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What a load of horse-hockey pucks!!!


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At the meeting held in Little Britain on Wednesday the MNR spokesman said that the bacterium flavobacterium columnare causes columnaris which in turn killed off the carp...


What a load of crap!...if this was the cause why didn't it kill off other species?

Are we to believe that the bacteria mutated into a form that became carp specific?


I think not but that's their story and we are stuck with it... :angry:

Edited by Beans
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They claim they didn't put anything into the water...SURE !!!


Evidently the meeting became quite heated...


Too bad I can't attend the next meeting in Bobcaygeon next Wednesday at 07:00 pm...(wife's birthday)

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No, they didn't put something in the water to kill the carp, my understanding is that they put something in the water to try to control the weeds but what ever it was killed the carp. As for some sort of a "conspiracy"...... it wouldn't be the first time we've been blatently lied too!


I do not believe what the MNR are telling us, it just doesn't add up even with basic math. What ever happened to "accountability"? Oh, I remember if you are in government there isn't any!

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No, they didn't put something in the water to kill the carp, my understanding is that they put something in the water to try to control the weeds but what ever it was killed the carp. As for some sort of a "conspiracy"...... it wouldn't be the first time we've been blatently lied too!


I do not believe what the MNR are telling us, it just doesn't add up even with basic math. What ever happened to "accountability"? Oh, I remember if you are in government there isn't any!


That would make more sense since then Carp will be only affected since them being bottom feeders who happens to feed off plants also. But if that is the case you can just find the areas that had weed controlled and see if that areas had the same carp kills... And if the carp died due to feeding off it I'm sure the toxic report would of found it? <do they have that for fish?>


The carp kills where too isolated. It's can't be any sort of pollution, or bacteria. No idea what happened but I'm sure that it will happen again if it was natural.

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This stuff was found in other lakes but not Scugog? The Scugog kill was Carp only?

It sounds more likely that the Carp ate something that other fish stayed away from. Carp are not particularily weak fish are they?



I think a Freedom of Information Act request is $5. Has anyone done one before?


If someone goes to a meeting ask what tests were done and post them here. With the knowledge of what to ask for the documents can be asked for/obtained. Then again I am certain that there is some newspaper reported is all over this story. Is there?



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I don't find it hard to believe since the die off occured right after/during spawn when the carp would be heavily congregated and more apt to spread the virus. Younger fish would have not been as exposed to it and less likely to cross-contaminate. Catfish would not have been around the same areas either.

The virus is naturally occurring and, like other viruses like the common cold, is only an issue when populations get condensed for short periods of time.

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The term "invasive species' is given to a fish/animal that has yet no dollar value on the commercial or recreational market. Find a niche for them either comestible or sport (crossbow) and they'll be welcomed with open arms. Sorry, that's how I feel today. As long as someone is making money.....

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I realize I am in the minority here but the fish that died are just "carp" so what is the problem? As a species they are not especially vital or hard to replace as far I know. I don't see why anyone would care too much except for the smell and the cost of the cleanup. That might be because I have lost a couple of really great fishing spots to idiots who thought putting a few dozen carp would improve things.....


My opinion aside though the MNR should totally forth coming and not lie to the people who employ them meaning all of us taxpayers.

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