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How long before Bass Pro Make at Par Pricing?


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I have heard it will take as much as 2 years to prices to start dropping in retail locations and in places where there is a monopoly there will not every be a price drop to match the Looney's value.

I think we should all arrange a boycot of Bass Pro to get them to price match dollar for dollar on the US pricing.


An example.


Bass Pro Bionic Blade Rod Regular 99.00 cdn and on sale for 69.99

at Bas pro in the US 54.00 Regular price.

assuming they make a 30 percent markup on the 54 dollar rod in the US

Thats a Profit of 16.20 at the retail store int eh US

Thats a Profit of 61.20 at the Canadian store for a rod that costs us 99.00

That is one Major markup. there is NO possible way that it costs 61.20 to ship that rod across to canada.

I just randomly picked an item its the same for everything they stock.

Bass Pro doesn't care if they make fewer sales up here they make 3 times the profit per item than they do in the US.


If you think thats bad look at your New car you just bought.

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I have heard it will take as much as 2 years to prices to start dropping in retail locations and in places where there is a monopoly there will not every be a price drop to match the Looney's value.

I think we should all arrange a boycot of Bass Pro to get them to price match dollar for dollar on the US pricing.


Don't forget to factor in the unseen Canadian taxes, shipping costs, brokerage fees, etc. It's not as simple as just converting the dollars. There are also customer relations issues that have to be addressed with customers who paid the big buck not long ago and may be wanting to exercise return privileges if there is too dramatic a price change. It's complicated.


All that being said, there's also the temptation to score a little extra margin, but that's a responsibility any business has to itself as long as it can find the happy medium between customer satisfaction and profitability. As for the monopoly, that can only be countered by the exercise of the principles of free enterprise. If someone can be competitve they can take a run at the big boys. If they do it right, the big boys will have to offer some selection or service advantage, back down on their pricing or lose market share.



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It does take a while for the cost of items to trickle down.


In your above example. Bass pro Canada puts in an order for them, USD is .80$ at that time.


They pay that amount from the supplier. The probably sign a term deal at a set price "hedging" the price at a certain cost. It just costs way too much to adjust on the fly.


To say as soon as the CDN goes up in value Bpro must change the price they would loose the markup or if the CDN dropped they must raise the cost too selling too you. This would be too expensive and unpredictable.


I am not saying I like it, but I understand why. And this is asumeing that the retailer is looking out for the customer and will adjust when the next order or contract is signed " insert laugh here"


Now large $$ items that have a short buying cycle, Boats, ATV we should see it quicker. As they must do limited runs at a cost..


If not buy your stuff elsewhere. We the consumer have the power just give it a little time to trickle down.

DTSAM and Others that run retail have less volume runs on some stuff so until they move there current stock that they may have purchased at one price it may take longer to change in price. Yet at the same price they don't do too many mass purchases to the price changes may show up in the local guy quicker. So contiunue to support your local guy they have familes too.



Just $.0002 from someone NOT in retail :) if I am wrong, tell me cause this is what I am told..

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There were several articles in this mornings papers about the same thing. But expect to see price drops in the spring then continuing through the year. Some retailers will buckle under pressure to drop prices even before their old stock is out. The CIBC expects parity to only last about 6 to 12 months, but it should be long enough to have a deflationary impact.

Cars, boats and electronics should see major price drops very soon. If you don't see price drops in your retailer soon, ask them why. I may have to renew my passport for some cross border shopping!

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JohnF, hit it on the head

companies in Ontario have to pay money for OHIP for every single employee

where do people think that money comes from...well it's in the cost of their product along with all the other taxes that we get hit with..so we have to have higher prices....

and you have heard the NDPs promise to hit all business with more taxes to pay for they homeless/wellfare programs...well guess what..that will raise the price of everything and companies will move out of country or make us pay through the nose for everything...the cost of living a great country

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It'll take ages before BPS adjusts its pricing, and by then the loonie would probably not be where it is. Forget the waiting game; go on-line and save now.




I've bought four reels so far from this site. Prices are unbeatable, and delivery has been prompt and without a glitch. Some price comparisons:


Curado 200 series: $165 vs. $259

Curado 300 series: $210 vs. $320

Chronarch: $235 vs. $399


Come to think of it, do others have reputable on-line stores that they can share?

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Bass Pro Bionic Blade Rod Regular 99.00 cdn and on sale for 69.99

at Bas pro in the US 54.00 Regular price.



Funny to me that you picked that rod, I just bought one yesterday. Man 54 bucks!!! I feel more than a little burned now. I have been looking at the boats for next year so I better make sure I check out the closest American store first.


Ahhh I just figured out how its calculated US 54.00--+--45.00 = CA 99.00 So a small 12000.00 boat would be US 12000.00--+--21000.00 =CA 33000.00. :wallbash: Guess Its little more complicated than that .

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I just compared the ReelFishingDeals price on my most recent purchase.


ReelFishingDeals wants $145 for a Shimano Stradic ST 2500F1


BPS sent me the Shimano Stradic reel and included a BPS Extreme rod for $149.98 plus shipping. No tax. Unless on sale the rod usually goes for $100. They have some great deals on combos. Extreme rods are great fishing tools.


By the way, a week from today + about 3 hours I'll be bending the rod on your home waters. Fried walleyes will be the dish of the day/week.

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Watching the news last night, a reporter was speaking to a General Manager at a large car dealership and asked him when we could expect to see prices drop for new vehicles? The GM suggested that we probably won't. Asked why prices are that much higher in Canada, vs the U.S., his response was that Canadians are "accustomed to paying more and will continue to do so until they decide not to! :wallbash: I appreciated his honesty, but not necessisarily his answer!


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Thats exactly the thing.

Canadians don't care if they get ripped off. Companies in Canada(and I being one of them), will get as much as they possibly can. The competition isn't here like it is in the US. Every business owner will blame taxes, shipping duty, brokerage etc... but the fact is there is a significantly higher profit margin in Canada than the US.


If a supplier is selling one item at 100 dollars that they imported from the US when the dollars was worth 70 cents, and sells new stocked idential item now that its even they are profiting an extra 30 percent. You can't blame Duty or shipping or health care charges or whatever, it was there before when the dollar sucked the same as it is now.


Will we get things for the same price as the same store in the US. Likely not, but you won't ever catch me shed a tear for any Business that says it can't lower prices to reflect the dollar. They are liers. Plain and simple.


Just like the car companies. They will charge us more up here because we will pay more.


Thats why I buy big ticket stuff from the states. You want my money in Canada set prices so they are fair. I have enough junk as it is that I don't mind waiting an extra week or two to get it.

Edited by jedimaster
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That's not so bad already from BPS.



Here's a way worse example/rant:



Don't know how many of you are into aquariums, and know of the big franchise BigAl's Aquarium Service. Their online site has Canadian (bigalsonline.ca) and US site (bigalsonline.com). The price on the Canadian site is usually from 50% to 120% MORE than the US site. Yes you read that right.... 100+% more... so like double or more the price! And you know what's the kicker? BigAl's is a CANADIAN company based in Toronto!


An example just from the top of their page, 2x65W strip light: $99.99 USD from their US site, $229.99 Cdn from Canadian site




Now u guys may feel better about BPS lol... at least BPS has to ship the stuffs over from US into Canada :)

Edited by oncogene
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well at least not me!! I constantly whine about it lol.



But it's unfortunately... there's really little ppl can do about it tho, unless buying online from US. But then it benefits courier like UPS who then do their part of rips off (stupid brokage fee). Tho now it will still worth it even with UPS.

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Guest Johnny Bass
Watching the news last night, a reporter was speaking to a General Manager at a large car dealership and asked him when we could expect to see prices drop for new vehicles? The GM suggested that we probably won't. Asked why prices are that much higher in Canada, vs the U.S., his response was that Canadians are "accustomed to paying more and will continue to do so until they decide not to! :wallbash: I appreciated his honesty, but not necessisarily his answer!



Hey, I liked his answer. He speaks the truth. Just look at these ridibulous gas prices and we just keep paying at the pumps. Not only the pumps. Electricity and natural gas has tripled.

A large percentage of our pay goes to energy. If we marched down to City hall or parliament. You would see those prices come down in a hurry!


I hear BassPro is paying ridiculous rent up there.....I dont know what factor that plays in the pricing.....


Also they sponsor alot of outdoor related programs.

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Watching the news last night, a reporter was speaking to a General Manager at a large car dealership and asked him when we could expect to see prices drop for new vehicles? The GM suggested that we probably won't. Asked why prices are that much higher in Canada, vs the U.S., his response was that Canadians are "accustomed to paying more and will continue to do so until they decide not to! :wallbash: I appreciated his honesty, but not necessisarily his answer!




I was watching the same program I assume... some interesting info on there and to be honest I believe most of what was said on there... really though we have alot of control in the economy... we choose who we want to succed by voting for them with our Dollar... (spending money in the sector or specific business) and if we refuse to go against what we dont believe is fair we will continue to be scammed, and cheated...

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