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Everything posted by icedude

  1. Good health and a prosperous 2017 OFC Community Merry Christmas Play Safe ,Have "FUN" Cheers ID1
  2. Good Ice on Lake Simcoe This Year !

    1. Terry


      sure looks like it will be

    2. misfish


      Hey Paul, hope you had a great charter season.


      Looking forward to a long ice season. ;0)

    3. icedude


      Thanks Bri--happy to learn you can SEE the fishes better brotha

  3. Closer Look--absolutely stunning shot--what a beautiful bird ID1
  4. You're Classic-and i mean that in a positive way-- am tired too--pay attention lol--Seriously --what track is that? Cheers -Have a good one ! Paul
  5. Happy Holidays All--cool thread--excellent question--no don't have an answer yet but--a dear and valued member of our community here a full field Aurora Conservation Officer with the Initials DP--identified such a --off the record professional opinion - i had--they probably had O.F.A.H vet it-lol Got to respect that Answer--neighbours guest dog-lol Have a Kool Yule All Yours in conservation PDK
  6. Wouldn't know about that--hope this isn't a cheap shot Pal Joe Cocker was a fine fly fisherman ID1
  7. Thank You Jon--will do my level best to take this session in Monday Oct 3rd-Trust they have a good turn out Cheers Paul
  8. Yes i do Appreciate the update here Frog Have a safe--and FUN Summer Paul
  9. Is that True?-hahhaa-Clearly your" Buddy"--as my dogs are to me--- total inspiration/companionship and an absolute blessing to live with on a daily basis--and---let's be brutally honest Bud--The Husky takes a better Picture Sorry Have a safe and Happy Summer Drifter NB Pump up your Pontoon--left side looks--a trifle sketchy-JK Paul
  10. Dara--oops my fault-if i hung around our community here more often --would know that --hopefully-lol Cheers Dude Paul.
  11. I echo that sentiment Dara ! Thanks for the post Bravo to young Mr. French and All involved in his fund raising initiatives over the years Happy Day to the Fathers here Cheers ID1
  12. Stunning -Nice ! ID1
  13. Sad to hear he is gone as well--Always gave me the gears in a kind and funny way--got me hooked on Carp fishing he did--sad he didn't get to enjoy his retirement from the Post Office--was a good dude-he'll be missed R.I.P. Steve Paul
  14. hahahahaha--funny stuff Dude-LMAO-hahhaa Thanks ID1
  15. icedude


    x2 Thanks Mitch Paul
  16. This joint needs a Lew'o Clock post from time-to-time imho Thought maybe Lew got a consulting gig on Fire Safety in the U.S.A.--and forgot about Canadians eh? Nice to be missed--Better to be found Peace Have Fun-Play Safe All Paul
  17. x2-stunning work man Absolutely Stunning--would be afraid to fish with one Spiel to be honest
  18. Happy Friday Mr. Bailey-my personal Best. to George Bailey--"tough to keep those Bailey boys down" It's a Wonderful Life" A little respect maybe--the man is dead dude ! Pretty creative cat IMHO--on a positive vibe.... Dang Cold here David--on the Southern Shores of the Lake Simcoe--poor buggers from Trent University water sampling today-NP They're young--they'll get over it May 14th--Lake Trout and White Fish opener Have Fun--Play Safe ID1
  19. Hear Yah--Was true for myself Lucas and others and my nuclear family of 4--nay nay on the BMW-Broke My Wallet--did not do my homework-in-advance-House Poor-lessons learned--closing costs--oh yah there is this fee pal--oh didn't your real estate lawyer-Toronto Dude--inform you we close with a new Survey-on demand 1800 skin$ Bottom Line--borrowed a lawn mower--until i could afford my own It happens Tight Lines and straight shooting Paul
  20. Yes and ...thanks for all the nice stuff you do around this Community Roy--JMO--they don't pay you enuff Paul
  21. Just a follow up...4 x4-Thanks-- and all who may have missed the show watch online now. more docs at cbc.ca/natureofthings ID1
  22. Beauty shot bud !
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