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Posted (edited)

I just received my first mail order form LaBaron. I was thrilled; until I went to my local Canadian Tire.

I found out there, just by happening to read a sign, that they will price match (plus 10%, which is probably in CT money).

Now make no mistake I saved money from LB, over CT’s regular prices even after factoring in handling and shipping charges, but if CT would have just price matched (based on an LB catalogue) I would have had LB’s great pricing with out the handling and mailing fee.

I checked with a staff member and they price match on everything in the store, even fishing stuff.

One example, Burkley Fireline Crystal: LaBaron $16.85 - Canadian Tire $26.89!!! Show them the catalogue, save ten bucks!

This is an especially big deal to me as I live 1 1/2 hours from LB, so mail order is my only viable LB option.

Is it just me that didn’t know this?

Edited by Radnine
Posted (edited)

You're only 5 minutes away from Le Barons so what's the big deal ;)


Damn you were quick to edit :D

Edited by Dan Bouck

Yep, most places will price match these days. I knew about CTC.


Even Futureshop, which I just got my mom and extra $40 from a phone she bought there and was advertised at Sears a week later for $40 cheaper.




I have a friend who works at a Canadian Tire. He said they will only price match stores that are in the same town. I guess things work different down south?????

Posted (edited)

I got guaranteed rust proofing for my Car. But the fine line after page 30 in the contract states only if it rusts from the inside to the outside. THERES ALWAYS A CATCH EH

Edited by holdfast

There is always a catch, Princess auto had reese trailer adapters on special, went to CT and they stated they don't match discount outlet stores ie princess auto...please


Sure, they might say they will match the prices.....but I wouldnt get your hopes up of CT actually having the item(s) in stock though, even though their computer system says so!!


(Waiting on Irishfields comment) :lol:


I got more than that from CT yesterday! I work in the same complex where the head office is located (CCMTCANADA knows). I was picking up some printing from The Printing House that I did for a CT Dealer and taking it to my daughter's car, who also works at CT. I had three heavy boxes and as I was going down the mall one of the wheels fell off. Nice printing but cheap cart!

A gentleman from CT came over, the most pleasant person you could meet, he took me into shipping and receiving and had the shipper hand over a cart so I could continue out to the parking lot, it took two trips.

A class act that really sunk in at that moment. I didn't get to thank him properly as I was in a hurry and he was on his way to lunch. Cliff knows how many people are in that mall at 12:30.


They not only match prices but in my case they matched carts! The gentleman may not read this but if you do thanks again.


Tried CTC price matching between a CTC store because they are indepentaly owned they also price differently between stores.


You will notice that in flyer, online etc they do not always show the price.. (From 9.99) it give the stores some range.


If your willing to take the hassel and get your price match good on you. I am too lasy and just shop else where.


Guess if it was a big enough purchase I might try but it that was the case the fine print would most likely stop me :)


My local CT will only price match within 100km's.....doesn't do me much good here in Kingston. We do have one hell of a outdoors department though for anyone that hasn't visited the world's largest Canadian Tire!


CT in Durham just matched BPS flyer price for the Cuda 168 over the phone asking to see the flyer to confirm for anyone in need of one... ;)

  irishfield said:

I'm still trying to figure out what this thread had to do with Rust Proofing... :D



Ill Spell it out A CATCH read the fine print


For instance our local Home Hardware advertised 77cent laminate in their National flyer. So I went to our store and was told they don't carry it since every store is independently managed. I didnt believe him so I asked someone else then I was back to the original guy. This time he told me they have to order it by the pallet. I says order one and Ill take 300 ft. He says he cant in the mean time I'm holding his catalogue. As I left I asked him if he was the Candyman because hes running a Candy A<<<ss operation. Well see if Canadian tire here will honor theyll lower price commitment when I show them a Bass Pro catalogue. Do you think, or is there a catch. Like, they are all out of stock, or only in this city, etc ,etc ,etc


holdfast, i asked them to make sure there was/is stock - they did. I then asked them to put one aside for me to pick up today (to test this) and they have. I'll be heading out there later on today to see what is going to happen. then I can return it next week if I don't find a home for it...

Posted (edited)

Update, I now have the Cuda 168 with the price match ($69.88). They however had no clue about the policy that they have with the "beat it by 10% in CT cash". It was like looking at a fish out of water when I asked about it... LOL!

Edited by Geoff W

Any RFD member will know about price matching, couponing and price adjusting at any store that allows it and CTC always had but you won't find too many stores advertising it too loudly. Also everyone should remember that, as someone who works there once pointed out if you see a really hot special coming up that weekend in a flyer from CTC go pick up that item the NIGHT BEFORE the sale starts because chances are it will be in stock and reduced in price. If it isn't you can just pop back in the next week for the price adjustment if the savings outweigh the cost of gas....


It also is up to the discretion of the individual store manager. A few weeks ago, we saw an electric fireplace at one store for $99. Went home and unloaded the car. Went back and both fireplaces were gone, so we fly over to the other store in the city. Talked to a salesperson about price matching and she called the manager and he said the best he could do was $149. She called 3 other stores in the surrounding area and none would match the price.


ok, so every sale has to deal with CTC's P&L so why does the automated message tell you about the "match any price" and so forth when you call? Sounds kind of odd to me to have that when if they are not going to try and win your business...


Look, I'm not trying to start anything as I was just responding to another persons post about stock and would they match the price. forget I said anything to try and help...


Cuda 168 forsale, CTC's price $140.00 and no tax... LOL!!!! J/K

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