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OK ... My turn for a rant


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So I call a company lets call it company X to come out and take a look at my furnace because the thing is making funny clicking sounds before kicking in ... been doing that for a long time (I figure we have a little ignition issue) ... anyhow they come out open her up and point out a corroded/loose connection at the igniter ... I'm thinkin cool ... lets fix it and move on ... but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO .... we first ought to have a look at the heat exchanger to be sure there are no 'other' problems ... so we rip the whole furnace apart (its actually a furnace and airconditioner in one outdoor-unit) ... and as its coming apart I can see that it aint going back together again (I could see it coming) ... sure enough .. there's a hairline crack in the heat exchanger ... its totally UNSAFE .. they shut off my gas and issue me with a 'warning' about not trying to turn it back on ... a few hours later a sales rep shows up who tells me there is ONLY ONE SAFE choice in replacement units and it will be approx $8,000 !!!! The company reps are all out of the country ... so he cant get me a proper quote till tomorrow .. but dont worry someone will be by with heaters so the cats (and the misses) dont freeze tonight ... well I just dropped in on my parents to borrow their space heater ...



And here I am no furnace ... no heat and no idea exactly when its gonna be fixed/replaced or what it will cost ... to me this is about the same as shutting off the air because the aqualung is unsafe ... while you're in the middle of a dive !


Anyhow .. my point is if you ever get a guy to look at your furnace and you STILL have HEAT .. dont let them even LOOK at your heat exchanger until you have decided about getting a replacement (and its been delivered) ... according to a bud of mine they ALWAYS find a cracked heat exchanger...so now it looks like I may be several days without heat ... never mind the cost (sheesh the real issue was a little loose connection ... shoulda fixed it myself

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Oh man...that really sucks!!!!


Our 5 year old furnace had some problems too and I was worrying about the same situation you were in. The thermostat would signal the furnace to turn on....it ignites, then shuts off...ignites, then shuts off. It would do that 5 times and then enter a soft shut down (wont try again for an hour). After the hour is up, it would come on no problems.


Call a furnace guy referred by a friend (part of their church) and he comes out....does a cleaning of the blower motor, ignition system and a few other areas, shows us where the problem was (a sensor was bent, so he just bent it back into shape), rewired it all so that the blower motor is on at a very low speed so that the house temp would be more constant, and then kick into high gear when the heat comes on etc. He told us how we could save money by having the blower on a very low speed at all time....by circulating the air at all times, we'd have a more comfortable house and the extra money in electricity for running the blower would be compensated by lower gas consumption, because it wouldn't have to come on all the time. He said if we didn't want the blower on all the time that he'd come back to change it back for free. Yes....free!! He also gave us some tips about extra ventilation where the furnace is because the space was too small where it's located.


The final bill....$60. I couldn't believe it! The best estimate I got from the Big Companies was 129 bucks.


We gave him $70 because he was so helpful and we found ourselves a new furnace/AC guy.

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I agree about CO... and I do have CO detectors in the house which have always regstered 0.0 ... but I like the fact its an outdor unit ... because that makes it just a little less likely to become an issue (in my opinion) ... the point is this this unit has been working along just fine ... if theres a crack its been there for years... dont turn it off before you have a replacement on hand and delivered and before I have had a chance to agree we have a problem that needs to be fixed ... now I got a new risk which worries me much more ... possibly overloaded circuits from electrical heaters drawing current like crazy to make up for something that was JUST FINE if I hadnt bothered to call them.

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Call Enbridge, tell them of your problem, tell them that you feel that you might be getting scamed and you would like to have it re-inspected by one of their inspectors. They might charge you the $69 for a sevice call, if it fails, but probably worth the risk. If they "Red Tag" it, they will usually give you 30 days ( this time of the year ) to get it repaired/replaced. It will at least give you a chance to shop around.



Had it done to me - and this is what I did




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Thanks Don ... unfortunately that wont work for me... they were the first ones I dealt with (about a year ago) ... I got sold into their maintenance/insurance 'plan' ... about a month or so later they came out for a little 'inspection' and said .... ooooooooh nooooo sorrrrry .... we dont do outdoor units ... and gracefully refunded my money :)

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Ooooh, I sympathize with ya Camillj. We had the same thing happen to us in December one year, but at least we were renting. The furnace made a funny noise and we called Enbridge to come take a looksee and they shut her down and slapped a warning on it and locked the gas until a replacement was put in.


Had no heat for a week straight and man was it cold.


Turn the oven on and open the oven door for more heat if you need it, and of course throw another log on the fire if you have a fireplace. Night time is a killer trying to sleep when its that cold and getting out of the shower can be an eye opening experience if you know what I mean :o:lol:


I feel for ya buddy.



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8 grand for a furnace replacement???? I'm moving to Toronto and opening up shop tomorrow!! I could install a Cadillac high efficient furnace for less than half that price and still come out with a tidy profit.


Get a second opinion on the cracked heat exchanger, unless you saw the crack yourself. Other than that, shop around for a better price.

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I've got my G2 fitters ticket. If your furnace actually has a cracked heat exchanger, I'd have to turn gas off also. Now, you just have to have confidence in the guy doing the job, that's the hard part sometimes. Hopefully he showed you the problem.

You should get some estimates for replacement. Price sounds high to me, but what do I know.

Sorry to hear that you're without heat.

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8 grand for a furnace replacement???? I'm moving to Toronto and opening up shop tomorrow!! I could install a Cadillac high efficient furnace for less than half that price and still come out with a tidy profit.


Get a second opinion on the cracked heat exchanger, unless you saw the crack yourself. Other than that, shop around for a better price.


am i missing something ??? , my neigbour replaced his furnice for $1200

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A cracked heat exchanger is not something to fool around with.Did they give you the option of replacing the heat exchanger?There was a condo community that had magic chef thru the wall units like you describe and we changed more than a few heat exchangers because of theexpense of the new units.


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I do have CO detectors in the house which have always regstered 0.0 ... but I like the fact its an outdor unit ...


Detectors do fail, we were living in a townhouse and everyone had a co detector. Then many of them started to fail by giving false alarms. All were returned to the store and replaced.


Maybe a 2nd. opinion from another tech will confirm what you were told. It can't hurt to shop around for prices and an alternative remedy. It's just like your car, leave it at the shop for a day and taking the word of the mechanic. If you aren't shown the defect and witness it with your own eyes then how can you put 100% of your faith in what he says?


Best of luck and stay warm.

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A similar thing happened to my Mom a couple years back Jon.


The furnace man came to her home to do a regular scheduled maintanance on her furnace and decided it was time for her to install a chimney liner and he immediately red-tagged her furnace, even though it was the dead of winter and the liner couldn't be installed for sevaral days.


Mom was 80 years old at the time, living alone and this guy had her terrified that the earth would come to an abrupt end if the furnace was turned back on before a new liner was installed.


She called me and I went over and convinced the guy that everything would be taken care of and just leave the furnace alone until the liner was installed. She'd lived in the home for 5 decades with no problems and another 72 hours wouldn't hurt.


Obviously we all have to be careful with these type of things, but I sometimes think the installers get panicked and carry things too far.

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You have my sympathy... I just got home and found out that I have no heat in my apartment today. Apparently, Union Gas was here yesterday working on putting in a new meter and never turned the heat back on? I called the super and he came over but didn't even know the heat was off yet? It is 12 degrees C in here and falling like a stone. At least I don't have kids or a wife getting cold though..... I just hope Union Gas didn't red tag the furnace here and not tell anyone.

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Well.. thanks all .. the good news is ... I THINK ... I am getting a new furnace tomorrow ... gonna be a nother long night with 3 hr logs though .. we/'re down to 13 degrees .. just a little brisk for my liking but between the stove and the space heater and the fireplace at least the cats arent dead and the pipes arent froze ... the misses ... well she'll defrost when we actualy have a furnace :)


Good news is it starting to look more like $5g's now ... but unfortunately the fella that was supposed to 'drop by' to spec it all out for the 'big crane lift' tomorrow wont be by till tomorrow .... so I am only half expecting to be warm again by tomorrow night .. what with murphy and his pals always so keen to get involved ... but as I always like to say ... keep a stiff upper lip (at least the butter is staying hard ... which by the way goes really well on the fresh bread )



oh .. by the way .. company X was politely told that they could take a long HARD SUCK ON MY ARSE !... not only because they failed to show up last night with the afore-promised heaters ... but also because they were several hours later than promised on the quote/commitment to deliver ... and the misses insisted I start moving ahead with shall we say .... plan B ... the fact that theres almost $3,000 difference in from the original quote is honestly NOT the reason ... but I could definitely justify it to the board :)

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Thanks Cliff .. appreciate the offer ! Im in it for the long haul now though ... come what may :) ... I consider it my training for Lake Joseph lake trout opener's :) .... one Absolut and one Bell's per hour whether I need it or not .... to keep the spirits up ...



But seriously .. thanks ... I'll give you a call next time I'm up there ... probably around pickeral opener's .. we'll do beer's on yer dock :)

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