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Crucian carp?


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I don't have a picture since I didn't bring a camera but while I was fishing for carp I cought a Crucian carp. But I was sure there are non in Canada. And it was not a small carp, no small wiskers and I know what crucian carp looks like...


Does anyone have information if Crucian carp are normaly in the great lakes? I am wondering since I have never seen it before (till now in canada).


edit: will go out again and get pic asap.

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I don't have a picture since I didn't bring a camera but while I was fishing for carp I cought a Crucian carp. But I was sure there are non in Canada. And it was not a small carp, no small wiskers and I know what crucian carp looks like...


Does anyone have information if Crucian carp are normaly in the great lakes? I am wondering since I have never seen it before (till now in canada).


edit: will go out again and get pic asap.



How big was it? I have heard talks about crucian beging caught but most of them then proved to be not crucisan. Was the fight different from the common carp?

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Pictures of the fish in question caught last night. Sorry for the poor quality of the pics, It was dark out :P







comparing to the ink fish print we have at our house of the Crucian carp...




seem like Crucian carp to me... but little different the mouth is little smaller then I remember.

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So... there is no crucian carp normally in Canada?


I was float fishing for carp and I was keep getting very small nibble that would bring the float up and down over and over till the float was all the way up, just like carp pick up. I went fishing yesterday night just to get pictures, knowing that there where there we used smaller bait and 2cm off the ground just for a better show and not let the hook on the weed.


It was a nice night btw, lot of carp, broke the line twice. Most of our catch was small catfish, they bothered us all night.


edit: I put them back into the water after. I'm C&C guy and I don't think carp is good.

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Not wanting to ask exactly where you caught these fish, but . . Lake Ontario? A trib of Lake Ontario? I've caught a few common carp that were bass-like in shape (fat like a football) but NEVER to THAT extent? It WOULD be quite interesting to see what the Ministry identifies it as? I don't think you got 'em in Hamilton Harbour . . . . you wouldn't need a flash on your camera, eh?

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Photoz, I think we need to beat redx up to get the spot and keep that to ourselves....Just kidding ;-)


Redx, this is the closest to crucian I have seen so far. By the description of how you fish and how you don't keep fish, we have much in common ;-) If there are tons of these supposedly Crusian, I do suggest you to contact MNR. Did they fight any differently?

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Pm sent Photoz sir. :D


I hope to fish with you and wolfville, befor I get busy!


Photoz, I think we need to beat redx up to get the spot and keep that to ourselves....Just kidding ;-)


Redx, this is the closest to crucian I have seen so far. By the description of how you fish and how you don't keep fish, we have much in common ;-) If there are tons of these supposedly Crusian, I do suggest you to contact MNR. Did they fight any differently?


No need for beat, I'm sure you know that location. I seen few carpers there, just not that spot. And Did they fight any differently... sad to say they are not that hard fight. You know right away that you got it since they go side to side, and catfish will splash more and just come up.


:D I like to watch the float at night time, love it! :D I won't bother with the MNR till later when I have one in ice. I guess I have to go out more.


Btw:A brown goldfish, -_-;; bit disappointed. But there where few that were very odd shape, the 1st one I caught before yesterday did look more like Crusian then the one I took the pic of.

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Is there any chance that they could be buffalo? Buffalo are a native fish that closely resembles carp in appearance. There are both small and large mouth buffalo.


I don't think that they would be Buffalo, I was told they look like carp without barbels, like a big fat sucker. And they do get BIG, more then 35 pounds? <not sure, I just know its' big>


And I'm sure that there are no Buffalo in any lake in Canada.






-_-;; 97 pounds in Texas... WOW

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I want to go out and get one to send to the MNR, but Can't busy this week and the next.


I guess I will send my father with the camera tonight! He like fishing for them since this fish and catfish entertain him till the big carps come to the swim.

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