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Very disappointed


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Friggen sucks eh Brian!!! Bunch of loogans.......I'd have left and called the cops right away. Tell them there are people on your property with guns.......that'll get them there nice and quick!!


I've had the same thing happen too. It sucks man, I feel for ya.


Good luck tomorrow!



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To my disbelief,there were two guys sitting down from me along the treeline. I could not believe it. PRIVATE PROPERTY and these two jackoffs still came in and set up. Knowing that there is fire arms envoled, I didnt want to get in a huff,but I knew I had to approuch them. I waited til they were at thier down bird and headed over. Without being to much of an ars,I politley told them (my own friendly way) that they were on private land and they were tresspassing. Guess what I got as a reply? Hey ,theres no postings anywhere,is it your land? I proceeded to show them my written consent and asked them to leave.


Now to rain on everyones parade.

I see no evidence in the above post of any laws being broken other than ignorance. Yes the two hunters acted in an ignorant & disrespectful manner.

If the land wasn't posted or fenced & they didn't have to cross planted crops they are not guilty of an offense under the trespass act.

Actually misfish you may of been closer to breaking the law than them."I proceeded to show them my written consent and asked them to leave".Unless the owner empowered you to act as his agent in respect to the trespass act you had no authority to ask them to leave. Only the owner has this authority.

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Woodsman, I do not know the law but ....

everyones property is private and people DO NOT have the right to trespass under any circumstance........


if those guys were legal then the law needs to be changed and guys like that need to be shot and buried for their stupidity ......




ok maybe wounded .......

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Actually misfish you may of been closer to breaking the law than them."I proceeded to show them my written consent and asked them to leave".Unless the owner empowered you to act as his agent in respect to the trespass act you had no authority to ask them to leave. Only the owner has this authority.


The owner has stated to me,If I see anyone on the property,ask them to leave.



Now, for a good ending,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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"if those guys were legal then the law needs to be changed"

Terry I fully agree with this statement.

These guys knew the law as was shown by their question "do you own the land". They knew that if the owner asked them to leave they must leave immediately. Failing to leave promptly would be an offense. Under the Trespass to Property Act it is up to the owner to control who accesses his property. This can be done through fences, planted crops, lawns or obvious residential & commercial areas, signs or verbally. In this case of the two hunters, even if the owner called the police & asked that they be charged the charges would not be laid until the hunters were informed that the owner requests they leave his property. Failing to leave promptly would be required for charges to stick.

They owner may empower others to represent him in respect to trespassing but I would want this in writing. If a case were to go to court & there was no written statement from the owner he would be required to appear to testify that you were in fact his agent. They could even be required to attend with a written statement that was in force if the charged questioned if it was a valid document.

Failure for the owner to back you up could possibly lead charges against the person claiming to represent the owner.


Best Wishes: Rick

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If land is fenced or signed in any fashion, including the red dots, this is all that is needed to imply "no trespassing". If a person accidentally stumbles through your land, they have a possible legal position, providing they are lost as I interpret it.


No mercy on any and all abusers or uwanted guests to my property.



Edited by outdoorguy61
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  • 2 weeks later...

I missed this post Brian, but now that I've found it.............


I already heard the story, as you know, the night before heading up to Wayne's place.


The situation was awkward as you were alone & these guys

didn't seem to care about private property or permission of any kind.


I have a great deal of patience and understanding, however, it runs thin at the signs of ignorance and stupidity.

In the same situation, it's hard to say what I would have done.

Thinking about it now, I probably would have let them go without too much fuss.


Post signs yourself at a height that's not easy for those asses to rip down.

Or a more effective method would be for me to stand guard while you go get your birds.

My skills @ human pest control far exceed my skills as a turkey hunter. ;)


Whenever hunting the property in the future, you should take a quick check for their vehicle.

If you see spot them and know they're trespassing, call the police or MNR CO's and report the make, model & license plate.

The local police would probably be quicker.

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The only time you can charge someone on the spot is if they are in a cultivated field.


I have a neighbor who rides me over the bikes and 4 wheelers on the farm and the only one I could charge was his son in law sitting on his bike.


Not to belittle misfish's misfortune , well , yeah lets do it anyway cause its fun. Wheres that picture of the angry little boy with his sister that caught the fish, it should be saved with the emotions.

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