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Using marshmallows to catch steelhead....

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Steelhead just like any other fish will strike at the oddest baits, marshmallows included, believe me I've seen some bizarre things happen over the years.


That doesn't mean that someone would actually want to fish with one of those oddball baits when there's so many other ones that are much more effective.


By and large aniceguy is 100% correct. Marshmallows are most commonly used by anglers still fishing in river mouths and estuaries.

I kept a few in my tackle box cause my buddy told me about it. Ran out of worms so I tried it. One on a orange one and one on a lime green one.


P.S. Chub love mallows.

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didnt someone once say you can lead a horse to water but you cant make him drink it....





You know that statement is so true, since you know 100% that a fish wont hit marshmallows even though youve been given examples of situations where they did!!!


So fish must never hit CORKIES either then do they??? In fact corkies are an even better way to line fish being that your drifting the whole time, and ppl do from time to time so is that not a unethical way to fish??


Ive caught tons of salmon with the rod in a holder and they pound a marshmallow, its not hooked in there face its well in there mouth. Males and females. I always use bright colours and the fish hit out of aggression. I dont sang fish or try and line them and rarely have I ever foul hooked a fish.

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If the fish is hooked on the inside of the mouth, I don't see a problem with it!

... and yes, fishing with marshmallows in a "no bait" zone will get you cited.

I don't blame ya though, I'd be pretty whizzed off too if I spent all that money on equipment and then found out I could catch them on a $1 bag of marshmallows!!! :w00t:

Actually they are 3 for a dollar at Dollarama...lol

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Im an ass eh........nice on you way to step down to the level of bubbles and crew...Im not even going to say what I think


The technique of using a marshmellow is going to get you charged.....using a treble hook that has lead added when not treated as a gaff isnt illegal but its gonna get you chaged 100%


God some people are just that dense I guess


how can you put hunting in the same context as fishing LOL


Im done Now Mod's you have someone calling me a name how are you going to respond to that

Done here Roy I ll pm you the rest


Blah Blah Blah.


Yes I'm calling you a name, don't cry. You called a bunch of perfectly good law-abiding OFC members "immoral", "unethical" and "loose a few". As they say "He who casts the first stone..."


You're the same one who just PM'd me calling me a name I can't even type here.

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Such anger and venom from some of you guys, wow!


Who cares? If you want to use marshmallows knock yourself out.

It's been over 2 months for me... :D



I agree go fish em all with the mallows and enjoy your selves


2 months :clapping: stop renovating lol.........

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I read this same argument over on another board and one guy actually went down to the dam in Owen Sound during the salmon run and started dropping mini marshmallows into the current. He said the salmon were snapping them up as soon as they saw them and sometimes pushing each other out of the way to get them.

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The problem with the thread right now as far as I can see (I may certainly be wrong) is that someone mentioned the word "lining"


Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa!


To do penance, I did spend two hours cleaning and sprucing up all my fishing gears with painstaking devotion. :angel:

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I read this same argument over on another board and one guy actually went down to the dam in Owen Sound during the salmon run and started dropping mini marshmallows into the current. He said the salmon were snapping them up as soon as they saw them and sometimes pushing each other out of the way to get them.


Care to comment on this one aniceguy? :clapping: LOLOLOLOL!!!!!


This is really gonna piss off 9 out of 10 self-proclaimed experts! :thumbsup_anim:

Edited by jonnybass
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You got served.


You know jonnybass, aniceguy sure could have gave you some thorough answers on your other thread (Steelhead Spawning., Looking for a definitive answer), maybe if you had been willing to listen to his responses here. :whistling:


It seems that some (not all) of the posters cutting up the people with the lining theory have never caught a steelhead or salmon before? Isn't that worse them commenting on this topic than the "elitist float fishermen"...


I use a float rod and reel (for about 3 years now) and I am no where near "elitist"... it is a lot of fun though...


Burt :)

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Louis is a true warrior for the efforts to protect our salmonid fishery with CRAA.

He deserves respect & at 6'5" he could probably rip a few heads-off you guys hiding behind your cpu.

Sometimes a salmon will bite a marshmallow..quite often they're lined.

The ethical issue is basically upon the individual involved.

Just remember that it takes many people to keep the hatcheries staffed & productive. The fish & fishery deserves respect.

Getting involved with your local clubs gives you valuable new knowledge & desire to see the fishery flourish.

It's impossible to not get emotionally involved in all the issues that help maintain the fishery that so many take for granted.

Fish on..

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