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Everything posted by Kinger

  1. I know that is gonna be a popular response hehe, and with good merit!!
  2. Say for some hypothetical reason you could only fish for one species for the rest of your life. I'm interested to hear your responses. What species would you choose? Why? What method do you prefer to catch them? I will start with my choice. I may be a little bias due to my location but Atlantic Salmon gets my vote. Kings of all chrome. I would fish them only and be quite happy. Preferred method: 11 + foot rod/float reel. Salmo Salar ftw! Whats yours?
  3. Large spoons of almost comedic or novelty proportions.
  4. Salamanders, Painted Turtle, Ring-billed gull on a smithwick rogue, a next to new fishing net, a line tangle with 50 or so lures in it, a dead (already filleted) chinook salmon.
  5. What if it isn't just a pass time?
  6. I would love to make a career of guiding on the St. Mary's. Its like heaven. Come fish for your salmon grand slam Atlantic, Coho, Pink, Chinook! Even Pinook!
  7. Love it! So many good fish in our water! Let's be friends.
  8. That thing looks sweet! Do you need like a pool cue for a rod or what?
  9. Nice! Those are some beautiful walleyes.
  10. hard seal it!
  11. Beautiful fish man.! It hurts to watch because I should have been there!
  12. Great link GCD, thank you. I'm just getting into custom lure making and I already feel the addiction.
  13. This thread title mislead me to believe that it was about dinosaurs, more specifically, Raptor dinsours. I was throuroughly disappointed to discover basketball.
  14. Best of Luck!! I'll look forward to seeing this. Too bad the SOO ain't BIG! hehe.
  15. I like my army down/gortex, i'm gonna be topless and warm underneath it in february.....standing in the st mary's rapids.
  16. haha damn Corel Center!! i wish i was going, hockey AND fishing together at last.
  17. Clarence, your avatar just made me literally laugh out loud haha, I love it!
  18. Thats a real beauty man, looking forward to this week!
  19. Grats man. Thats really crappy about the rod, but you nailed you're first steelie!! Good on you!
  20. Friggin' Zombies stinkin up the whole damn island.
  21. NOOOOO those are OUR wallies.!!
  22. Nice looking pin, is that a good starter pin? and how much was the reel if you don't mind?
  23. STOP LINING OOS TROUTS OMG!!! /sarcasm
  24. Well I hooked a fatty on a blue/silver cleo last week and the only strike that can compare is an atlantic salmon, in my humble, limited experience. I like cleos, cause they just work.
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