Say for some hypothetical reason you could only fish for one species for the rest of your life. I'm interested to hear your responses. What species would you choose?
Why? What method do you prefer to catch them?
I will start with my choice. I may be a little bias due to my location but Atlantic Salmon gets my vote. Kings of all chrome. I would fish them only and be quite happy.
Preferred method: 11 + foot rod/float reel.
Salmo Salar ftw!
Whats yours?
Salamanders, Painted Turtle, Ring-billed gull on a smithwick rogue, a next to new fishing net, a line tangle with 50 or so lures in it, a dead (already filleted) chinook salmon.
I would love to make a career of guiding on the St. Mary's. Its like heaven. Come fish for your salmon grand slam Atlantic, Coho, Pink, Chinook! Even Pinook!
This thread title mislead me to believe that it was about dinosaurs, more specifically, Raptor dinsours. I was throuroughly disappointed to discover basketball.
Well I hooked a fatty on a blue/silver cleo last week and the only strike that can compare is an atlantic salmon, in my humble, limited experience. I like cleos, cause they just work.