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Why is it companies say they have the lowest price, or in Fishing Worlds case the most competitive? When is means absolutely NOTHING


From Fishing Worlds website...



"Our Prices

Our prices are competitive and our selection unbeatable. If you need it, we have it. Fishing World is truly your one-stop fishing experience without the hassle of driving out of the area.



I just called and spoke with a fella named Wayne.. I was asking about a couple different models, the 525c, the x510c and the 522c


I asked his about the price on the 522c and his response was 849.00!!! I said there must be some mistake.. he looked it up and said Ohh the price dropped to 749.00


I then let him know that RadioWorld has the exact same unit on with a regular price of 649.00 on sale for 619.00


(Thats a 130.00 price difference folks)


I work not far from Radio World (less then 5 minutes)


I asked him if he would match RadioWorlds pricing... after talking with someone in the background he said NO...


Even if I did not work in the GTA.. for 130.00! it would be WELL worth the 45 minute drive to save 130.00!!


I have bought a ton of stuff from there in the past... (I did not mention this to them nor should it matter.. offer a competitive price!) Between Fishing World and Bills Bait and Tackle I spend 90% of my fishing budget..


These guys have seriously let me down... How can they call a 130.00 price difference competitive? Why would the not be willing to take my business?


I urge all OFC'rs to do your homework before dropping down serious hard cash...


Seems all they were concerned with was getting ready for the "show" who cares about the little guy with 1000.00 burning a hole in his pocket wanting to buy a sounder and a VHF unit...



PS.... Blake, Now you know why I did not purchase those reels from you.. as you were more $$ then too.



End of rant.




Mods please let this post stay... I know Rick did their site and they may be an advertiser here... but none of that has any bearing on my complaint. Other fishermen in the area deserve to know and to do their homework.

Edited by Gerritt
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SS - Thank you I will give them a call where are they located??


LBH, Small outfits like these should be screaming for our business... I literally work 4 minutes from BPS, Jane and Hwy 7 area.... but I like to support the small local business man... but I DONT want to be raped in the process...



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A lot of these guys are stuck with stock that they paid a high exchange rate on. Sometimes they guy behind the counter can only go by the price in the book or the owner is waiting for a sucker so he can recoup his loss.


I'm sure Jos in Woodstock is sitting on a ton of product that he will have to take a loss on or it will collect dust... like his muskie lures.


You're absolutely right Ger, do your homework!

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Well thanks for the news gerritt,and they should match the price for sure !!!! why would they not do people like that not wonder why they lose business,and not realize that its fishermen like you gerritt that keep them in a job,and keep them in business,thanks for letting us know

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Gerritt, you said, "Mods please let this post stay... I know Rick did their site and they may be an advertiser here... but none of that has any bearing on my complaint. Other fishermen in the area deserve to know and to do their homework."


Whether Rick did their site or not or whether they are advertisers or not is not an issue.

Believe it or not, what holds this place together is the members...the community....the family. Other sides of the story are important too. Fishing World has a right to either tell their side of the story or make good if they choose to. Let's just see what happens.

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From my end, every single time I've gone in there to grab stuff I needed, most of the time it's not in stock.

Service isn't the greatest either although strangely there always seems to be a ton of people working in there.

I'm local, but for the longest time have only shopped there out of desperation. Sorry to anyone who has a stake in the store but that's the truth...

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Gerritt, you said, "Mods please let this post stay... I know Rick did their site and they may be an advertiser here... but none of that has any bearing on my complaint. Other fishermen in the area deserve to know and to do their homework."


Whether Rick did their site or not or whether they are advertisers or not is not an issue.

Believe it or not, what holds this place together is the members...the community....the family. Other sides of the story are important too. Fishing World has a right to either tell their side of the story or make good if they choose to. Let's just see what happens.


Thank you Roy... I was kinda worried about complaining about a paying advertiser, but the truth is they need to live up to their word... Be competitive! Fishing world in my opinion is no where near this...


I just wanted to let the other folks in the golden horseshoe to do their homework


Thank you Roy for letting this stand.


I promise NOONE is going to "tie" you up again :) LOL



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Well after talking to Rod (SS) and Jos @ Angling Specialities, Jos has offered me the same price as RadioWorld on a better unit... not to mention a deal on maps... Thank you Rod for getting info for me and for setting me up with a company that values customer satisfaction and is fair to deal with.


See you tomorrow Rod!



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In the words of Eric Cartman "What's the big deal beech?"

It sounds like you're the one making it difficult... for yourself! Are you a glutton for punishment?

You've had problems at that merchant before... but you continue to return?

Go to where the units are on sale for $619 and pocket the $130... or you can take the $130 and go back to the problem merchant and try to buy a $200 rod or reel and rant/whine again when they won't sell it to you for that price.


If the money means that much to you, you need to go where the best deals are.

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Hello All,


Is it not common practice to ALWAYS be on the lookout for the best deal?? I don't think it needs to be said to "do your homework before dropping down serious hard cash." If folk's aren't doing that before making ANY sort of purchase, then they need to give their heads a shake.


Sorry if I don't jump on the bandwagon here, but I find it far too easy in this day of message boards and internet to simply post a message about what you believe is an unfair price, and then have all follow suit, in what amounts in many cases, to a boycott.


I have never shopped at Fishing World, so I am certainly not giving them preferential lip-service. I don't see anything stated where Fishing World will match or beat an advertised price, only that they are competitive. If 90% of their product involves competitive pricing and 10% doesn't (maybe VHF sounders and reels, as Gerrit states), does that make them a place not worthy of your business? If you do not agree with their pricing then simply move on to the next store. It's that simple.


Kind of like buying gas. Each place has a price, and yes, they all vary. I drive down the street and stop at the one that works for me. Why? Because I want the cheapest price. I don't go to the highest priced station and tell them to match the lowest priced - I just simply go where they appreciate my business the most.


What strikes me as strange is that you got a great sales quote from RadioWorld, which I assume isn't a big box store. Why did you not spend your money there? I'm sure they would appreciate the business. No point stating to give your money to the "little guy", but then overlooking the best quoted price you got in the first place.


Like I said - sorry if I don't follow suit on most of the other posters with this thread. I shop around daily for the best price, whether it be electronics, groceries or clothes. I could post hundreds of store names that had higher prices than the next guy, but what's the point? Shop where you feel comfortable, do your homework and get the best deal possible. It's really that simple...


It's possible that Gagnon's hooks are more expensive than BPS's, or Lebaron's drift socks are more pricier than Canadian Tire's. But do we need to call out EVERY store that has an item in their stock room that isn't competitive with another outlet? If so, we'd be here for a very long time.


Again, I understand your point, Gerrit - to a certain degree. Just not sure if every complaint or disatisfaction a poster has with a store needs to necessarily be made public each and every time. For all we know, Fishing World's trolling motors or waders may be $100 cheaper than the next guy, but that acknowledgement will always be lost in one of these "rant" style threads..


Just my 2-cents worth..


Good Fishing,



By the way - I just did a search and found that Lebaron's is charging $772.63 for the Lowrance unit. I have my doubts that they would match prices, so I guess that is another retailer we should all stay clear of....(yes, this was tongue in cheek)

Edited by JustinHoffman
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That's the beauty of a community like this - information is transferred very quickly.

As Economists would say, the 'shoe leather' costs of gathering information have virtually disappeared.

I work too hard to pay extra for any commodity - so, I choose not to. If you choose to pay the extra cash - I'm cool with that too.

So, Gerritt and I will get great deals from a vendor who is a whiz with the Lowrance/Eagle product line.


It's all good in the hood!

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In the words of Eric Cartman "What's the big deal beech?"

It sounds like you're the one making it difficult... for yourself! Are you a glutton for punishment?

You've had problems at that merchant before... but you continue to return?

Go to where the units are on sale for $619 and pocket the $130... or you can take the $130 and go back to the problem merchant and try to buy a $200 rod or reel and rant/whine again when they won't sell it to you for that price.


If the money means that much to you, you need to go where the best deals are.




Glen I understand what you are saying...



Yes they were more on the reels... I picked them up @ Bills bait n tackle for LOT less then they were offering... and Bills Bait n Tackle are ALOT smaller then they are... I am not trying to make things difficult for myself... I am just trying to find what I want at the best price I can as my funds are not unlimited....I am just doing my homework... I just dont see how one of my local dealers can be that out of touch... (we are not in a small market here) compared to the rest....Especially when they promise they are competitive!



I figured they would at least be in the ballpark.... hell they were not even close... they were in left field!...


I could have spend my cash at radioworld in a heartbeat... but I have NEVER dealt there before... nor did I know FW would be worlds away in terms of pricing until tonight... and seeing as how I have spent $ there before I offered them the opportunity to at least come close...849.00 until I said something...then all of a sudden the price dropped 100.00 I mean comeon...


I spoke with someone with an interest in this board tonight about them...and well... he mentioned the same thing when it came to a bow-mount trolling motor..



I dont know about you but... 130.00 is about 4-5 hours @ work for me...


I would like to see that 130.00 kept in their pocket... And if I am able to help a fellow OFC'r from spending too much.... well I will do just that..



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I like everyone here work very hard for me my money, so I feel I owe it to myself to get the best deal I can on ANYTHING I buy. I don't however spend dollars to save nickels but I do try to never pay retail for anything if possible. As in if it is something that goes on sale I wait or at least I try to make sure I check at least two or three places out for their pricing....


I just hope that for the people on here who don't feel that way that I can some how come up with a product to sell them. You know something where I can charge 25% more than anyone else who sells that item and sell lots of lots of whatever it is to these people who gladly overpay for items.... I promise to give great service, and excellent coversation if wanted.... So if anyone has an idea of any product that they and hopefully lots of others would like to buy with an automatic extra 25% tacked right on top PLEASE PM with the name of it so I can source it, stock it and then sell to all those who would be interested..... OK I guess that might have been a bit too sarcastic...... but every time hunting for lower prices on stuff comes up on here I do read a lot of posts where people advocate paying the little/local guy more just because? Why again? Just cause isn't good enough when it comes to my hard earned money for those of well off enough that it does make sense to them to spend more than you need to for an item to MORE power to you ;o) But please don't bash those of us on here who like to look for and hear about deals.

Edited by Canuck2fan
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I agree, Canuck...


I buy where I get the best deal. If it is at BPS, then so be it. I've never bought in to the "shop/support local" mentality. I work hard for my money, and I want the best deal....period. I walk into the store, take said product to counter and pay for it. If it leaves an extra $10 in my pocket, all the more better. Shopping for me is getting something I need, in as little time as possible, at the best deal possible. I'm usually not one to ask questions (unless it's something I have no clue about, but that's what the internet is for), nor poop-chat or hang around in the store. That's why I shop at Walmart, Canadian Tire, Food Basics. I am only after a product I am happy with that works out to the best deal for me...


Gerrit - you say you would of given your money to RadioWorld in a heartbeat, but had never dealt with them before. Not to mention they are five minutes from where you work. It appears that you have never dealt with Jos, but are willing to give your money there? Can't complain about competitive pricing, but then overlook the one shop that gave you the best price in the first place.


As for prices - Fishing World was not "way out in left field." If so, Lebaron's is in the bleachers. What was Jos original price before he offered to match RadioWorld? Something tells me, that if you checked around most "fishing" retailers, all were in the same ballpark as Fishing World. RadioWorld may of been the only exception.


If it comes down to dollars, then go to where the best deal is. You state you are 4 minutes from BPS. If they have a good price on something, are you going to waste money in gas, time spent driving, etc., just to support the "little guy"? Not something I would do, but that's just me.


I really hope one of the owner's from Fishing World posts a rebuttal to this thread. It will be interesting to see what they say. If not, all we get is one posters thoughts on something, and that just doesn't cut it for me...


Good Fishing,


Edited by JustinHoffman
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Hello All,


Is it not common practice to ALWAYS be on the lookout for the best deal?? I don't think it needs to be said to "do your homework before dropping down serious hard cash." If folk's aren't doing that before making ANY sort of purchase, then they need to give their heads a shake.


Sorry if I don't jump on the bandwagon here, but I find it far too easy in this day of message boards and internet to simply post a message about what you believe is an unfair price, and then have all follow suit, in what amounts in many cases, to a boycott.


I have never shopped at Fishing World, so I am certainly not giving them preferential lip-service. I don't see anything stated where Fishing World will match or beat an advertised price, only that they are competitive. If 90% of their product involves competitive pricing and 10% doesn't (maybe VHF sounders and reels, as Gerrit states), does that make them a place not worthy of your business? If you do not agree with their pricing then simply move on to the next store. It's that simple.


Kind of like buying gas. Each place has a price, and yes, they all vary. I drive down the street and stop at the one that works for me. Why? Because I want the cheapest price. I don't go to the highest priced station and tell them to match the lowest priced - I just simply go where they appreciate my business the most.


What strikes me as strange is that you got a great sales quote from RadioWorld, which I assume isn't a big box store. Why did you not spend your money there? I'm sure they would appreciate the business. No point stating to give your money to the "little guy", but then overlooking the best quoted price you got in the first place.


Like I said - sorry if I don't follow suit on most of the other posters with this thread. I shop around daily for the best price, whether it be electronics, groceries or clothes. I could post hundreds of store names that had higher prices than the next guy, but what's the point? Shop where you feel comfortable, do your homework and get the best deal possible. It's really that simple...


It's possible that Gagnon's hooks are more expensive than BPS's, or Lebaron's drift socks are more pricier than Canadian Tire's. But do we need to call out EVERY store that has an item in their stock room that isn't competitive with another outlet? If so, we'd be here for a very long time.


Again, I understand your point, Gerrit - to a certain degree. Just not sure if every complaint or disatisfaction a poster has with a store needs to necessarily be made public each and every time. For all we know, Fishing World's trolling motors or waders may be $100 cheaper than the next guy, but that acknowledgement will always be lost in one of these "rant" style threads..


Just my 2-cents worth..


Good Fishing,



By the way - I just did a search and found that Lebaron's is charging $772.63 for the Lowrance unit. I have my doubts that they would match prices, so I guess that is another retailer we should all stay clear of....(yes, this was tongue in cheek)



Justin, Thank you for your reply.... but this is certainly not a case of Wal-Mart mentality... I have been in the market for some time... perhaps too long.... I have looked at everything... I am pretty precise when it comes to my electronics.... this is not something I have posted out of anger... I am simply stating the simple fact that if you are looking for a certain model of sonar... look elsewhere as well as I am sure you can find a better deal..

if it was just about dollars and cents I would have purchased at an instant from radio world... but I have not purchased there before.... but I know MANY OFC'rs that have... that being said... I gave my local shop Fishing World an opportunity, to secure my sale... I asked questions , I asked price..they failed pretty simple....not knowing how much I have spent in the past or my additional purchases that I needed to complete..


Lets put it this way...


would you like to pay 200.00 more for a sonar you could get anywhere else for less?what if you were a lurker here.... from our area.. just getting into the sport? What would you say to them? sorry about you luck? Looks like you got screwed?


Justin, I know you would not do that....


All I am stating is fact... and if Canadian Tire tries to rip me of on tires... well I will post my tire issue to a tire forum..


I hope this make some sense..




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I like everyone here work very hard for me my money, so I feel I owe it to myself to get the best deal I can on ANYTHING I buy. I don't however spend dollars to save nickels but I do try to never pay retail for anything if possible. As in if it is something that goes on sale I wait or at least I try to make sure I check at least two or three places out for their pricing....


I just hope that for the people on here who don't feel that way that I can some how come up with a product to sell them. You know something where I can charge 25% more than anyone else who sells that item and sell lots of lots of whatever it is to these people who gladly overpay for items.... I promise to give great service, and excellent coversation if wanted.... So if anyone has an idea of any product that they and hopefully lots of others would like to buy with an automatic extra 25% tacked right on top PLEASE PM with the name of it so I can source it, stock it and then sell to all those who would be interested..... OK I guess that might have been a bit too sarcastic...... but every time hunting for lower prices on stuff comes up on here I do read a lot of posts where people advocate paying the little/local guy more just because? Why again? Just cause isn't good enough when it comes to my hard earned money for those of well off enough that it does make sense to them to spend more than you need to for an item to MORE power to you ;o) But please don't bash those of us on here who like to look for and hear about deals.

I would say that paying a bit more at the little/local guy is a good idea because you may need service one day and you will not get it at the big box place.If you need to get some live bait on your way to the lake at 5:00 am Bass Pro is not gonna help you out.I'm not saying you should buy everything at the local guy but it is to your advantage to have him in business.Believe me ,he is not priced higher so he can retire early on a Carribean island,he prolly makes less per item than the box stores do.

From time to time a discussion will come up on which trolling motor or chainsaw or car is the best.For the most part I go with the brand of that has the best service in my area.It does me no good to buy an Husquavarna saw when there is a shop that sells and services Stihl saws 5 miles up the road.They sell Husquvarna at the home depot but they offer no service.The nearest Husquvarna sevice place is an hours drive away.The Husky dealer that was up the road quit carrying Husky because Husky said they would have to sell thier crappy lawnmowers if they wanted to sell their saws.Home depot agreed to sell the mowers and so they sell the whole Husky line of products(homeowner grade)but offer no service.My next saw will be a Stihl from the local little guy because he can service what he sells.

Sorry bout the rambling but if all we do is shop price then we will utimatly loose service and selection and competition,When that happens we will pay more for less service with fewer choices.


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Be careful getting quotes for Lowrance units....so you are comparing apples to apples. Lowrances come packaged in unit only..unit and GPS puck.. Unit and GPS and Transducer. Is it possible Gerritt that Fishing World quoted you the whole package and Radioworld the Unit only?


Cheapest I see the 522C IN THE USA is $640 with transducer and I note it has a built in GPS antenna.

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as for why I did not purchase from radio world.... I know some here have.... but I have not myself personally... but after tonight... and after my post ... I have received pm after pm about Angler Outfitters



I will be probably spending close to 1000.00 there tomorrow... all because FW would not live up to their standard about their pricing... I too look forward to their response... and if need be fax them my receipts of sales lost...


all in 60 seconds.....



trust me in no way do I have $$ I am just an average joe... with a bit of budget to burn.. but there are some serious anglers from our area with $$ to burn... I hope this sreves as a reminder... someone else will ALWAYS appreciate your business more....


as is in my case... with Angler Outfitters.




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