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I Need A New Toy . . . (Not Fishing Related)


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December's over . . . January's almost gone . . . . no GOOD, SAFE ice within reasonable driving distance where you don't get hit, even for LEGAL parking, with BIG tickets. I've wandered around Lebarons, Gannon's, even Crappy Tire's fishing department, for hours . .. . left empty-handed . . . . NUTHIN' that I actually need? Can't afford a boat . . . . my van's fairly new, gotta get ANOTHER year outta it, fairly new 'puter (that I don't know how to use properly) 2 good cameras I don't use enough . . . . and a few spare bucks in my pocket? But . . . . . several years ago, when fishin' at Ashbridges Bay, I saw a guy putting what I recognized as a metal detector in his van. He walked over, we got talkin,' and he said he hits places like Woodbine Beach, the Rouge, just around daybreak, any place there is grass or sand, where a lotta people have congregated the day before, and scans the area for several hours. We walked over to his van where he showed me this metal detector (looked somewhat like a 'weed-wacker,') and some of the trinkets he'd dug outta the sand. A few bucks worth of loose change, a watch (how do ya lose a watch on the beach?) several rings (none looked expensive) but there were 2 gold chains that had to be worth a few hundred!! I was only mildly interested, so I didn't get right into the questions, except, he claimed this thing had a lotta different settings (power ranges) and he could literally find a body buried several feet down? (Who'd want to??)


Does ANYBODY on this board know ANYTHING about these devices? Just how sensitive are they? (must be pretty good to find a small ring or gold chain under several inches of sand?) Like anything else, I suppose there are different price ranges, any clues how much for a GOOD one? And where in 'ell would you look for one? I've never seen one in ANY store, ANYWHERE? I think THIS would fulfil my urge to have a new toy, and it might even be profitable? Any info . . .. ANYBODY? I CAN'T stand having spare money in my pocket!! H E E E E L P!!


P. S.

That guitar suggestion also has merit . . . . while fishing my favorite creeks, rivers & Lake O., out east, I could strum & yodel a bit . . . . might guarantee me a half mile of shore, either side?

Edited by Photoz
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Haven't used a real good one in years, so I couldn't tell you much about where to get one today.

A few years ago, we bought our daughter a nice ring for her BDay. Well it didn't quite fit and we were going to have it sized and properly fit, but she didn't have it for more than a couple of hours and she lost it, out back.

Well, I knew Sears had these metal detectors in their toy dept ( on sale ). Bought it for $20, returned home and within 30 min., found pieces of old fence,etc. and BINGO, the ring. Gave the toy metal detector away, to a boy down the road and he spent days using it.

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WOW!! A virtual treasure trove of info, guys . . . . gonna take DAYS to read it all! Yeah . . . . the fella I talked to said you find TONS of garbage . . . . a 3 - 4 hour sweep of a big beach or field apparently will yield a few valuables though. All I need is to find a local dealer to go have a boo, once I get a bit of understanding on how they work . . . . in an area the size of the GTA that shouldn't be too difficult!

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All I know is they are useless on our island up North. Tried to find a property stake...but darn near every rock is full of iron ore! :wallbash:


I do use it all the time in the yard though... about every time the son cuts the grass with the mott mower as matter of fact. I go looking for all the blades he loses.

Edited by irishfield
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I used to have some fun with those things ... 15 years ago. I think the brand I had used was from Garrett. I found a lot of coins, a few rings, and such, but nothing of any real value. My son-in-law was out shovelling snow one year and lost his wedding ring. After serveral minutes of seaching, we found it. Knowing my daughter - that saved the young man a heapin' helpin' of grief. I've always thought about getting a new one, just to get outside and have a little fun. The newer models I was looking at were listed for a little more than $1,000. I seriously doubt my better half would go for that. They can be a lot of fun and some good exercise. I would imagine these machines are getting better and better with their sensitivity and the ability to block out certain metals.

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Oh sure Glen...


I can just visualize Photoz in one of those and Brit Steve in his kid's dinghy having a race in P'Boro's Little Lake...who can empty their 5 gallon pail of carp corn chum and get back to shore first and set-up their rods... :whistling:


I guess Photoz would have to balance the 5 gallon pail on his lap... :Gonefishing:


Might be fun having a 25 lb. carp pull it all over the lake... :thumbsup_anim:

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If your really just looking for a hobby or some way to occupy your time, I'd suggest you get a GPS and get into Geocaching. Not only do you get to look for hidden treasures, the real treasures are the places that you'll get to see. You'll see places around your neighborhood that you never knew existed, and even find new places to fish. You can move on to other towns, Provinces, and even countries if you like. Ive seen so many places in Ontario that I did not know about, and the natural beauty around is awesome, Ontario really is "Yours to Discover". If you want to see more about it, go to Geocaching.com

Not trying to sound like a commercial, but it is a great way to get outdoors and explore.

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Yeah h h h h h . . . . . can you just imagine a big ol' muskie tryin' to mate with that thing out on the Otonabee, or thinkin' your toes looked like snack time? As for the Geocaching . . . . it DOES sound VERY interesting, but could REALLY cut into my fishin' & 'sitting around chewin' the fat' time! I just want a 'toy' I can pick up and check out a spot for a few hours if I have nuthin' better to do! Findin' nails, pop bottle tops & loose change, plus a few shell casings in SOME areas sounds interesting? As long as I don't have to expend TOO much energy!

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Don't know about the Civie ones but I used a metal (Mine) detector many years. You can adjust the sensitivity but the problem is that you'll start picking up Iron Ore. I found a 1931 Quarter when Mine training in Petawawa. It was buried in a Bare AAASSS Field. Kind of wondered about the history of the Guy that lost it. We used to plant mines for the other troop to Breach, and often would scatter nails to slow them down and forcing them to be complacent and make mistakes. The buzzing noise can drive a guy crazy with hit after hit.

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