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"An Inconvenient Truth"


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As many of us are wondering if there will be any ice on the lakes this winter, I watched a documentary called "An Inconvenient Truth" yesterday. Talk about an eye opener. Basically it is a slide show presentation hosted by former American VP Al Gore. Apparently Mr. Gore has been presenting these facts around the world for some time now. We all know about global warming. We all talk about it. But when you see the facts presented on progressive graphs and the animated results of the consequences, it is truly jaw dropping. This film is available now at your local video store. Have a look at it, and post your thoughts here.

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I hate it for the unfortunates, but oceanfront property here in Birmingham really wouldn't hurt my feelings. :)



How far is Talladega from the ocean Glen? Seriously, over 100,000,000 people could have their homes displaced by the ocean. And most of them live in developing countries where just collecting your insurance money and moving inland isn't an option.

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I added this post to my post about the enviroment earlier in the week. Guess no one was interested. <_<






I guess everyone was raving about this on the news this morning so i came on line to check it out. I guess the documumentary is about 90 minutes long and goes into detail about how our planet is warming. It also mentions that if something is not done now there will be massive distruction on a mega scale in our own childrens life time not our children, children, children.


I am going to post a short clip that i found of this video.




Humanity is sitting on a ticking time bomb. If the vast majority of the world's scientists are right, we have just ten years to avert a major catastrophe that could send our entire planet into a tail-spin of epic destruction involving extreme weather, floods, droughts, epidemics and killer heat waves beyond anything we have ever experienced.

If that sounds like a recipe for serious gloom and doom -- think again. From director Davis Guggenheim comes the Sundance Film Festival hit, AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH, which offers a passionate and inspirational look at one man's fervent crusade to halt global warming's deadly progress in its tracks by exposing the myths and misconceptions that surround it. That man is former Vice President Al Gore, who, in the wake of defeat in the 2000 election, re-set the course of his life to focus on a last-ditch, all-out effort to help save the planet from irrevocable change. In this eye-opening and poignant portrait of Gore and his "traveling global warming show," Gore also proves himself to be one of the most misunderstood characters in modern American public life. Here he is seen as never before in the media - funny, engaging, open and downright on fire about getting the surprisingly stirring truth about what he calls our "planetary emergency" out to ordinary citizens before it's too late.


With 2005, the worst storm season ever experienced in America just behind us, it seems we may be reaching a tipping point - and Gore pulls no punches in explaining the dire situation. Interspersed with the bracing facts and future predictions is the story of Gore's personal journey: from an idealistic college student who first saw a massive environmental crisis looming; to a young Senator facing a harrowing family tragedy that altered his perspective, to the man who almost became President but instead returned to the most important cause of his life - convinced that there is still time to make a difference.


With wit, smarts and hope, AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH ultimately brings home Gore's persuasive argument that we can no longer afford to view global warming as a political issue - rather, it is the biggest moral challenges facing our global civilization.


Paramount Classics and Participant Productions present a film directed by Davis Guggenheim,

AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH. Featuring Al Gore, the film is produced by Laurie David, Lawrence Bender and Scott Z. Burns. Jeff Skoll and Davis Guggenheim are the executive producers and the co-producer is Leslie Chilcott.




I rented this movie on wednesday night and i think everyone should watch this documentary. Infact this movie made such an impact on my 17 yr old son that next week when he gets back to school he is going to be talking to his principle about the movie being showed to all the students at his school.


Click on the link belowe it will take you to a trailor of the documentary



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How far is Talladega from the ocean Glen? Seriously, over 100,000,000 people could have their homes displaced by the ocean. And most of them live in developing countries where just collecting your insurance money and moving inland isn't an option.



The 100 million people were the unfortunates I was talking about Dan, and I do hate it for them.. but there's not anything I can do about their plight. Mother Nature has a way of "thinning the heards", it is a cruel fact of life... but inevitable.


Talladega is abot 250 mi. from the Gulf of Mexico and at an elevation of about 500 ft. above sea level we wouldn't really be oceanfront, but it would be alot closer.

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I rented this movie on wednesday night and i think everyone should watch this documentary. Infact this movie made such an impact on my 17 yr old son that next week when he gets back to school he is going to be talking to his principle about the movie being showed to all the students at his school.


Thanks Nauti. I apologize for not seeing this in your earlier post. I agree that everyone should see it. And good for your son. The healing all starts with yourself.

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Hey no worries Danc really.....I just hope more people notice the thread now. Because i really do think everyone should watch it. It pretty scarey and i even actually learned a few things watching this documentary.


so Thankyou. :D

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Global warming is a fact of life no matter how you slice it. It's impacts likely lie somewhere between the predictions of the naysayers and the doomsayers. Certainly we have created a terrible situation. It is hard to stir up Canucks to action when we think the outcome will be winters like the present one.

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Hi Dan,actually I have been watching this and observing several factors.Al Gore is right to a certain extent but we and he fail to realize and recognize is many other factors other than human factors are at work here


Overall the average waters temps have risen by 4 degrees in 10 to 20 years

El Nino and El Nina years are more frequent

Human pollution and artificial human warmth are factors which speed up the process of global warming but is it global warming or the inversion of the polar caps and earth's magnetic fields.

Something the earth has had in its evolutionary cycle since earth's coming to be or creation

Yes bombs going off everyday across the world,carbon monoxide,artificial heat,human populace are all factors that create warmth in which earth cannot easily rid itself

Currently the earth is facing inversion of the magnetic polar caps,this phenomenon is not unusual or unnatural,actually we are 6000 years behind the last observed polar inversions,which is from my understanding the root for natural global warming that the earth has experienced throughout its aging and evolution


We as human contribute to the speeding up of this process,but natural global warming has always existed throughout earth creation


This is an interesting subject and would be interesting to see multiple links from this discussion as it progresses
















To solve the problem means human erradication? :dunno:


Take bike to work,row troll,use other means to heat,stop reproducing as humans (Ramsey and Trojans will love me for this :w00t: )

To many elements to stop this process by human impact and we surely cant stop Mother Earth from aging


Al Gore is correct in bringning this to light,but he still remains a politician in my eyes

Remember he invented the internet,now he's selling videos about global warming

Is it the enviroment or a salary he is aiming to accomplish? :dunno:

I prefer Discovery channel,or the history channel or National geographics,many times during these show wordings or other aspects to the documentary lead you to research on the matter to further understand

Edited by marc thorpe
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Interesting subject and one that certainly deserve debate. I have alot of views on this subject but am afraid they would be viewed as political and would be shelved. so I will keep them to myself.


Anyways you may find these links informative.


Huge Arctic Ice Shelve Collapses.








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The reversal of the magnetic poles has the same impact on global warming as ozone depletion....none. There is often a confusion on factors that impact on global warming, and these are often used to dismiss the impact of human activities. For example, the surface of Mars is now the warmest it has been since measurements of surface temps. began. The carbon dioxide polar ice caps are the smallest ever observed and in some areas where they existed in the past 20 years, are now non existent. Clearly there is no human involvement in these changes, so there is a belief that increased solar activity is probably responsible both on Mars and on Earth. However, on earth, it is the rate of accumulation of atmospheric CO2 that has provoked scientific concern about human contributions. This coupled with probable increased solar output, is causing a very rapid change in global temperatures. All winds are caused by thermal differences. As you increase these differences, as you do with rapid global warming, it will create unprecedented climatic changes. In the past(geologic time scale) global warming took place gradually, over thousands of years, evening out these dramatic temperature ranges. So.....look forward to major storm/wind activities that have been unheard of in the past. Yes, I love this mild winter weather in Southern Ontario....but the damage that will be caused by these major, rapid changes may dampen our enthusiasum for global warming in the near future.

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Interesting subject and one that certainly deserve debate. I have alot of views on this subject but am afraid they would be viewed as political and would be shelved. so I will keep them to myself.



Political influence is a big problem with this subject Gerritt. Not just on OFC, but also with the global debate that is, and will get bigger by the day.


When I started this thread, I didn't intend for you all to see doom and gloom, although it may have seemed that way. I expected to read other opinions and arguments. It's really a great subject for debate.

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Hi Outahere,I am puzzled by this

"he reversal of the magnetic poles has the same impact on global warming as ozone depletion....none. There is often a confusion on factors that impact on global warming, and these are often used to dismiss the impact of human activities"


Can you elaborate on how or why this would have no impact?

I do agree human impact is speeding up the process or possibly creating a more dramatic weather related impacts

Would not all these factors combine aid in leading to our weather changes

Seems to me polar inversion is of importance no? :dunno:


Dan,dont think we can debate much but place forth info we read,its an interesting subject

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I watched the global warming video last week and found it very interesting. Like everything else you watch or read, including the news, you have to weigh the facts and make your own judgements. To me, global warming is a reality and more than a cyclical anomoly. North Americans are not going to give up their trucks and SUVs (how would I get my boat to the lake?) and I don't think alternative fuels will be truely developed until fossil fuels are depleated. Unfortunately it is about money and it is very political. Ultimately, Al Gore's documentary was intended to raise awareness and create discussion and it seems to have done that. It is a perspective worth viewing.

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One question is whether the continual Chem spraying above us is helping our weather or is it what's controlling/screwing up our current weather. Nobody will admit it's even going on, or who is doing it...other than the vague confirmation I got out of the Toronto Airspace Manager that there are MANY flights on his radar screen that he can't talk about. Been going on for years...and I also suspect the 10 fold increase in respiratory issues goes hand and hand with what they are dumping into the air that is hitting the ground. I watch it on about a twice weekly basis here where I presume they have the "lake effect" to help with their goals (what ever they are). Large jets laying down one mile grids like a checker board and then watch what they laid out spread to form full cloud cover in less than 30 minutes...and yes I know the difference between a contrail and a chemtrail. Contrails quickly dissipate and you can usually watch them disappear a few miles behind the jet as it progresses forwards...Chem trails spread out and don't go away. If you pay attention you can watch them turn the spray on and off and with a good vantage point you can watch them turn around and lay another line down in the opposite direction in about 1 mile grids. My son has shots of it being done over Hamilton/Lake Ontario as well. Whether you think it's a conspiracy theory or not.....hit this site and give it a read to draw your own conclusions....but I'll guarantee you start paying more attention to what's flying above you!



Edited by irishfield
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Good point Irish. I am surprised how many people think these chem trails are normal :blink::dunno:

I posted a number of pictures on another board, of chem trails here in Niagara. The response was just

contrails and such.

I don't think many people want to know the truth. The sheeple of this planet are content being herded

around by the powers that be.


...True awareness is only enjoyed by a few...

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Marc Sea-floor drill cores have shown no correlation between the magnetic reversal of the poles, or their absence over prolonged periods of time, and the global temperature. There is a significant increase in high energy solar radiation (cosmic rays,etc) that is normally directed to the polar regions by the earth's magnetic field, striking other areas of the earth, and this can be of serious consequence for increased UVB striking many areas, but not for increased heating. The earth's axis is tilted approximately 23 degrees away from vertical, and during our winter in the northern hemisphere, the earth is approximately 4 million miles closer to the sun (closest Jan 4 each year). If in fact, the poles were to reverse physically,ie.the land mass, it would mean the earth would have to flip over, and there is no suggestion that this is what happens when the magnetic poles reverse. So for the next little while, the closeness to the sun in winter will continue to lessen the impact of our pointing away from the sun at that time but may hasten the impact of global warming on the north pole regions.

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i seen that video in blockbuster today i am going to rent it ,well they say that global warming is the most evedant in the canadian arctic than anywhere on earth, :unsure: david suzuki has been trying to tell the government this stuff for years and nobody believes him anyway,the whole world is going to hell and we are just along for the ride,what will our grand kids see,when they grow up?? its not gonna be pretty thats for sure

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I've experienced global cooling that took place from 1940-1980 when every cold winter was touted to be proof of a coming new Ice Age. Since then the average global temperature has jumped a couple of degrees C. and the newest disaster in the opposite direction is helping Albert Gore, Jr. sell his book and his movie.


When it comes to global cooling and global warming, I like global warming better.


The hottest day I've experienced on this planet was my first, on July 23, 1934 in SW Ohio and the temperature soared to 112 F. My coldest was in middle Tennessee back on January 21, 1985 when we experienced -22 F.


There are lots of weather facts available to us and I'm not into getting my weather history from picture shows.

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