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TTC Strike!


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I work in the GTA and travel almost daily to downtown Toronto.... it is safe to assume traffic is going to be a nightmare...


So much for the 48 hours notice PROMISED they would give riders... They stranded thousands on a friday night... If they thought they were abused before.... I would hate to see how they are viewed now.


How will you in the GTA cope during this? How will those that commute to work cope with the thousands of more vehicles on the highways...


My personal opinion?


Dalton McGuinty should have been involved long ago! now they are scrambling to have an emergency session of Parliament scheduled for tomorrow, trying to declare the TTC as an essential service. but doing this has a consequence.. as EVERY OTHER public transportation service in various Ontario cities will also wind up being declared essential...


then what role will the union play? cant strike.. work to rule? and if the unions break up then who is protecting the members interests...


I feel they are shooting themselves in the foot..


I see dark days ahead for public transport...



Edited by Gerritt
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then what role will the union play? cant strike.. work to rule? and if the unions break up then who is protecting the members interests...


I feel they are shooting themselves in the foot..


Do you not think that unions, or perhaps more to the point strikes, are long past their sell by date??


Don't get me wrong there was a time and a place for both, but I think that time is long gone. There are so many other things in place, like the charter, and civil lawsuits, that they probably make unions irrelevant.


IMHO unions only protect the 'sick lame and lazy' and strikes hold the rest of the country hostage with their organized blackmail.

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now they are scrambling to have an emergency session of Parliament scheduled for tomorrow, trying to declare the TTC as an essential service. but doing this has a consequence.. as EVERY OTHER public transportation service in various Ontario cities will also wind up being declared essential...


Tomorrows session is to talk about legislating them back to work, not declaring them an essential service, but that could be discussed at a later date.

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I live and work in downtown Toronto. I work as a bartender and this whole strike was irresponsible and just disrespectful. I worked a 9 hour shift and was unable to get home after my shift. I had to walk from Yonge and Eglinton to Danforth. I have totally lost respect for the ttc and I think we need to privatize the public transit in Toronto. Toronto is a major city and this sort of thing should not happen. Do you think this happens in new york or chicago...thered probably be a riot. we have ticket takers in the subway making 100,000 a year and their complaining? If we privatize the prices will go down and the quality of the service will be better. Just my opinion!



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the ttc has absoutely no class going on strike at midnight on a friday night. School is over well university, students want to party, adults want to go downtown for dinner and some rely on the ttc to work graveyard shifts and i take it to school and now am happy they are going to be legislated back to work on monday.


btw david miller is afraid to declare them an essential service.

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i work at the airport and i have to say...


there are many MANY people that takes TTC after midnight and many MANY people start work at 4AM~5AM starts.


I also feel very sorry for many tourists that came to canada that evening. especially since they had no idea what was going on.


I don't even know if there is even a GO bus after midnight or very early morning.


my dad had to walk to work today.


absolute lame for TTC to go on strike without that 48hour notice.

Edited by mikeymikey
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what sucks even harder is there's no way you can retaliate because it's not like the baseball and hockey strike where you just screw them and leave the seats empty. Too many people have no choice but to ride the rocket, like it or not. And i don't know if something like this can be privatized because there isn't a single public transit system in the country that makes money...they're all money losers because the equipment and maintenance costs are staggering...new buses cost 1/2 million each, that's not including operating costs and maintenance. How many buses like that could your private bus company afford? I'm not supporting them because i know they're holding the city hostage with no alternatives.

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we have ticket takers in the subway making 100,000 a year and their complaining?


Just so nobody gets the wrong impression Ben, that ONE ticket taker that made 100G did it by working many many hours of overtime every week. The base salary of ticket takers is no-where near that.


Only my opinion and I haven't used the TTC in 40 years, but if someone wants to put in 30-40 hours overtime a week to make extra $$$$ I say more power to him.

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Some one correct me if I am wrong here but it is my understanding that this "ticket taker" worked something like an average of 20 hours/week over time. I believe his salary was about $27.50/hr and that the over time is at time and a half or about $41.25/ hr. That doesn't include benifets or anything. More power to him if he is willing to put a year and a half of work out in a year. Wish I could make that kind of money, holiday pay, and benifits but I'm not willing to go to TO everyday to be a ticket taker. If you envy him then I'm sure there are job openings at the TTC.

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~~~~For the past 2 weeks I've been walking to work from Union Station, about 7 blocks and back in the afternoon, so the strike isn't going to effect me getting to and from work, except that my releif has to be transported by our Co. Patrol Officers, along with alot of other Security Officers.

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And where was the Mayor when all of this was happening?? Oh yeah..not in the country.

Where I work we still make a profit, yet this year there will be no raises for anyone and they are offering buy out packages.

For a group who works on a money loser, they sure have gall to ask for a raise.

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