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Unbelievable Night of Fishing!!


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Well, after my rod broke after landing my Chinook last night, Bly was at the local tackle store today letting me know what they had...I now know why a medium/heavy fast action rod is a good thing when fighting strong fish!! LOL. Anyhow, I ended up with a one piece 7 foot Shimano Sojourn...not a high end rod...but a solid one! Plus it only cost 30 bucks...LOL.


Anyhow, fishnsled wanted to join us on one of our shore outings, so we aimed to meet at around 815pm tonight. I talked to him earlier this evening and he was out buying some gear to hopefully hook into some Salmon.


We arrived at 8pm, Bly fishing in a nice protected area....and me in the wide open. Just 10 minutes in, and I hear Bly yell "FISH ON!!!". I reel in and get ready to be net boy. As she's fighting the fish, fishnsled shows up...he says that seeing her land a fish is a good night for him already...haha. Anyhow, after a 10 minute fight, and Bly thinking she's landed her first Salmon, fishnsled looks down and says, "That's a Brown". I couldn't believe it...especially when you see the girth on this thing....it measured in at 28" and an awesome 13 pounds 7 ounces!!!



We realized later on that whenever she wears this hat that the plumma's gave her in Lakair, she catches browns!! Check back on other threads throughout July...you'll see that hat. The problem is she doesn't have a Salmon hat...so I guess she has to go buy a new one...LOL.


Fishnsled and I continue our casting...suddenly he calls out "Wow...just had a hit....there's no mistaking when they hit is there??". I just laughed. We continued for another few mintues and we see lightning flashing in the distance. We knew our time was going to be short out here. The rain began to fall...lightly at first when I see the spot I wanted open up. I tell bly and Fishnsled that I'm heading down there. My third cast out there and BOOM! Fish on! It wasn't as strong as the other ones I've landed in the past few nights...or maybe it just felt that way because I could control it so much better with the new rod. Anyhow, the rain started to fall even harder as I landed it...you can see the drops in this pic. This measured in at 34" and weighed 16 pounds 1 ounce.



All three trebles were in the corner of it's mouth...it was not coming unhooked!! While I was releasing the fish, fishnsled tries a few from that spot when suddenly the winds start gusting at about 70kph...we were almost blown into the water!! LOL. The rains were torrential and we packed it up and headed back to the cars. A HUGE flash of lightning on the way back to the car told us we were right in leaving when we did.


Anyhow...an awesome night out there for fishing for just one short hour...I think we gotta head back there again tomorrow night.....oh yeah...Bly still hasn't got her Salmon yet...LOL

Edited by ccmtcanada
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That is one beauitful fish Carole - congratulations on a very impressive Brownie - much nicer looking than Cliff's fish!! LOL


I told you that you guys would start catching different fish each night - what's tomorrow going to bring??

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Well the tables were turned tonight. I smoked them on the weekend and they smoked me tonight. What a treat to see you two get those beauties!! I was perfectly fine seeing Carole get that brown, biggest one I've seen up close and personal. Then Cliff couldn't be out done so he gets his 3rd salmon in 3 trips. UNBELIEVEABLE!!! Hats off to both of you! :clapping::thumbsup_anim:


This wasn't the only highlight of the night though. When I showed up Carole says "we have a present for you." I don't have a clue why they would even buy me anything or what it could be. :dunno: Cliff and I are digging through the tackle bag looking for the tape measure when what should I find but the hot bait from the weekend.


I chirp up and say "So you did go and clean out the store." <_< (Jokingly of course.) When I had gone the other night there was none of the hot colour left so I picked up some substitutes. B) Carole says "Nope. We saw that it was the last package and bought it for you. We also got you these hooks to go with them." Well it was a good thing it was dark because I'm sure I was looking like this.... :blush: I couldn't believe it. They said it was to replace the ones they used on the weekend.


Now I certainly wasn't worried about them using up a few plastics but this goes to show you what great people they are. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!! Now let's go and use them up in a couple of weekends!!! :Gonefishing:


Thanks again!!!

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