out. Tried using PowerPro once for river steelies, even with a 6lb. tippet and drag loose I kept ripping out hooks.


I prefer using a swivel between leader/mainline, better connection and saves twist hassles. Ultra clear spooky fish though, I'll switch to a Surgeons Knot.

Edited by CLofchik
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Most of the time you don't need the fluro leader.

Bass, Pike, Walleye, Musky and Crappie aren't line shy within reason.

They are aggressive feeders and will hit a bait towed on 1/4 inch nylon rope if in will fit in their mouth, and their in the mood.

I don't know that much about salmoides, but I do recall from my fly fishing days, that DRAG is a big downer.

If you don't understand what drag is, it's when the current pulling on the line, that is laying on the water, causes the bait to move in an unnatural way.

Fly casters use long fine leaders because the smaller the line diameter, the less drag effects it...Many trout fishers and fly casters don't know this...They believe that the fish can see the line and are line shy...In my opinion this is a myth. Fish have a brain that is less than the size of a pea. They are dumber than dirt, but they know if it doesn't look right.

DRAG is your enemy, not visibility...fish don't care if it's wearing a collar and on a steel chain, they will eat anything that looks wounded, distracted or dying.


Edited by garry2rs
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  • 2 weeks later...

So, I used the BRAND NEW PowerPro I bought last week, yesterday......NOT very impressed with it.


For whatever reason, twice when I took a cast (hard cast because I was throwing into the wind), the line snapped and my lure when SPLASH.

The line didnt break at the knot, it broke at a random spot in the middle of the cast. I wasnt too happy to lose my only remaining black spinnerbait!!!


I have another new pack of PowerPro (unopened), that is going right back to Canadian Tire for a refund.

I knew I should have stuck with the Vanish Flourocarbon! :wallbash:


Any ideas as to why it would snap there?

I am guessing a "bad batch".

Since I have only used the line once, is there anything I can do with reguards to a refund? (no package or reciept though).

Maybe contact PowerPro directly?

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I have a number of guesses.


1. Bad batch

2. Birdsnest and a hard throw with a heavy lure.

3. No mono backing maybe? Line could have wound around itself in the reel.

4. rough edges on the eyes of your rod might be causing slight abrasion on the line.


I've been using PP for about 2 or 3 years now and would not give it up. There are alot of guys here who swear by it, with good reason. I've heard of bad batches being bought at CTC. Return it and get it from another retailer.


rules to follow. Mono backing, (double) uni to uni, spool on tight.

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I would check your line guides first.PP is not real abrasion resistant.It would seem uncharactoristic of pp to break like that.I swear buy the stuff and have used it for the last 4 years with no issues.Run a

Q-tip all around your line guides and see if they grab some cotton of the soft end.


Good luck and let us know how you make out,

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