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Everything posted by Grimace

  1. Good Fishing man. I hope to get out there this week-end. You caught some really nice fish there.
  2. Nice job. Sounds like a great day.
  3. Graphite, Wire leaders, swivels, The float.
  4. The only thing it's missing is the dogs playing poker
  5. Picton Harbour is a nice launch. Good access point for your areas of choice. Like Mike the Pike said parking can get scarce if you get there too late
  6. Just wanted to post a link clarifying the new rules last year. For anyone who is getting into ice fishing this year and is confused by the rules that came out for last season. Or for anyone ( like myself ) who is in the market for a portable ice hut and did not pay too much attention last year when all the hoop-la happened. Here is the link to the ofah website that has a pdf of the fisheries guy who does a great job explaining the spirit of the law and as far as i can tell is saying that portables are ok without the numbers. http://www.ofah.org/fishresources/index.cfm?ID=33 I hope it is ok that I posted the link here. I just thought it would be informative. I copied the contents of the letter below. I also am not sure if that is ok either, I dont know what the protocol on such things are. If it isn't ok I figure an administrator could zap it fairly quickly. February 1, 2008 Mr. Jeremy Holden Fisheries Biologist Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters Ontario Conservation Centre 4601 Guthrie Drive Peterborough ON K9J 8L5 Dear Jeremy: Thank you for your letter of January 23, regarding the application of ice hut registration requirements in Ontario. The regulatory direction regarding placement of huts on ice for the purpose of fishing is set out in Sections 37 and 38 of O. Reg. 664/98 (Fish Licensing) under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997. The regulation, among other things, describes the size of the ice hut registration number (6.3 cm or 2.5 inches in height) and exempts tents made of cloth or synthetic fabric that have a basal area of two square metres (21.5 square feet) or less when erected. Regulations to register ice huts in certain areas of Ontario have been in place for many years. Recent amendments to this regulation expands the requirement to register ice huts to certain Fisheries Management Zones and identifies the dates when ice huts must be removed for those zones. The regulation allows for the identification of the owner of the ice hut for management purposes, requires the removal of a hut before it becomes a navigation hazard in the spring, and allows for enforcement action against the owner for violation of these provisions and may help in the prosecution of various other offences (e.g. littering). As pointed out in your letter, it is the first time that the regulation pertaining to ice huts made of cloth or synthetic fabric and the size restriction have been placed in the Fishing Regulations Summary which has led to questions from manufactures and anglers about portable ice huts. I want to confirm that the intent of the regulation is for the registration of ice huts that remain on the ice for the season, or parts thereof, and is not intended to apply to anglers who take portable, cloth or synthetic ice huts with them when they go fishing, and take them off the ice at the end of the fishing day. This has not been an issue since the regulation has been in place, but I agree that by putting the size restriction in the fishing summary that it will cause confusion amongst anglers on whether they have to register portable ice huts that fold out to larger than 21.5 square feet. … /2 - 2 - MNR supports your recommendation of consulting with anglers and the angling industry, to create a definition that properly excludes portable huts from the registration process. This will also involve a review of how other jurisdictions deal with this matter. In the interim, however, the regulation is in place and cannot be ignored. In the mean time our Enforcement Branch will update Conservation Officers concerning this issue and the purpose of the provision which will assist them in making good judgements in the field when encountering potential violations. However, our best advice to anglers at this time is to ensure that they have registered all ice huts which meet the present criteria and to display their registration number as provided for in the regulations To help achieve this, the registration procedure has been simplified and anglers may apply in person, phone, fax, or e-mail the MNR office to receive a free registration number. The number assigned is valid for all ice huts owned by the angler and is valid anywhere in Ontario and is not restricted to MNR District or Fisheries Management Zone boundaries. We would be pleased to meet with you to discuss ways of consulting on this subject and to hear your ideas so we can incorporate changes at the next opportunity to amend O. Reg 664. Yours truly, Chris Brousseau Senior Fisheries Biologist Fisheries Section c: L. Deacon, Enforcement Branch
  7. A buddy of mine use to have a "Give blood --- Fight Probert" T shirt. Anyone remember those shirts?
  8. Wendall Clark. Wasn't gay either. When he broke up with his old lady he crashed at Glen Anderson's place for a couple of weeks. That is when the rumours started. Complete nonsense. Gotta hand to Probert. He was great as well.
  9. Bill Hicks comments at the end of that movie are incredible. He has been dead for 15 years give or take. Imagine all the good material he would have come up with in that time given the events in that time.
  10. Don't they have tranquilizer darts for that sort of thing? If they didn't they definitely did the right thing.
  11. What a great looking fish. Congrats, being pointed in the right direction is one thing but to have patience, trust and know how to capitalize on it is another. That being said you guys still owe them a beer. lol. Cheers
  12. Nice job man.
  13. Give the guy a break Clamp-it. It's not like he was in a fishing tournament for charity or anything horrible like that. Nice fish man.
  14. Cold Ethel Rules!!!!
  15. Good looking stuff Cliff. I have been meaning to contact you about some of your streamers. They are great.
  16. Beautiful Brookies TS.
  17. You guys should look into perfect vue or bayview. They are closer to mouth of Hay Bay, so if you jet it around the corner you would be at the ferry at about the same time as if at merlands. The service there is way better as well. If you guys want to know more about them, pm Superdad. I think he stays at bayview. I am not a big fan of merland park either. I have had a few crappy trips there. Tip of the bay can handle a bunch of people and has a games room to play poker and stuff in for groups. They are right in Picton. Picton Harbour Inn is a good one as well. That sportsman inn is pretty dingy and you have to take your boat out every night. We had our truck and boat broke into one year as well at sportsman. it wasnt anybodies fault, it is just that that parking lot seems to be a perfect smash and grab location as it has a sideroad access with some tree cover.
  18. skamania are rainbows. I have not thought of crayfish for trout before. Was the shell on the gray fish soft or hard?
  19. Thats gross. What a bunch of pukes.
  20. It was a rough scene there last Wednesday. It's a shame. His poor parents back in Calgary must be devastated http://news.guelphmercury.com/News/article/376328
  21. Nice Job. They are around. The longest smallmouth I have ever caught outta the speed was 21.5 inches long, was only about 3 pounds though as it was skinny. But fight it did. They are in there for sure. I fish it out by Niska rd. They love poppers at dusk, and i use inline spinners by day. Lots of guys around here fly fish for them as well, if you get out of town a bit where the grass isnt cut there are massive hatches that go on and the smallies just go bananas on the bugs
  22. Not in Ministry courts dude.
  23. In all courts EXCEPT, Ministry of labour courts and Ministry of natural resources courts
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