I am way out of my league here but I have a couple of questions for the (many) people that know way more than I.
I attended the Lake Ontario Trout and Salmon Symposium last April in Port Credit. I was very impressed with the event. Of the talks given that day, the one that stuck in my mind the most was Dr. Tom Stewart's presentation on Lake Ontario's offshore food web called 'It's a Jungle Out There'.
Here is the link to Symposium, this is the page with the seminars on it. Attached in that page are the PDF's with each one's content. http://lakeontariofishingforum.com/speakers.html
This is the PDF for 'It's a Jungle Out There'. http://lakeontariofishingforum.com/2-Foodweb_Update.pdf
My question's. If we keep overstocking fish, will they not eat too much of the food and induce a bait fish crash?
And if the large amount of Fleas are eating all of the plankton and the Alewife have nothing to eat, won't stocking of trout and salmon then be kind of pointless?
I am not trying to be facetious in any way here, I am genuinely asking these questions. The answers might seem obvious to the people 'in the know', but for a weekend warrior like myself who only reads the odd piece and attends the odd seminar they might seem a bit more elusive.
Thanks for any replies that I might get. I probably should have started a new thread but seeing as this thread has taken this turn I figured I would just go with it. My apologies to the OP if this is looked upon as a highjack.