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treble buried deep in thumb..PIC ADDED


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yo all.......

typing wiyh my left hand while treble stuck into my thumb right up to the shank.

any tips from them that knows........

been stuck for about half houir now.

tried rippig it out, but just more blood and me hollerin'.....

anyone know...

sorry....no pics


Edited by brickNblock
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I would cut it at the end and push it all the way through. Thats what they will do at the doctor. It does pain for a little bit but it does work. Then soak it in Peroxide and let it air dry over night. I caught one in a few months back pretty deep. I cut it where it was sticking out and just bit the bullet and push her through. Pains like a son of a b***h for a few seconds. Freeze it with a couple of ice cubes for about 10 minutes first though.


Good Luck

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thanks zll,,,,,,,,,,lol wayne...its a 6/0 for someone spevicial.......

just cut off the remaider of the lure and deffiniteoly will not try the........

;'string pull method...........thnx tho rick for consideration.......

gcd.........im thinking there is about 12-15mm of sashank left.............poope...sorry man..about 5/16in left on the shank...........thinking il push whats there rihgt thru the other side and go the kni-plex thing

its too much snowstorm righyt now for hospital/

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I had one taken out a while back and let me tell you the doc had to harp on that puppy just to get it to budge. I asked if I should have just ripped it out and was told that it wouldn't have been a smart thing to do. Plus the barb was a little short so off to the xray to make sure there was nothing left inside. It was funny to see how much force was needed to get it out...................NO HOOKS FOR YOU!!!!!!!....................got to the doc.

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good luck! I helped a friend push one through before. Found it tough to push it through the skin on the other side so I took a knife and made an opening on the far side. I thought it worked great! He didn't seem to enjoy it though. We would have gone to hospital but that would have cut into fishing time. Couple of ice cubes, couple of shots of JD (for both of us) and it was all over.

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Gather your knipex and a VERY sharp blade, and a container of ice water and some peroxide. Soak yer digit in the ice water until it is numb and start the push through process, using the blade to make a small incision when you know where the point is going to just pop right out there. Knipex should end your attachment to that pesky little hook. After everything is clear, soak in some more peroxide, trying to get the bubbles working all the way in. You are lucky to have a helper monkey along, if nothing else she can go 'Oh dear' at the appropriate times.


You still need to see the Dr., I think a tetanus shot is also in order.


The Helper Monkey can also take pictures, we like pictures.

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ok, I'm in pain just thinking about it. I hope you can get it out without causing further damage Pete....if you're going to have a few beers before hand, ya might want to let Charmaine pull the thing out :P . The idea of a couple of ice cubes before hand is also a good idea...along with the peroxide...


Good luck bud....



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6 beers in 30 minutes.........

2 oz. of canadas best whiskey.........


Soaked for about 20min. in ice.........Thanks dougG.very much.


Pushed the hook out the other side and cut the shank then pulled the barb through........

backed off the shank and pulled it back out the way it went in.

Ahahah.........joking now but.........Charmaine made several slices with the razor blade before she hit the right spot for the barb to poke through..


Folks....I've got pic's............

Not tonight tho............too many beer to figure out how to do it ............

For sure Ill post them tommorrow for those with the liking for such things.


dougG.............thnx mang!

rizzo........well, rizzo...j-k

thnx all


surprising how quick the pain goes awaY..........need a new pair of kni-plex tho...6/0 hooks are pretty thick and the torque with the compression whilst leading off my wrist for balance was not all that welcome

.took 3 attempts for a cut clean through.


Emergencie over an out.............


thanks for all your help.............dougG........yer a marvel at times Bud.



(Marc gonna love these lures)

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Yup, Wayne, what I said earlier about the tetanus shot. Insult to injury in choosing the large muscle group for the needle, but that's what OFC is here for.


BnB, just glad to hear that you can get some sleep tonight maybe. Flush that sucker with H2O2 again tomorrow, but keep the air to it once the bleeding stops. Bandage it loosely if you must, just to keep the pj's tidy.


And get yerslef to a walk in, Dr., or emergency care for that shot, I'd suggest right away.


We don't need no pictures of that.


If this doesn't work out, you can always amputate, no worries, you'll still probably survive.

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