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Saw it on CFTO at noon today Brian, about the way you guys are getting hammered with the snow up your way.


We got off lucky down here, about 5" of snow yesterday, but then alot of it melted over night and now we've got the ice to contend with.


Sure wish they'd hurry up and bring back that Global Warming they've been promising us.....

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Saw it on CFTO at noon today Brian, about the way you guys are getting hammered with the snow up your way.


We got off lucky down here, about 5" of snow yesterday, but then alot of it melted over night and now we've got the ice to contend with.


Sure wish they'd hurry up and bring back that Global Warming they've been promising us.....


Lew I was by your place yesterday, sure looked like it snowed everywhere but your driveway ;)


Watch your step out there, it's been snowing here all day, but I didn't go out so can't comment on the roads. As always if you have to venture out, play safe ;)



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City of Hamilton

3:45 PM EST Monday 3 December 2007

Snowsquall warning for

City of Hamilton issued


..Snow squalls and strong winds producing whiteout conditions and dangerous driving conditions into Tuesday..


This is a warning that snowsqualls are imminent or occurring in these regions. Monitor weather conditions..Listen for updated statements.




The major winter storm which has plagued Ontario the past few days is slowly easing its grip on the province. However..In the wake of this system strong northwesterly winds and cold Arctic air are combining to produce snow squalls and whiteout conditions to the Lee of Lake Huron and Georgian Bay.


Georgian Bay..Snow squalls are coming inland from east of Thornbury to Wasaga Beach to Midland and affecting inland communities south of Orillia such as Barrie and Innisfil including portions of highway 400. A strong squall extends all the way from Barrie into Uxbridge and Port Perry and then down to the 401 east of bowmanville. This squall will slowly shift southward later this evening and affect communities such as Newmarket..Aurora and portions of Vaughan and Markham.


Lake Huron..Snow squalls are currently more multi-banded although the more intense squalls are in the London and Woodstock areas with a strong squall also coming inland near Point Clark and affecting the Kitchener Guelph area as well as portions of northern Hamilton region. As with the Georgian Bay squalls..These squalls will slowly drift southward this evening.


For regions within the snow squall warning and within close proximity to the lakes..Local snowfall accumulations of 30 centimetres are possible tonight. For all other regions..Amounts up to 5 centimetres are expected with local accumulations of 20 centimetres in the more persistent squalls. In addition to the severely reduced visibilities in heavy snow bursts..Gusty winds to 60 or 70 km/h will produce frequent whiteouts making driving conditions very dangerous on many road ways.

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Environment Canada warns of cold winter

Fri Nov 30, 2007 6:17 PM EST148


By Scott Haggett


CALGARY, Alberta (Reuters) - Canadians should brace for a bitter winter, Environment Canada said on Friday, forecasting an unusually cold season for much of the country for the first time in more than a decade


The federal weather agency said it expects below normal temperatures for most regions this winter. Only parts of northern Canada and Ontario will be exempt from the trend, with temperatures in those areas expected to be normal.


If the forecaster is correct, it will be the first time since the winter of 1994-95 that the vast majority of the country has had a colder winter than usual.


"It's surprising because we've had such a spate of milder than normal winters," said Dave Phillips, senior climatologist at Environment Canada. "Most of the country will be colder than normal and the rest will be near normal."


Phillips said the "La Nina" phenomenon was behind the inhospitable forecast. La Nina is a vast cold pool of water off the coast of South America that typically brings colder and snowy weather to Canada.


It's the opposite of the "El Nino" weather pattern, where the Eastern Pacific warms and brings balmy temperatures to much of the nation.


Bitter weather would be a boon for the country's natural gas producers. Prices lagged this year after last winter proved to be unusually warm and failed to provide enough heating demand to sop up record inventories of the fuel.


A sustained bout of cold weather could cut supplies and boost natural gas prices, which have fallen by almost 25 percent over the past year.


The National Energy Board said last month that Canada's stocks of natural gas and heating oil were more than adequate to meet winter demand.


(Editing by Rob Wilson)






Global Warming my ass.... nature's cycle.....



Edited by Gerritt
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We got hit pretty hard here around norfolk county also. Around 4.00pm was total white out. At the main intersection off of main the police were redirecting traffic because the hill you have to drive down towards the lights was like an ice rink. Vehicles were sliding right through the lights at the man intersection. Thy directed us to the next street over which was not any better. Some guy was trying to push his truck up the hill while the other guy was behind the wheel. Meanwhile the rest of us are slowly slideng down the hill........Snow ploughs are out now thank goodness. :canadian:

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I have to thank you for the morning chuckle.

Wheres the snow?LOL




Truck and van drifted in,15 minutes to dig the truck out,told the mrs,s.enjoy your day off.Im now getting ready to snow blow 4 walkways with 3+drifts.Ahhhhhhhhh nothing like a good work out in the morning.NOT.


Rizzo,what do mean,shovel? Buddy get a machine.Ha,newbies.LOL


On a positive note,it a great morning to be alive.HO HO HO HO HO

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Was thinking the same thing Brian........


Sometimes looks a lil diff through a forest i guess....

Looks like a blanket out here.....only prob tho,

You dont even make a footprint in ours...shes ice on top

Have a safe day...Im thinking on staying put today....not sure yet.

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