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Earth Hour


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Guest lundboy
Lundboy... are you a Scientologist? sounds very similar in rhetoric... Ron L Hubbard will save us all!






Nope, not a scientologist. I guess in the next three to four years we will all see if it's rhetoric or not. Since there are so many that refuse or can't see what has been and is going on, there is next to no chance to turn it all around now.


All you have to do is study history, plain and simple. The people doing this are full of hubris and love to brag about what they are doing, they document it publically in their own words day after day. People are just too enamored with their britney spears, sports, tech toys and SUVs to pay attention.


What you need to understand is that we ALL have been conditioned from grade school to not pay attention.


Want Proof? Do some studying before you dismiss what I'm saying. (I really only have everyone's best interest at heart, believe me I don't need the abuse)


Here's a good start: Charlotte Iserbyt's book for free all 350 pages about how the school system was designed to get you where you are today, dumbed down and not able to see what is going on.




And before you all dismiss her, here is her background:


"Charlotte Iserbyt is the consummate whistleblower! Iserbyt served as Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), U.S. Department of Education, during the first Reagan Administration, where she first blew the whistle on a major technology initiative which would control curriculum in America's classrooms. Iserbyt is a former school board director in Camden, Maine and was co-founder and research analyst of Guardians of Education for Maine (GEM) from 1978 to 2000. She has also served in the American Red Cross on Guam and Japan during the Korean War, and in the United States Foreign Service in Belgium and in the Republic of South Africa. Iserbyt is a speaker and writer, best known for her 1985 booklet Back to Basics Reform or OBE: Skinnerian International Curriculum and her 1989 pamphlet Soviets in the Classroom: America's Latest Education Fad which covered the details of the U.S.-Soviet and Carnegie-Soviet Education Agreements which remain in effect to this day. She is a freelance writer and has had articles published in Human Events, The Washington Times, The Bangor Daily News, and included in the record of Congressional hearings."

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Don't worry Lundboy... most here think Oswald shot Kennedy as well.....



...and the Americans landed on the moon in '69. ;)



btw...this board's clock seems to be an hour slow. I thought it was 7:25 an hour ago. I dunno, I can't see my clock in here....someone turned all the lights off. :glare:

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Well at least those of us who are not doing what the WWF wants us to, dont have to worry about going to Hell, because according to them there is no GOD.


A word of advice for non believers, DO YOURSELF A FAVOR AND PRAY YOUR RIGHT :dunno:














Edited by TOM C
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Dan, you can watch COPS without the lights being on, and I know to the centimetre where the case of beer is, even in the dark, :lol:


Heh heh.. Tom. Did you see the nutcase at the end of the second show? They had to hog tie him because apparently he has this gift where he can't feel pain. Lots of good his gift got him tonight. :thumbsup_anim: :thumbsup_anim:


And for the record, I had all the lights off while watching COPS. On my way back from the fridge during commercials, I almost tripped over one of the dogs because I didn't see her lying there. Earth hour indeed. Can't wait for next year.

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Guest lundboy
Stop squawking about WWF and other agendas and be a team player for an hour. Cliche time: "together we stand divided we fall"



Or rather a good little globalist pawn for an hour... but you are correct with "together we stand divided we fall", you just used it in the wrong context.

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Or rather a good little globalist pawn for an hour... but you are correct with "together we stand divided we fall", you just used it in the wrong context.



Anyone have a clue what Lundboy is talking about? Is saying he was not squawking about the WWF? I read the thread again and the rant is unclear to me. (Please, no explanations on conspiracies or long rants about human nature.)




PS....comon Lundboy...you know the detail is a bit much for this forum (me included).

Edited by forrest
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Anyone have a clue what Lundboy is talking about? Is saying he was not squawking about the WWF? I read the thread again and the rant is unclear to me. (Please, no explanations on conspiracies or long rants about human nature.)




PS....comon Lundboy...you know the detail is a bit much for this forum (me included).


Sorry Forrest. Can't help you with that...

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And for the record, I had all the lights off while watching COPS. On my way back from the fridge during commercials, I almost tripped over one of the dogs because I didn't see her lying there. Earth hour indeed. Can't wait for next year.


You forgot to tell the dogs didn't you?

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Well Lundboy since everyone else seems to be avoiding confrontation i'm going to take the bait.


YOU better believe i'm rolling my eye's at you're little theory here. You have all this research "proving your point" RIGHT, but in the process you're ignoring the information on what actaully is happening.


You'd better look up CLIMATE CHANGE again.... see what what the syptoms are...then have a look around.


Besides not agreeing with Climate Change for whatever reasons. What HARM is their in living more sustanably within the environment? It doesnt make sence to me to fight things that will improve our quality of life.


Maybe a better way of looking at climate change is to make a list of things you like about nature in your area, and around the world, then research what climate change will do to those things.....


Then think about whether you want to risk losing those things over something that's preventable.


The cost of dealing with the climate chnage/pollution problems in our society is nothing compared to the good it will do people to make these changes.




One of the fundimental problems in our culture is that people only care about themselves, and do things for based how it will influence them.... you need to consider how these types of choices/problems will impact your grand children. Even at the tender age of 22, i want my future grand kids to be able to fish/hunt/canoe/hike in the same places, with the same species around that existed when my grand father covered and i want it in the same state or improving their whole life.


You can dig up all the info you want that says it isn't happening cause there is more then twice that much stuff saying it is happening.....Did i mention climate change has reached a general consensus in the scientific community?



So far none of you sources would be valid or classified as RESCENT in any of my classes.... The news article isn't scientific...and the site would not be classified as crediable....Wikipedia is a HUGE NO, NO. It's an good place to start to get background info, but should NEVER been used as FACT. See if you can dig up some open biased reports which are peer reviewed that support your claim published aftter 2000. Then we'll have some thing to talk about.



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Heh heh.. Tom. Did you see the nutcase at the end of the second show? They had to hog tie him because apparently he has this gift where he can't feel pain. Lots of good his gift got him tonight. :thumbsup_anim: :thumbsup_anim:


And for the record, I had all the lights off while watching COPS. On my way back from the fridge during commercials, I almost tripped over one of the dogs because I didn't see her lying there. Earth hour indeed. Can't wait for next year.



Yeah, probably a meth head, those guys feel no pain whatsoever, until the next day.

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Maybe all who did as asked, dimming their lights, are nothing more than a bunch of lemmings :worthy: trying to find the edge of the cliff. :(


Just an assumption...



By the sounds of the posts by some people, the lights were not the only things that are DIM.

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Guest lundboy
Well Lundboy since everyone else seems to be avoiding confrontation i'm going to take the bait.


I am NOT denying that climate change exists. Haven't said that once. In your blindness to the bolster your position you have chosen climate change in this, because that's what you have (you and millions of others) been made to see. I'm not using wiki as a defacto reference, only as an illustration of where the the WWF started from.


I can't provide you with everything that I have researched and know about the "climate change" agenda that is something you will have to research for yourself. Because until you do, (and I mean real research not what you hear in the classroom, news and read in the papers.... all of which comes from government paid talking points... roll your eye's some more if you like) you will continue to fall for the globalist agenda that is using climate change to tax the crap out of us and take control of every aspect of every thing we do, with an ultimate goal of ridding the world of 80% of it's human infestation.


The reason you don't know about the large consensus of scientists that DON"T agree with the UN reason of "Global Warming" being caused by humans is because of the world wide suppression of their studies. This too you will need to find out for yourself, because until you do, you will be rolling your eyes.


"you need to consider how these types of choices/problems will impact your grand children"

I truly do care about the impact to my grand children and yours. One should actually worry about the impact to even one's children, because they have accelerated this. It will happen before 2012. It won't be the overheated earth that will get us, it will be the taxes, one world government, enslavement, tyranny, one child policies (if even one allowed), induced food shortages, Genetically Modified Organism pollution, unheard of infectious disease.


You may not believe what I have stated here, you may not understand. But that's OK. You were programmed not to. You can read though. History plays a key roll in our future. The people doing this are in it for the long haul, and have continued their efforts generation after generation to this day.


"So far none of you sources would be valid or classified as RESCENT in any of my classes...." You are currently in University or a teacher? You want to know how this pertains to you? Read Charlotte Iserbyt's book... I'll give you the link for the PDF again: http://www.deliberatedumbingdown.com/MomsPDFs/DDDoA.sml.pdf


READ THE BOOK, then you will have an idea of what type of manipulation you have been subjected to and can argue your point. Then get back to me. Then I will point you to another researcher that ties Charlotte's (purely historical with government documented references) book, with the globalist eugenics agenda (which by the way includes global warming).


Below is a brief time line of what has transpired toward a one world government since 1891, I suggest you dig deep on any of the points, and find out the role it plays in getting us to be where the globalists want us to be. (I have a more detailed timeline, but not enough space to upload the pdf)


All I am doing is planting the seeds to wake you up. If you won't look further than what the system tells you up front, than I can't help you. These are not MY "theories". These are well researched government policies (by researchers that have been tracking this a long time) a lot have been released into public record, or through freedom of information act (FOIA) demands or by the globalist own words. I don't take credit for others work, I just present it to others in hopes that they will wake up and pass it on, so that everyone knows what really is coming, and we may be able to at least prepare to some extent. UN Agenda 21 is real my friend, and it's coming to your backyard.

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