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How to grab a pike


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Sorry I reserve my generosity to those I deem to be deserving... I must've missed that thread!!! :wallbash:




Besides... I'd probably just carp about helping you out.... and that would be different from any of your other threads by how? :dunno:


Edited by Greencoachdog
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I still remember my mom holding pike like that. It used to give me the willies, cuz I swear her thumb and finger must have been touching, she was gripping them so hard...lol. Needless to say those fish didn't do much thrashing around (maybe that was the reason she did it...)

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I've fished with a few northern Ontario fellas in my time that hold pike the same way. Not so uncommon up this way either. Sometimes fish are kept, sometimes just thrown on shore to help control the walleye populations.


It's old school, sure is. Even for a three year old Mongolian or Inuit child.

Edited by Moosebunk
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I think everyone is missing out on something....

To me that doesnt look at all like an Inuit, Nunavit or Mongolian little fella...

More like an Inuit, Nunavik or Mongolian little girl.

Check out the hairline!

Makes sense to me....

When my wife is ugly mad towards me and/or the kids she GRABS US BY THE EYES!

I have noticed that my daughters are slowly picking up the same nasty habit.

Edited by brickNblock
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Id' be inclined to think they were keeping all the fish they caught, but its not a recommended hold for C&R!


That guy actually has a bunch of great fishing photos from Mongolia - check it out Fishing in Mongolia


That's awesome Clive! Pike sure have quite the range... how many continents is it?


check out those yaouge taimen they're holding up... bizzaro!




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Lighten up folks. This is a picture of a child holding a dead fish. I have some dead fish in my freezer. If it'll make you feel any better, I can promise you that they are packaged and frozen HORIZONTALLY. I was also very careful not to to touch their eyes as I cleaned them not to damage their optic nerves.


We have another dude on another post crying because Mercury marine is building some of its motors in China. Don't blame the Chinese, don't blame Mercury..blame yourselves. If you are not self sufficient and your children are not self sufficient, you will lose. You can't expect the company that you work for or the union who taxes you for protection to protect you against living beyond your means.


Where are we going with all of this? Can we just fish now?



Crying??? C'mon Roy, that was a well founded discussion as to whether or not motors being built in China would influence whether or not you purchased one.

I thought it was a good topic, no rants, and maturely discussed.

Pretty sure any comments that may have offended were simply meant in jest or an attempt at humor.

And yes, I read them all again.


Go Fishing already,

Some of us never stopped.




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