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Everything posted by Grimace

  1. He also made Outdoor Life's News hound. As the first ever Lowlife of the week, And First ever "Outdoor News Hound Scum-Sucking Bottom-Feeder Award." Half way down the page on this link, look for the picture of the skunk. http://outdoorlife.blogs.com/newshound/2007/09/index.html
  2. Yep. Jamie Harland Gross was his name. A real piece of work. http://news.therecord.com/News/article/242611
  3. I am glad they are doing this for new engines being built. Less emissions is better for everything. New standards is how society moves ahead.
  4. Thanks for the heads up mike. I guess i was a little quick on the draw. hahahha. Oh well, I like looking around in Canadian Tire anyways. I love that store
  5. I just got back. It was 24.99. Not the Guelph are i guess.
  6. There is platinum in the cats that they like to take to the scrapyard
  7. Thanks Breach. I am going to go grab one right now.
  8. That sucks. Peanut backed brown trout everywhere
  9. I was doing some hunting around the internet and the best i can figure is that it is a piranha. The red bellied pacu's teeth are more square shaped. By what i can gather anyway.
  10. Great stuff. I would give anything to live up in your neck of the woods.
  11. Man is that ever a nice fish.
  12. Great fish. She is a beauty
  13. Yep. It would die in the winter. Some brain-dead threw it into the lake. Hopefully they will eat all the goldfish that have been thrown into the lake before winter lol
  14. Put the boat upside down in the ditch and take the wire off that trailer. It was all caused by the bolts popping. wink wink . lol. Wow man that is a rough day. Sorry to hear that.
  15. I have a 787c2 and Love it.
  16. You need enough power to plane the boat at least. Some underpowered legends wont even plane. So like Garyv says at least 80%
  17. Great Stuff. Can't beat a honeymoon like that. Looks like really nice lodge boats as well
  18. I think it used to be the fork but they changed it to the tip.
  19. I can't stop looking at the picture.
  20. I am somewhat disappointed with the Olympic showings in the past. At the same time we should be proud of our athletes and not bash them. Kind of like the way we support our troops Holdfast. Some people make fun and say our Military is a joke as well. I disagree with them also.
  21. Nothing wrong with them. I had some last night.
  22. The lindy no snagg rig is great as well. I would suggest searching alot of water out with the bottom bouncers and when you find fish stay on top of them with the lindy rig. You dont need any 3 way swivels with the lindy rig. It is a slip sinker. Good for smaller spinner set ups. For higher speeds and normal size spinner rigs I would go to a bottom bouncer.
  23. Bottom bouncers work great. You can also play the guessing game by adding snap weights. I would say go bottom bouncer. Good article here by In-Fisherman. Good Luck man. I like the 2 ounce bottom bouncers for up to 20 feet, or a little more. The general rule is an ounce for every ten feet of depth should keep good contact on the bottom. Colorado blade spinners up to about .9 mph of speed. summertime go willow leaf up to 1.8 or even 2.2. Good luck man. Bottom bouncing is a great way to cover water for walleyes in the summer. http://www.in-fisherman.com/walleye_inside...wi0407_Bouncer/ Wolf river rig works as well
  24. Looks like a mooching reel
  25. Congrats on a great day. I moved to the big game 30 lb as well and haven't looked back. I had 20 before and the fleas get bad on it. Love the cigar and fish pic.
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