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BOQ fishing with fishindevil

BFSC Kevin

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Great day for me out there today.

Shawn took the time and effort today to "show me the ropes"

Previously I didn't know too much about fishing this way, I usually fished water under 20ft for bass and pike.

Now I'm semi-ready for the BOQ this coming week!


The day started for me at 3:30am, got up and got ready to be at Shawn's(fishindevil) place in Oshawa for 4:30am.

Got there at 4:35 and we're off to get some gas and some timmies. boy i never had to go to the men's room so many times before.... I don't think I'll be drinking too many coffees!


Finally got onto the water at around 8am after a hold up at the ramp.

We marked a bunch of fish.

Got to out to the spot and started setting up the planer board.

This is where I was totally lost, planer boards were a whole new world to me and Shawn just taught it all to me today, thanks Shawn!

Once we got the boards out, I asked Shawn, "so.. when do we know there is a fish on?", he explains, "well if goes straight back or the board starts moving side to side etc etc"..

well i asked that because I saw the board moving funny, so not even 5 mins in, FISH ON!

after a short tussle, we got the first eye in, the biggest of the day at 12lbs..



Not even 10 mins later, second fish on, Shawn takes the rod and brings it very professionally, and with a smile.. sorry no pic of the fish, shawn will post another report I'm sure, but he's a bit sore and tired, probably will be up tomorrow? *note, he has more pics

I believe this one was 10lbs



About an hour or so later, I see the board waving side to side and I say, "Uh oh", Shawn turns around and stares at me, "what?!?!" as if we smacked into something, but it was only a fish, I jumped on the rod and started reeling that fish in, shortly after, our third fish was boated,

a nice 10lber



About another or so goes by, and while I was reeling in the line to check the lures for weeds or something, and what do you know! FISH ON!..

this was another smaller one at 8 lbs..



So no fish for about two hours and now its about 2 hours and Shawn's girlfriend isn't feeling too well, we are about to call it a day.

We begin trolling back to the ramp



While we we turning, the planer board looked funny to me, it was staying too close to the middle, so I thought it was maybe a fish, I then began reeling in the outside board and Shawn takes over the one that looks funny, and what do you know, god knows how long we were dragging that fish across the bay, another fish!..


this one turned out to be the smallest of the day I think, at around 6-7 lbs?

I'm not 100% sure on the lbs, but Shawn would remember better.


And here we are heading back to the ramp, with Shawn's sign of approval.



The set up today were planer boards and Shawn took out a dipsy diver too, but that didn't get a bite at all.

But not bad, 5 for 5!


First time going for some real eyes, and this will be considered my PB until this weekend ;)


It was great fishing with Shawn today, very nice and knowledgeable guy.


We'll for sure hook up again Shawn.

I'll be waiting on those baits too ;)

Hope you and Julie feels better man!

Take care,


Edited by kevin
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Kevin it was great to fish with you today,you are a great learner,and have that walleye fishing down pat now...and you are hooked for sure !!!!! so get your new boat all rigged out and get down there again ,and we will go get them !!!! :w00t:B) ...you are welcome to come fishing with me anytime bud !!!!! cheers ,and great pics too :thumbsup_anim::Gonefishing:

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Well before Shawn taught me this, I planned on jigging and and throwing out cranks.

But after learning this, I think its a very effective way to spread out your lures and further away from the boat.

That way the fish are not so easily spooked by the boat. Also, this way to less tiring than casting all day ;)

but some essentials for using planer boards would be the boards themselves, linecounter with atleast 350 yards of line, gps/sonar are a GREAT help, and of course the correct baits to get down there to the fish.


I'm sure there is more but I only know the basics. Can't wait to learn more :)



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