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Gerritt, the sleep study is a really good idea - you may have sleep apnea & not even know it. I was diagnosed with it a year ago. Even when I went to bed at 9:30 at night, I'd wake up so tired sometimes. I had an overnight sleep study in a lab & they found that I was waking up 23 times each hour and I wasn't even aware of it! Once I started using a CPAP device (it blows air down your throat while you sleep), there was a big change. Kind of hard to get used to, but what a difference.....Can't help you with the restless leg problem but I'm sure the docs will find an explanation for that. Good luck! :sleeping_02:



I have lived with persistant fatigue for about 3yrs now and it's all (in my case) due to my back.Deteriorated discs cause all sorts of problems with your health,not the least of which is being contantly tired.I have charlie horses frequently, especially when sleeping or at rest.A lot of times it's just from a small movement or being in a crouched position,just like putting your back out on the smallest thing when for a week you felt like everything was back to normal.

I can't say I have restless leg but our family including myself has a habit of foot movements while sitting that my wife has mentioned a few times,it's just normal to me.

I won't use any sort of medication yet while I can still do things in basically a normal fashion.Exercise and monthly visits to the chiropractor are keeping me even but that doesn't really change the tired feeling.It doesn't help that fall is here and every day seems that much duller.Hope you can find an answer Gerritt.




Yeah Yeah Yeah!!!... don't listen to the Redneck, he doesn't know what the heck he's talkin' about... been there done that.


Work exercise is not the same as cardio exercise, I used to think just because I was a carpenter and worked construction that I got enough exercise... so what if I was 30 lbs. overweight???


All I ever had enough energy to do was to come home and park myself in front of the TV set (before the internet), because that's all I ever did. I didn't care what I looked like... I was married!


Then one day I decided to do something about the way I looked, so I started dieting. I lost weight, but stayed the same shape... awwww crap!... I've gotta start exercising!!! :angry: ... so I did. I couldn't believe how much better I felt and how much more stamina I had!!! I slept better, I ate better, I worked the stress away. No more back problems... no more digestive problems!


... but don't listen to the Redneck.


I was diagnosed with CFS 10 years ago after a bout of pneumonia that left me utterly debilitated for five years. Very real, very bad disease. My advice, go see a doc with some experience, pm me for details. Do as much as you can to keep yourself healthy. I think most importantly, don't give in to the need for rest. If you have the flue or cold, sure go to bed. Many CFS's , go the disability route, then find themselves in the nightmarish scenario of getting paid for being sick with a disease that nobody believes in. If at all possible tough it out, build up you tolerance to the fatigue. 10 years in I still suffer after heavy labour, flues, virtually anything that triggers my immune system. There are good meds available now that make life alot easier. Good luck.




I often think alot of folks spend far TOO MUCH time sleeping and in my opinion, that's nearly as bad as not sleeping enough, and I'm sure many would feel better if they got up and got going, rather than laying in bed for 8-10 hours a day.


Not saying that's YOUR problem Gerritt, but I think it's a problem for many.


Even when I was working, I'd be up at 2 or 3 in the morning and head off on a 20-30 mile bike ride nearly every day before heading into the hall, and I'd do this 12 months a year, no matter how nasty or cold it was outside, and like Dawg says, I never felt so healthy in my life and I did that right up into my 50's.


Even now that I've been retired for 7 years, I'm still up nearly every day by 3:00 AM.....hence the "Lew O'clock" ......and have most of my stuff done around here before anyone else is even awake.


Maybe it's not for everyone, but more folks should try it sometime rather than laying in bed cause they THINK they need more sleep.


When you WAKE up.....GET up ;)


Well Lew...when I wake up tomorrow. ...I will get up and not roll over. Might need that extra time to shovel a spot to pull the boat out! LOL


Seriously...you're right. I know if I wake up at 6 say... I feel ready to go...but then feel it's too early to get up, don't wanna wake the wife and go back to sleep and feel like poop at 8am..or 9am... or 10...


Hey G,


With all of the allergies Liam has could it be something you are eatting. I know that when I cut carbs out of my diet I find I have a ton more energy... might be worth a shot, reduce all carb intake... No more McClays, but PC has a 2.5 carb alternative that isn't so bad... try it for a week and see how you feel...


Hope that it doesn't take too long to work this out for you. Nothing is worse than trying to make it through the day everyday!





  irishfield said:
Well Lew...when I wake up tomorrow. ...I will get up and not roll over. Might need that extra time to shovel a spot to pull the boat out! LOL


Don't worry about it Wayne, I'll probably be at your place by 4:00 tomorrow morning and have the snow all shovelled outta your driveway by the time you wake up.


Just leave a thermos of coffee on the porch beside the shovel ;)


I think Lew has a point. When I sleep more than 7 hours straight, I wake up feeling groggy and it takes me hours to get out of that funk...sometimes that entire next day I never shake that feeling. I seem to function best when I get around 6 to 6.5 hours at a time, get RIGHT into the shower and I feel ready for the day.

  Greencoachdog said:
I lost weight, but stayed the same shape... awwww crap!... I've gotta start exercising!!! :angry: ... so I did. I couldn't believe how much better I felt and how much more stamina I had!!! I slept better, I ate better, I worked the stress away. No more back problems... no more digestive problems!


That is some good advice GCD provided above. Changing you personal diet and light exercise could

help rid you of some fatigue.


About 6 yrs. ago after MRI's i was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.

There are a bunch of physical problems associated with it, it took the vision from one eye temporarily

but the worst thing is fatigue and exhaustion. The fatigue caused me to be proactive; it was bad.


Cutting out saturated fats (from everything) no red meats, dairy, chocolate etc...over the last few months.

With heavy fish/ seafood (Omega-3's), fruit, veg intake instead has gotten rid of the fatigue.

Maybe just try to not eat processed or refined foods much.


  huey graphite said:
I'm sure Ohiofisherman would have some valuable input here.


good luck,




Gerritt try to find freeze dried Goji Berries. The natural values guy at my work put me on them and they help a lot. 9 bucks a bag and just eat 2 handfuls in the morning. Read up on them, they are good for a lot of things.

  douG said:
Spectin that the sleep apnea will come to the fore. I know several folks, including Pa, who got the best sleep for decades the first time they tried that positive airway ventilation thingy.



I concur, my brother and sister have that, I may too :dunno: , but definately sounds like you may have it too. I hear it about it more and more from people nowadays.


LOL I know a little late, I took a 12 hour nap. Chronic, persistent fatigue may be caused by a number of things, some are simple to diagnose some maybe a bit more complicated. It only took me 3 years to get to the bottom of my Chronic persistent fatigue problem.


First get your butt to a doctor! I played around for 3 or 4 weeks(LOL tough guy). The doctor is not always right, 3 out of 5 didn`t do me much good, including an Infectious Disease Specialist, Hmmm no explanation found in your tests, you have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Dude a few more tests may have been in order?


Getting the tests may also be a problem, LOL "no further testing is needed or necessary" from neuro number 2, duck season I think he is hiding. A month or so later a specialist decided I did need more test, like me he thought neuro #2 didn`t have a clue.


I used to sleep 5 or 6 hours a night for like 50 years? Got up felt refreshed and was ready to go, something was wrong and it wasn`t getting a good nights sleep. I would sleep 12 to 16 hours get up and feel beat.


It could be a lot of things, you need to begin testing, even though I first went to the doctor because I thought I had mono, the doctor said no, my mono spot test was negative. After more extensive blood work for lyme disease and west nile virus(outdoorsman thing) they found I had mono, LOL acute mononucleosis, it wasn`t cute. Sleep 16 hours get up have a cup of coffee, lay down on the couch and not get up till the next day. My wife was checking me to make sure I was still breathing, she had never seen me like this.


Gerritt don`t be afraid to e-mail me or bust me off your phone number and I will call you. If you don`t feel right and the doctors answers aren`t making sense they may be wrong. Some of the causes can be hard to diagnose, but there has to be some interest in getting a correct diagnoses .


B-12 and a lot of simple fixes can cause fatigue, mimics Multiple Sclerosis in some cases, you need testing to find out. Chronic persistent fatigue is a sign of MS, CFS and a host of other problems, some serious some fixable.


Hope you get a better deal than I did, if you need help sorting thru the mess let me know. Remember though, I am not a doctor, just dealt with too many.


Let your doctor know about the leg issues, I didn`t fit the normal pattern for MS so there was a lot of doubt. More common in wimmins until the mid 30`s or so, and the feeling for some doctors is if your over 50 you can`t get MS, wrong!


I have a bunch of sites bookmarked dealing with the diagnostics, just didn`t accept the answers I was getting from the pros. They made little if any sense. Note that I am not saying you might have MS, some that may need to be considered, and tested for though, and it seems to affect everyone a little differently.


Did I help or confuse you? I am confused!


Hi gerritt:


Im new on the fourm here and I work at womens college hospital in downtown toronto in the cardiology department and i have a few suggestions that can/might help. 1st off going to the gp was the right thing to do. There could be alot of things that could contribute to the problem. Low iron/hemoglobin, pulmonary fibrosis, sleep apnea was mentioned/ cardiac problems/ overweight-deconditioning/ even improper diet ex lack of vitamens/nutrients or improper bowel movements, viruses and mono. The best thing to do is to keep care of yourself with proper eating and plenty of rigerious exercise ( more than just fishing). Alot of times it is the process of elimination to figure these things out, but helping out your own cause is the best place to start. Good luck





  Gerritt said:
Well I just got back from my GP... For the past year or so I have been feeling tired all the time, even after 8 hours sleep.. Tired during the day, tired in the evening, tired first thing in the morning.. it has been affecting my quality life and I figured it was time to ask for some help. I am not falling asleep while driving or anything I am just constantly run down... My family has a history of Iron, B12 and Diabetes problems so I figured I should probably get myself looked at...


Next week I am going in to have about a thousand needles shoved into my arm. My GP is somewhat concerned as someone my age should not be having these issues.. These tests include my thyroid, Cholesterol and all the others I cant spell...


Something else was mentioned as a possibility as well.. Restless Leg Syndrome.. anyone heard of this? I have yet to google it..


Is there anyone else that has been through this here? if so please share your experiences with me.. There are days normally Saturdays where I can sleep for 15 hours straight... and feel ok for a day or two.. but then it is right back to feeling drawn out..


I would appreciate and words of wisdom or advice from guys that have been through this before...


I find it hard to talk to my wife about these things because she goes on about what she read in this months Todays Parenting etc...


Thanks guys!




ps... should I need to add a fish picture to this post i will :)


Been there, always tired etc, Could be my two young kids but aside from that,


Found that my wife sometimes tosses and turns in the night waking me up although not enough to really get me up just enough to kick me out of REM (no not the group). Although I thought I was sleeping all night I was only getting a few hours


try different bed,

different location for sleep.


Good idea to see the quack, sometimes we men hold off till too late to see them. Better too check.


Thanks for posting.


Gerrit, take the time and google up Thyroid desease. My wife just had hers killed of by radiation. Now her leg does not shake any more. I am not a doctor but have found out latley that the thyroid controls alot of the body.

Good luck and don't take no for an answer.

  spawn said:
Hi gerritt:


Im new on the fourm here and I work at womens college hospital in downtown toronto in the cardiology department and i have a few suggestions that can/might help. 1st off going to the gp was the right thing to do. There could be alot of things that could contribute to the problem. Low iron/hemoglobin, pulmonary fibrosis, sleep apnea was mentioned/ cardiac problems/ overweight-deconditioning/ even improper diet ex lack of vitamens/nutrients or improper bowel movements, viruses and mono. The best thing to do is to keep care of yourself with proper eating and plenty of rigerious exercise ( more than just fishing). Alot of times it is the process of elimination to figure these things out, but helping out your own cause is the best place to start. Good luck


Sweet! Nice post and help. We got us another really smart member....perhaps the word 'another' was an overstatement. :blahblah1:

Welcome to the board, Spawn.

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