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Six Mile Lake report(TOUGH)

Guest Johnny Bass

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Guest Johnny Bass

Saturday morning woke up. Checked the weather. 1-5 mm in the east and 1-2mm in the North. I wanted to go Musky fishing again but it looked like less rain up north and Mark needed some numbers because of the skunk on Thursday so I decided to go to Six Mile lake for the first time. Wanted to save it for a sunny day but didn't think it would rain as much as it did. No sun at all......


Got there, launched around 8:30. Started working weedy shallows and right away I see a 3lb Bass. No hook up though. Was still busy tying on my lures. Started cast some flukes for bass. We got bit off a few times. Caught a few puny(I mean puny) pike and a few small bass. 1lb max.


We were working a point and could see the pike along the weedline. Really really puny though....

With no luck.


Found some sparse weeds in deep water. Decided to work it with the jig and pig. We see a guy come trolling by and nails a puny pike. As I am watching him my jig is just sitting on bottom. Decided to jig it and I feel some weight. Set the hook. And the fight is on. Same poopty rod and C3 reel. Took me endless turns of the reel to bring the fish in with no bend on the rod. Big fish of the day.It actually looked bigger in real life.lol Maybe it looked real big after catching all those small fish.lol Looks around 2lbs.




This fish was caught when the rain stopped for a little while. I dont know why, but I hardly have any luck when it rains......Before after and inbetween yes, but during no. Probably due to the fact that lure fishing is all about visibility and visibility is low during rain. Was thinking of dead sticking a scented worm but have no confidence with that in the rain either.




At this point I had, had enough....Took the jig and pig off that rod and put it on another with 12lb mono.


Casting around and what happens? SNAP!Loose my confidence bait.. I didn't have confidence in the 3/8 ounce black and blue. Catch a fish, confidence up. Loose the skirt...Put on a red and black skirt. No confidence....Catch a fish, confidence up. Loose the jig. Now I have another 3/8 ounce black and red JIG but no rattles. So I switched to a black and blue 1/4 ounce jig. No confidence again but preservered.


1-2mm??It rained ALL DAY! The fishing was tough! The biggest fish I seen was a 2lb pike follow and the 3 lb largie in the shallows. I also seen a decent pike take in my fluke and spit it out right away! These fish have seen it all!


Caught a few pike that wouldn't even register on a scale. Caught that decent largemouth. Caught some small bass and panfish.


Mark nailed a few bass(1 decent) a few decent pike, some puny crappies and that was it!


Though today was really an experimental day. Worked the jig and pig for most of the day. I think it is more adequate on sunny days. Better visibility. Also I am not sure if I should stick to 1/4 ounce or go back to the 3/8 ounce I had all the luck on.


Also tried drop shooting here and there though couldn't do it for more than a few minutes without giving up. I had the same problem with the tubes and now I anniahlate fish with tubes. So I wont give up that easily. But am really concentrating on the jig and pig. I get a kick out of catching fish on different presentations. But honestly? I think a tube rigged weedless may be a better presentation. I will give it a few more chances.


Did some exploring and found 3 very good spots. Two obvious and one not so obvious. The lake reminds me of Stony with all the Islands and easy to get lost. We were lost most of the morning and had to back track to find the Marina. Will definately go back to this lake because I liked what I saw but gonna get a map!


I think thats all I can remember. I hope you have enjoyed the report!


Oh and at one point it felt like someone was hurling stuff with a slingshot at us from an Island! Not sure if he knew we were there!!!Kids!

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Great report John!


"This fish was caught when the rain stopped for a little while. I dont know why, but I hardly have any luck when it rains......Before after and inbetween yes, but during no. Probably due to the fact that lure fishing is all about visibility and visibility is low during rain. Was thinking of dead sticking a scented worm but have no confidence with that in the rain either."


Interesting opinion, one of my favorite times to fish is when the rain starts falling after a long dry spell, 4-5 days. I don`t look for a downpour just a constant rain without a drastic temperature drop.


Visibilty when fishing lures at night or even the day is over rated, the fish find my small jigs, worms at night without much trouble. Surface noise caused by falling rain may throw them off? I never worry much about how much noise a lure makes, and use silent lures at night more than noisey surface lures.


Again maybe just a confidence thing.

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Guest Johnny Bass

Thanks Roy.


Ohio, I think it is all about confidence. I either have to see it work in front of me, and what structure to apply the technique to, or I have to keep trying until I find a technique that works too.


3 things I need to get my confidence up in is 1)Jig and Pig 2) Drop Shooting 3) plastic worms(use em a little but prefer flukes).


Its good to know that you have luck on plastic worms in low light conditions like over cast. Will give it a try next time. Do you think dark colours are good or bright colours for over cast? We are talking relatively clear water here.

Edited by Johnny Bass
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Hey Johnny, Is that rod you are referring to the bass pro 6'3'' x-heavy rod? I have the same rod and have aslo tried pairing it with my C3. Man, I hate that rod. It's my back up, might work well as a jerkbait rod but I don't really have any of those. I can't catch a thing with it and have lost a few big fish on it. First time I got a big hit on it I had the drag set rediculously tight and I actually thought I heard it crack but can't see any damage. You seem to be doing pretty well with it though! Thanks for the report.

Edited by Weeds
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Guest Johnny Bass
Hey Johnny, Is that rod you are referring to the bass pro 6'3'' x-heavy rod? I have the same rod and have aslo tried pairing it with my C3. Man, I hate that rod. It's my back up, might work well as a jerkbait rod but I don't really have any of those. I can't catch a thing with it and have lost a few big fish on it. First time I got a big hit on it I had the drag set rediculously tight and I actually thought I heard it crack but can't see any damage. You seem to be doing pretty well with it though! Thanks for the report.


Hey weeds. Yes, thats the set up!!! Its like fighting a fish with a 2x4 and some rope!!!I think my percentage is like 45% catch and 55% lost. :wallbash:


And when I do hook up, the fight is horrible. No bend, no stretch in my power pro(which leads to the hook being ripped out of the fish's mouth) and the reel is to slow(5:1 I think) always slack in the line until you get him under the boat!!!!


I too bought it for large jerkbaits and trolling. I think I am going to start using it for bucktails and heavy spinner baits and thats about it, until I get into the big jerk baits.....


Too agravating!!!I will pick up another rod as soon as I have some extra money, and a digital cam. I'm thinking before next season..... :(

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Johnny, that is the worm I threw a lot but in Junebug, it seems to be a day or night color. Water here usually has some color to it, but some of the bays on Erie get pretty clear and the lakes I fished in New York also are clearer than most waters here.


The water on the Georgian Bay was pretty clear and I fished it before zebra mussels, but the colors that worked here, Junebug, purple, black, watermelon seed seemed to work as well up there.


That worm is 4 inch and with the smaller stuff I used a 6, 6 1/2 medium action rod and 10# test. Light wire hook, a mustad in 1/8 ounce jighead most of the time, like a 1/0, small bait a big hook over powers it.


LOL catch the limit first for me though, then try to upgrade(cull). Good fish took them too though. My night vision was pretty good, all I used was the boats running lights, not much trouble for me pitching to docks and stuff at night.


Overcast or not my first choice is Junebug, but I switch if it`s not working. My former friend had 4 or 5 bass in the boat one time on as many casts using a watermelon blue glitter worm while I was using Junebug and didn`t get a hit casting to the same spots. I changed and outpaced him.


I didn`t dropshot much either, it was becoming popular here on Erie about the time I got sick, less fishing for me the last 4 years than one week vacation most years. Jig and pig works, for a lot of species, caught smallies, largemouth, pike, walleyes, and lost some skis on them.


Also caught a lot of different species on plastic worms, LOL 12 inch crappie on 6 inch worms? Go figure.


Just lucky, while I was able I fished with some great guys, guys that had knowledge of fishing and were willing to pass it on. I tried to do the same, a great way to have fun.

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Guest Johnny Bass


Johnny, that is the worm I threw a lot but in Junebug, it seems to be a day or night color. Water here usually has some color to it, but some of the bays on Erie get pretty clear and the lakes I fished in New York also are clearer than most waters here.


The water on the Georgian Bay was pretty clear and I fished it before zebra mussels, but the colors that worked here, Junebug, purple, black, watermelon seed seemed to work as well up there.


That worm is 4 inch and with the smaller stuff I used a 6, 6 1/2 medium action rod and 10# test. Light wire hook, a mustad in 1/8 ounce jighead most of the time, like a 1/0, small bait a big hook over powers it.


LOL catch the limit first for me though, then try to upgrade(cull). Good fish took them too though. My night vision was pretty good, all I used was the boats running lights, not much trouble for me pitching to docks and stuff at night.


Overcast or not my first choice is Junebug, but I switch if it`s not working. My former friend had 4 or 5 bass in the boat one time on as many casts using a watermelon blue glitter worm while I was using Junebug and didn`t get a hit casting to the same spots. I changed and outpaced him.


I didn`t dropshot much either, it was becoming popular here on Erie about the time I got sick, less fishing for me the last 4 years than one week vacation most years. Jig and pig works, for a lot of species, caught smallies, largemouth, pike, walleyes, and lost some skis on them.


Also caught a lot of different species on plastic worms, LOL 12 inch crappie on 6 inch worms? Go figure.


Just lucky, while I was able I fished with some great guys, guys that had knowledge of fishing and were willing to pass it on. I tried to do the same, a great way to have fun.



Ohio. I have the exact same lure and colour as the one in the pic. Except mine has a curly tail at the end and I think its a 5-6 inch. I have only used it at Island lake and did really well!


So basically you are saying dark colours. And they will pick them up dead sticking them on over cast days. What is the depth you like to dead stick?Would 7-10 feet be too much?


You use a jig head with your worm??? I have a 3/0 hook with a 1/8 ounce weight in the middle of the hook. Though I usually use just a hook.

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Johnny, I like the ring worms, probably not much noise out of a worm in the water, but I would think they would displace a little more than a standard worm. The basses lateral line picks up very slight vibrations, probably more on a L/M than S/M but I am not sure.


I make most of my own jigheads that are not typical bass style. Ball or Mushroom head and I have altered my molds to accept a larger hook than is standard in the mold. Most of the 1/16th or 1/8 jigheads only come with like a slot for size 4 or maybe 2 hooks, I like a 1/0 or 2/0 in the jigheads for bass.


Ya it sounds weird using a jighead in a plastic worm, same principle as a pegged slip sinker though, exposed hook almost means a lock on hooksets. If the style of worm you are using is thick enough they can be rigged weedless pretty well. I also use larger ringworms, 6 or 7 inch. There is a method called split-shotting, I do it with a jighead. I also use a snap on the jighead, I will fish a 1/8 jighead down to 20 feet or so, if the weather conditions and bite allow it. Sometimes they are a lot more aggressive and will take a heavier jighead, easier to keep down near bottom.


LOL my boat is slow, fishing against guys with 150`s to 225`s I had to think outside the box, all the water I hit had been fished earlier by others. I also do the conventional tactics, texas rig, carolina rig, if mine isn`t working.


If the weeds aren`t real bad I also swim a worm on a jighead over them, also a lizard, sometimes the hit will come after you pull it loose from weeds, looks like prey darting from cover?


I don`t get locked on one way to fish, I try to find what works, not what I want to feed them. LOL I had days when nothing seemed to work well either, still trying to figure what I did wrong.

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Guest Johnny Bass
Johnny, I like the ring worms, probably not much noise out of a worm in the water, but I would think they would displace a little more than a standard worm. The basses lateral line picks up very slight vibrations, probably more on a L/M than S/M but I am not sure.


I make most of my own jigheads that are not typical bass style. Ball or Mushroom head and I have altered my molds to accept a larger hook than is standard in the mold. Most of the 1/16th or 1/8 jigheads only come with like a slot for size 4 or maybe 2 hooks, I like a 1/0 or 2/0 in the jigheads for bass.


Ya it sounds weird using a jighead in a plastic worm, same principle as a pegged slip sinker though, exposed hook almost means a lock on hooksets. If the style of worm you are using is thick enough they can be rigged weedless pretty well. I also use larger ringworms, 6 or 7 inch. There is a method called split-shotting, I do it with a jighead. I also use a snap on the jighead, I will fish a 1/8 jighead down to 20 feet or so, if the weather conditions and bite allow it. Sometimes they are a lot more aggressive and will take a heavier jighead, easier to keep down near bottom.


LOL my boat is slow, fishing against guys with 150`s to 225`s I had to think outside the box, all the water I hit had been fished earlier by others. I also do the conventional tactics, texas rig, carolina rig, if mine isn`t working.


If the weeds aren`t real bad I also swim a worm on a jighead over them, also a lizard, sometimes the hit will come after you pull it loose from weeds, looks like prey darting from cover?


I don`t get locked on one way to fish, I try to find what works, not what I want to feed them. LOL I had days when nothing seemed to work well either, still trying to figure what I did wrong.



Thanks for the tips Ohio! I will soon apply it and see what happens!


Thanks GCD. I think I have some of those handy also!

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Guest Johnny Bass
tough day of fihing man...it was the weather forsure that turned them off ...I dont usually do well in the rain....nice report tho and nice jig and pig fish


Ya man. Either that or its the jig and pig I was using all day. Though I finally figured out the hot colour right before we left, so next time I will clean house.

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Awesome report. It's good to read about all the various methods you used. It wasn't us that was slinging the rocks at you, but we were on the lake when you were on. Same as you, small pike and bass. For the life of us we had a VERY hard time locating the pickerel. What's with that lake? Once we did, do you think they would bite? Nope. The main bowl went down to 167 feet, but nothing around the edges. We were scratching our heads until we got home. We kept of the shorelines and fished the mid structures. Surface temps were warm at 71. Thanks for the great read!


Disco Phish

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