anders Posted May 1, 2008 Report Posted May 1, 2008 I love it...payback for the bruins...I just hope they dont fight back like the bruins and Philly finishes em quick!
Billy - Curtiss Posted May 1, 2008 Report Posted May 1, 2008 It has been an amazing series thus far. I'm a little surprised that they benched Price last night though. That can't be good for team confidence. Either way, I predict that Pittsburgh will absolutely decimate Philly in the next round. And go on to meet Detroit in the final!
Roy Posted May 1, 2008 Report Posted May 1, 2008 With two teams in the playoffs, I wonder how many Quebecers will be applying for green cards to move to PA.
Stoty Posted May 1, 2008 Author Report Posted May 1, 2008 I agree, STUPID move sitting Price last night. His confidence must be TOTALLY shot now. It was bad enough, then Guy does that. Ouch. Mind you Halek played very well. Det / Pit final for sure. I just hope DET loses tonight, so I get to go to the game saturday!! (The they can kill them)
walleyejigger Posted May 1, 2008 Report Posted May 1, 2008 as a habs fan this series is totally devastating to watch, for the most part they can outplay the flyers but goalie for goalie biron is a machine right now and habs goalies are stinkin it up, over all though a good series to watch unlike the SJ Dal game last night, what a snorefest as much as i hate to admit it they need to bench kovalev, he's paid to shoot not pass, and his passes are not connecting at all and once he brings the puck over the blue line he just gives it away, i think the "C" they put on is jersey when koivu was out got to his head GO HABS GOOO hope u get to the game Stoty
JohnAB Posted May 1, 2008 Report Posted May 1, 2008 Biron is standing on his head. No shame in losing to a goalie playing like that. As for Price, Carb's move was a good one. Halak played the final period of the game before. You put Price in last night and he would be terrified that if he lets in any goal the hook will be out and then you destroy his confidence. Babcock pulled Hasek, guess his confidence is gone now for good. Might as well retire for good. Same for Kiprisoff. Dallas and Pittsburgh in the final for sure.
Stoty Posted May 1, 2008 Author Report Posted May 1, 2008 Dallas wont touch Detroit. Hasek doesnt need confidence. He is one of the best goalies of all time. (His career is basically over anyways.) Price is 20 yrs old, just stepped into the #1 role. Confidence is the biggest thing for a young goalie like him. Guy is hurting the kid, more than he is helping him. Put him back in,let him play. Your team is done anyways. Just like I said a few weeks ago...they didnt have a chance in the 2nd round, no matter who they faced. They cant handle the playoff style hockey - physical, rough, tough. Sure they are the most highly skilled team overall, but cant do much when your on your behind. PIT/PHI series will be a war! Cant wait to watch that. Dallas/Det will be a decent series as well.
lookinforwalleye Posted May 1, 2008 Report Posted May 1, 2008 last time I check the series was a best of seven!
Billy Bob Posted May 1, 2008 Report Posted May 1, 2008 (edited) It couldn't of happen to a nicer bunch of guys Edited May 1, 2008 by Billy Bob
JohnAB Posted May 1, 2008 Report Posted May 1, 2008 Didn't have a chance against whoever they faced in the second round????? Montreal has outshot and outplayed them bigtime. Biron has stood on his head, plain and simple. 3-2 score doesnot indicate destroyed. And yes Price is 20 years old and I am sure his confidence is fine. He is playing in a sports market with unbelievable pressure to succeed and has done very well for himself. He has absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. As for the actions of Guy. I think I would go with what he did, after all he is a coach and Jack Adam's award finallist versus you, who is?????
darsky Posted May 1, 2008 Report Posted May 1, 2008 (edited) The last time the Habs made the playoffs (2006) they overcame a 3-1 deficit to beat Boston in the 1st rd. Ironically, Boston almost returned the deed. My point being- "maybe" they can do it again. I must admit this series has been hard to watch. I agree that Price should have started. Edited May 1, 2008 by darsky
Stoty Posted May 1, 2008 Author Report Posted May 1, 2008 LOL, here we go yet again. I never said anything against Price. I agree he is a great goalie. So I am not sure where that came from?? Guy made a stupid move, plain and simple. Kick your #1 goalie while he is down. Its just too bad he isnt going to win the award, just like the Habs arent going to win the cup! You can outshoot a team 1000-1, but doesnt matter if you dont score goals. he even playing this series? When its a physical game, he and 95% of the team are nowhere to be found.
JohnAB Posted May 1, 2008 Report Posted May 1, 2008 You said his confidence was destroyed. Have you asked him as much? Have you any proof of such? And Guy isn't going to win the Jack Adams huh? You got this from where? Seems to me most hockey analysts who know what they are talking about are saying Guy is the front runner. Know for sure it won't be Babcock. And if it is so physical why are the Habs getting all those shots, seems to be they should be running scared and doing nothing. Ever hear of a hot goalie?
Stoty Posted May 1, 2008 Author Report Posted May 1, 2008 Ha ha ha, I know. I knew the "Habs nation" members couldnt walk away from this one. Notice that most of the Habs shots are from the outside???? You can get 50 shots per game, but if they are from the outside, Biron is going to stop most of them. Try going to the net, not shying away from it because you're scared of getting hit. Its the quality of shots, not the quantity. Just ask the Flyers who are getting outshot, but leading every game 2-0, or 3-0. Not to mention winning most of them. Montreal is lucky to still be alive. They didnt deserve the win they got, thats for sure. Boudreau is going to win the trophy. Going from GM to coach, and taking them to the playoffs......pretty well deserved if you ask me. TSN anaylsts....also all said Anaheim or SJ would win the cup.
Puckhead Posted May 1, 2008 Report Posted May 1, 2008 You've got to stick with your starter come playoff time unless he is playing absolutely terrible (Hasek comes to mind) - I think Guy's lack of experience came through with that. Irregardless, Price should be ready to answer the call in game 5. I would agree that Montreal has out shot Philly by a wide margin - but come on, most shots have been peripheral and Biron doesn't give up rebounds easily. You need to create traffic and Philly is simply pushing any hab that comes within 5 feet of the crease, out of the way. They are man handeling Montreal down low and the Habs can't grind so all it takes is some decent positional goaltending and your beat. Habs need to play much more aggressive instead of taking the easy shot that Philly is intentionally giving them. Guy is being out coached right now and not adjusting to how Philly is playing them.
Stoty Posted May 1, 2008 Author Report Posted May 1, 2008 Puckhead, I like you more and more each time you reply to a hockey thread.
lookinforwalleye Posted May 1, 2008 Report Posted May 1, 2008 Seems like all you Hab haters have it figured out. It`s going to be sweet when the Habs come back and win in seven and I fully expect all you Hab haters(especialy you Stoty) to come groveling at my feet!LOL
wallyboss Posted May 1, 2008 Report Posted May 1, 2008 What I still can't understand is some of you guys giving your opinion on this and your opinion on that, concerning hockey!!! If you know hockey that much then why in the heck are most of you "Leafs fans". Doesn't that prove that you know nothing about hockey. Even if the Hab's lose the next one, isn't still 12 more games played this yaer than the Leafs.
lookinforwalleye Posted May 1, 2008 Report Posted May 1, 2008 wallyboss said: What I still can't understand is some of you guys giving your opinion on this and your opinion on that, concerning hockey!!! If you know hockey that much then why in the heck are most of you "Leafs fans". Doesn't that prove that you know nothing about hockey. Even if the Hab's lose the next one, isn't still 12 more games played this yaer than the Leafs. LOL Good one Wallyboss!
Stoty Posted May 1, 2008 Author Report Posted May 1, 2008 1) I am NOT a leafs (or Sens) fan 2) If I was a Leaf fan, I wouldnt dare comment on the Sens or Habs 3) Just because people are Leaf fans, doesnt mean they dont know hockey, they just like the leafs (for what reason, I dont know, LOL) lookinforwalleye....if the Habs come back and win in 7, I will post an appology thread to all Habs fans.
workwear Posted May 1, 2008 Report Posted May 1, 2008 passes out a bowl of marshMELLOWS great to be fans of the greatest game on earth!!!!
carll2 Posted May 1, 2008 Report Posted May 1, 2008 first of all look at the penguins and there not quite the physical team!!! speed is what counts in the new nhl..and even if the flyers win pittburgh willl have a fun time ripping them in half just like they did to the sens and for guy good work on benching price no better way than to try and wake your team up and get your point across, now its up to the players...definately not a cup year for us but then again most of the team are inexpirienced, look at the penguins last year eliminated in the first round...its just lack of expirience no biggie
xrap Posted May 1, 2008 Report Posted May 1, 2008 (edited) If Philly passes, or I should say when they get passed Montreal I think the'll give Pens a really tough time. Call Me crazy but I think Philly is going to the finals? Edited May 1, 2008 by xrap
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