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Everything posted by icedude

  1. Agreed.that presentation is proven -Suckers in Rivers--kool thread-a sure sign of Spring Hope to see some OFC'ers @ The Orillia Pech gig--got an old OFC car sticker TJ was kind enough to give me a few years back on my sweater-lol Have Fun-Play Safe-Cheers !
  2. Hi All..Yes Gallie you read that right..No Fishing from: March 1st of any year to the Friday before the second Saturday in May We have had some healthy rain and the water levels is up and running fast today LSRCA engineering folks are good about managing the "damn dam" as it is affectionately referred to--the annual 14km Pefferlaw River charity canoe/kayak run is May 2nd I believe this year--they need to float their boats-lol Carp/Suckers are in...turbid water-no sightings Have a good week Cheers Paul
  3. Not yet Pete and All.. here...Pefferlaw River System is unseasonalbly low-until such time as our friends and associates at Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority can get to the water levels-we need a lot of rain to bring in a perennial favourite of Spring fishing Keep you posted Paul.
  4. Heck-easily confused myself-and that is on a good day-lol Could never get that Google Mail thang to work correctly--for me Not a luddite-also not tech savvy--maintain a Bell and Rogers account--Spam Free on both accounts Every success with Gmail bud
  5. --it makes sense--a good policy- would tend to agree
  6. WOW Worlds of Wonder- OFC Family-fascinating thread-Very mature-knowledgeable and--' classy'- of the ModSquad here not to pull-the-pin on this thread. When passions run fast and furious and ones science clashes/collides with another's science, it is a testament to this place.. members-admins-owners-sponsors et.al. that .. your point of view is respected here As some OFC'er said a while back--We have more in common than not Cheers ID1
  7. Subject may be as common as bottled-beer Spiel Another good shot none-the-less-lol Paul
  8. Reckon you're right Rodbender Spectacular shot dude !--am always glad to see you photographer-types sign your stuff-see Joey and Dustin Hoffman does this as well Good of you to share this shot Have Fun-Play Safe-Wear Cleats ID1
  9. no worries Wee Scot understood what you meant Cheers Mate ID1
  10. Perfect Sir: Worked for me as well--especially when the Red-Head bought the quilting loom last Christmas Never heard a Dang word since -seriously Not- No- Nada-Squat The logistics are Amazing as well SCL In Jackson's Point-where i visit often The Quilting Shoppe is situated right next door to the Bait and Tackle supplier Always cool when a plan comes together Cheers All Paul.
  11. Sorry to learn of your experience here ice fisher noted--we will follow your vessel going forward-relax-just kidding 2 cents yes-see you have a pm from valued member 'Fisherman'-Really Good Guy Captain Werner is a friend and runs one tight ship out of the Niagara Region-the man is a machine- and fishes 300 days a year-hard and soft water Young Ryan Hare-i have had the absolute pleasure with MNRF folks to be aboard his former boat-prior to the 33' Tiara What a passion-the kids unbelievable--good sandwiches too i might add No substitute for doing your homework Miss Maureen Aaron Shirley-forum member may chime in here Peace ID1
  12. AHHH The Voice of Reason No-am not in the lawn industry but from personal experience--this is route i went-and living in Oakville @ the time If the kidz Are old enuff-put a bounty--gloves on-on weeds Better Lawns Thru Chemistry does work--can bugger up your soil too Good Luck with it all Paul
  13. What a terrific online angling Community this is here @ OFC Priviledged to hang out with you 'Characters--Term of endearment i can assure you Family Friendly--and mostly devoid of Rudeness and on 'Tar get' with welcoming new fishers irrespective of gender--age or angling ability Stand By: sorry Not much to add here Cliff and Crew but have 2 cents to contribute Yes Shag--it is a City to-be sure Sir Victoria is well 'Beautiful BC' personified --bring cash--lol-it's true--maybe not rugged enough for you Cliff--medical logistics/access are absolutely top shelf in Victoria Haven't a clue as to costs The Sooke -SSL suggestion- believe -is clearly worth investigating for you and your lady--got to ensure that medical piece of-mind is there for you guys My eldest Brother aka as His eldest Brother-lol-lives in Powell River BC which i am blessed to visit 2x a year It's a life -style thang i guess--He grows tomatoes as we all do in our family-fishes every opportunity he has and water tests 'LEHR'-- Propane Marine Engines My vote Google Powell River Have a wonderful weekend ALL The world has no shortages of asses--tuffen up--Play Safe Let us know where you land Cliff Thanks Paul ps.--got some Burk' Falls Transplant-- Back-gammon player having a challenge coping with the thievery in Beaverton ON--of all Places--Then we are off to Bracebridge Dogs in Tow p.s. our very Own Barefoot Wader ? is a wealth of info on all things British Columbia to my knowledge Feel free to PM me--Mod Art has my contact info Cliff if we may be of any assistance to you and yours
  14. Not that it matters dave--but i couldn't agree with you more Nice pooch yah got there dude ID1
  15. x 10 young man ID1
  16. Sound advice HH--the place is Magical--most especially for Kidz --little pricey perhaps--It's a memory making event if you choose to go--Entertaining and educational IMO--Edutainment if you will Is it Spring Yet ? Punishing Winter GB Fisher--you can come out now brother--The ''WINTERNET" is almost over--sorry--couldn't resist Have FUN ID1
  17. Hey Cliff You hang in there Sunshine Many days i have wandered the south end of Lake Simcoe and Heck--even the east side of Barrie Bump in the road Take care Thunder
  18. x2 Have a good week All Paul
  19. Funny stuff guys--still fishing Carp thanks to you Steve How's that Postal Pension? The service sucks in Newmarket-lol Paul
  20. Up to three now-?-remember the young fisher last year--cute kid--future lake biologist i hope See you up there Take care, Paul
  21. You're all heart dude Haven't missed one in a few years Beans--Loonie Toons Hamilton--health permitting-manning the Q? Sure See yah there--trust Paul and Joey do NOT win Big Fish again-lol Peace ID1
  22. WOW--Elenor Rigby-What a gorgeous piece of music--for foks of a certain age Forgot that tune existed until now Always wondered if any Beatles were involved in the writing of this tune-George Martin was truly the 5th Beatle IMO Lush Orchestrations-Sophisticated Arranging Skills Well--right now--don't laugh please--it's a DANG ear bug--Bruno Mars--Funk Town--guest player Safe Ice PK
  23. MNRF--appreciate the clarity here Woodsman--assume you did a stint as a Conservation Officer ? Enjoy the Winter Paul
  24. For Sure Brian B.--been off hook lately--had a wee cyber chat with The French Fries about a month ago--looks like a go? Take Care Man Paul Noted: cut and "accurate" paste artist though --it's appreciated
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