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Everything posted by icedude

  1. Dang! yes -- added a word to my lexicon from hanging out with this Community you look like you may be in the magic box--still #7? was informed that we had to wait 2 hours and seven miniutes to vote again NW--we did0-lol Good Luck with it all Man did you see that cats KING Salmon a few posts back? SWEET Start to the Season what did that puppy weigh? 28.6 Port Credit is our PB--that FISH did need to read a Calendar look at the Silver on that Beauty!
  2. YES Sparrow would be a good choice unfortunately due to the Toronto Strike the Ontario Family Fishing Weekend GTA events at High Park and Toronto Islands have been CANCELLED have a look at www.familyfishingweekend.com Cheers Paul
  3. There yah be Storkey--hope you get adopted dude! will try and remember to vote again tommorow
  4. kool pic Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales maybe shot in 2007? ain't buyin it lads and lassies YES--have been blessed to share my life with a Great Pyreneese/Sheppard Cross "Tasha" fearless Happy Canada Day All ID1
  5. There yah Be YellowKnife Good Luck with it all!
  6. Barracuda's got the lads settled in for the nite Bass is Exciting for us old farts...go figure TwoCoda Two Codas--am of the same mind did not approve of the cats life-style--Chimps and Plush Toys and a cool million for the Elephant Mans Bones--Side Show Geek material to be sure having said that-- having wood-shedded at Berklee College of Music -Boston for 3 years in the early 80's--an Amazing Talent was Michael Jackson Truly gifted! Amazing Musician by any standard Mr.Timberlake should be paying Royalities as long as he walks this planet RIP
  7. LOL Roy Made Me Do It! Way to Funny!! no offence taken--don't sweat the small stuff Beans YAWN--another try at those Boring Bass Fish again tommorow--ZZZZZZZZZZZZ BANG! got to admit the entertainment factor here at OFC Community is well worth the price of admission Paul
  8. Congratulations! on the newest addition to your family a long time fan of Mermaid and Siren art- I had a well -endowed Mermaid loged on my first boat in Vancouver many moons ago how about SIREN 2 Miss Stress is pretty tough to beat whatever you end up calling her--Have Fun! Cheers ID1
  9. Fascinating! good of you to invest the time to give us the history here-- DEFINITELY a OFC Community Lakeair trip is on my Bucket List! great suff Cap"n Hooked Cheers Paul
  10. will flip you over 2 Rapala kid combos early next week via snail mail Have Fun at your event Cheers Paul www.familyfishingweekend.com
  11. too cute man--kindly consider allowing us to use this pic for our MNR/OFAH/National Sportmens Show --Take A Kid Fishing Poster-Pefferlaw Thanks Cheers Paul www.familyfishingweekend.com
  12. VERY cool-good on yah! some dudes got all the luck enjoy! Paul Take A Kid Fishing--Pefferlaw ON
  13. T.J. and Crew: man--talk about stick-to-it-niveness great stuff dude--Enjoy the milestone TJ-happy 100th!!! have you hugged your mods today? Cheers Paul
  14. good on yah nice catch dude did the darn thing fight? good eats--Course Fish-LS-and to think in the olde days they trashed that wonderful creature did i hear butter? Rice? a beverage of your choice? good stuff! Paul
  15. Bassman Marty and Crew never my intention to insult any member of this wonderful community healing words Maverick if you have ever met me on-the-water--i am as white as those KKK sheets from olden tymes grew up with Vancouver Salish-Reservation Rights---Yah we can fish dude real well thank you for asking Clearly not complaining here-or playing any race card no need to disparage our skills at the fishin thang BassMAN Peace Go Fish Paul Have a
  16. Good stuff! Pretty fish for sure must have been Fun don't yah just love this fishin thing we do? Check Ice Cheers Paul
  17. Nippy Sing we do an annual up in the near north Cara and Garnet's plus Dad trat us like Family--as we do them we use a Vexilar exclusively S-L-O-W from our limited experience and we go to FISH--catch up on our lives and share food and some laughs--fishing sometimes is secondary focus i know you all understand that sentiment Perch--yes--but we Live on LS so not so much WOW Jumbo Yellow Perch Factor for us fortunate to land some decent Walleye not our waters Nipissing something going on in that Lake---no one seems to want to talk about it however Stay Safe Check Ice Paul
  18. nice inventory you have there-can i borrow a few? lol get em wet would be my advise--and report back--Hula Popper and clearly---Spam free-Zone---Mepps Black Fury--a proven winner among novices and Pros a-like don't leave home without at least one in that plano box Tight Lines Have FUN Paul
  19. Very sorry to learn of the passing of your Father Jacques keep the memories bright---and hold him in your heart Take Care ID1
  20. hahahaha great stuff I'll be right behind yah JBF colour me gone------fishin Paul
  21. Bravo! good stuff-keep it commimg OFC Cheers Paul
  22. good stuff Terry nice choice of tunage too Cheers ID1
  23. 24- inches of solid safe ice when we were up last weekend you should be fine without the extension but..our auger head was pretty close to the hole so maybe yes lol your call Have Fun Paul www.lake-simcoe.ca
  24. good stuff Rick just got back from Nipissing--35 FOW Vexilar gain 2--lots of Cisco-around the 11am-1pm witching hour-all the same size--only there mother can tell them apart South Shore Ice Condos--40 below and more Walleye were so so --mostly slot size decisions-no tropies--lol no jurassic mud puppies--some jumbo perch--we fished hard hope to you and your son on Simcoe this season Tight lines all ID1
  25. caught that report as well--sad to be sure--if there is some validity to it all--quite frankly disturbing i do not have time for this nonsense--is not a response that one would expect on the surface as far as 'Fishermnsfrds' first post is concerned--how transparent is that--hiding in plain view dude? have had absolutely no conatct with Whispering Pines Simcoe to date--not--on our US referral list--clearly will never make the grade after this kind of press Thanks Paul for bringing this to the boards attention Cheers Paul
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